Why are ‘random crimes’ increasing, and how should we respond?


The increase in random crimes can be attributed to societal trends that blame external factors for personal impulse disorders, the influence of online violence, and the societal value of assertiveness over patience. Solutions include addressing internal conflicts, strengthening internet content regulation, and fostering ethical consciousness.


Random crimes are becoming more frequent these days. This trend stems from people’s inability to control their temper and their tendency to express anger impulsively. So, why is inappropriate anger expression so prevalent in society? The article points out three main reasons. First, personal impulse disorders are blamed on society, leading people to look for external rather than internal causes. Second, conflicts that begin online spill over into real life. Third, society values assertiveness over patience, which is also a problem.
So, how can we address the root causes of random crimes? Let’s analyze the first reason. Blaming others instead of taking personal responsibility stems from a reluctance to acknowledge internal conflicts. When feeling anxious or unsettled, it is advisable to visit a counseling center for immediate help. Instead of dismissing stress as common and insignificant, it’s better to talk it out and seek comfort from a reliable person. If the stress feels overwhelming, do not hesitate to visit a medical professional for regular check-ups and treatment. Additionally, the media should be cautious when attributing social issues to societal problems. Media has a strong influence on viewers, and people may easily blame society for their troubles without examining their inner issues. Media should not only report on random crimes but also detail the punishments given to the perpetrators to raise awareness and deter future crimes.
Secondly, the problem of the internet exacerbating impulse control issues also significantly affects children, necessitating effective solutions. With advances in graphic technology, violent games online have become more realistic and accessible to everyone. Strengthening internet content ratings, frequently displaying warning messages during games, and encouraging healthy after-school activities can help reduce children’s exposure to harmful games. Furthermore, incidents like the recent “DC Inside incident,” where online anger manifests in real life, highlight the need for stricter regulations. Administrators should monitor and control the content rigorously and receive incentives for doing so, but also face penalties if incidents occur on their platforms.
Thirdly, the societal value of expression over patience is problematic. As society leans more towards individualism, selfishness, and competition, there is a growing fear of losing one’s possessions and the belief that others’ happiness comes at one’s expense. However, it is impractical to eradicate these entrenched behaviors entirely. Modern individuals should strive to appreciate what they have and take time for self-reflection. For instance, companies could incorporate short meditation sessions during work hours, and instead of starting the day with stress-inducing lectures, managers and teachers could share motivational quotes that foster conscience and patience. Proper ambition should be viewed as a means for self-improvement, not as a tool for harming others, and nurturing ethical conscience should become a societal norm. When setting goals, individuals should consider their societal impact, cultivate a habit of self-praise for ethical behavior, and openly share their achievements. Society should learn appropriate ways to express emotions, and adults should teach children to express themselves logically and appropriately while also knowing when to yield and endure.


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