Why do we constantly hesitate and feel fearful in the face of important life choices?


This article explores the reasons for hesitation and fear in the face of important life choices, the regrets that come along with them, and the value and power of literature as a way to support students who make the conscious choice to study the humanities.


How are you? It’s been a long time since we last saw each other. I’ve always wondered how you were doing, and I’m glad to hear such good news. I’ve been tutoring you for a long time with great affection, and I’m sure you’ve worked hard and diligently in class to achieve what you have. I’m glad to see that your hard work has paid off. As you face what may be the most important exam of your life, I hope this message will give you some encouragement. I’m going to give you one last lesson with my heartfelt support for your dreams.
Jean-Paul Sartre, the French philosopher who famously turned down the Nobel Prize in Literature, once said, “Life is C between B and D.” Life is a series of choices and their consequences. Every day, we are at a crossroads, big or small, and we make decisions in the heat of the moment, not knowing how our lives will change depending on which one we choose. In fact, by the time we realize the consequences of our choices, we can’t turn back time, so we always hesitate. But I’m really impressed by the way you stood up for yourself in the face of such an important choice. It’s a courageous decision to follow your true aspirations in the humanities instead of the realistic and safe paths of medical, dental, or Chinese medicine. I admire you for that.
It’s no secret that being a humanities major is a tough choice. They are often referred to as “hungry disciplines” in the job market, and in a capitalist society, they may be considered less important than practical disciplines. But I want you to know that the humanities are not just about getting a job, they explore the nature of humanity, expose the injustices of society, and deeply influence our thinking and culture.
The reason I’m cheering you on in the face of these real-life challenges is that your choice was voluntary and based on your convictions. Above all, studying the humanities can be a much more fun and interesting journey than you realize. When other undergraduates are wrestling with thick textbooks, you can grab a cup of coffee and romance yourself in literature, which is something you don’t often get to experience in other majors. I’m sure that spending time thinking with philosophers and understanding the emotions of poets will inspire you.
Of course, as you approach graduation, the practical question will come back to haunt you: “Did I make the right choice?” But the truth is, the knowledge and experience you’ll gain from this program is priceless. The way you look at the world through literature will make you a deeper person, and it will make you the creative and sensitive person that society needs. The world is changing faster and faster, and new careers are emerging. How you choose to navigate that change is up to you, but I think your integrity and consistency will serve you well in any situation.
The younger generation wants security, but they’re also insecure, and I hope you don’t let that stop you from following your heart. Creative thinking and a strong will will eventually help you overcome any uncertainty, and the thinking skills and critical perspective you develop through the humanities will be invaluable in the future.
And remember. Thanks to machine civilization, we enjoy convenience, but at the same time, human communication is becoming increasingly disconnected from cold machines. In such times, warm disciplines such as literature can play an important role in touching people’s hearts. Literature may seem poor, but the deep thoughts and feelings contained in it are not. If you can look at the world through such literary thinking and persuade people, it will be a great achievement and happiness.
So I hope you can walk confidently on this path you have chosen. Remember that I will always support your dreams.


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I'm a blog writer. I like to write things that touch people's hearts. I want everyone who visits my blog to find happiness through my writing.

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.