What is thematic integrative reading and how can it help solve complex problems in modern society?


Thematic integrative reading is a way of reading that involves critically reading and integrating a variety of texts on the same or similar topics to form one’s own point of view. It allows you to compare different perspectives, develop critical thinking and reasoning skills, and build the synthesis needed to solve complex contemporary problems.


Thematic integrative reading is the critical and integrated reading and reorganization of texts from different perspectives and forms on the same or similar topics and themes. Readers who engage in thematic integration should not only compare texts of different content and formats, but should also integrate the content of the texts selected for the purpose of reading to develop their own perspective on the topic. The process of topic integration can vary depending on the purpose of the reading, but it usually involves the following steps
First, the reader decides on a topic to explore based on the purpose of the reading. In this process, the reader should have a clear understanding of what they want to know, and it is important to set the scope of the topic. Next, find books that are related to the topic by referring to book titles or book reviews, and create a reading list. When creating this list, consider different perspectives and approaches to the topic. Next, quickly skim through the books you’ve collected to figure out which parts of the book you want to focus on, and if a book isn’t relevant to your topic, you can remove it from your reading list altogether or replace it with something else. This activity helps you refine the topic you want to explore.
When you read the selections, read them carefully, but make sure you understand what you read in your own words. Analyzing in your own words means interpreting the key concepts in the text as they relate to your topic of inquiry. It’s more than just reading and understanding the text; it’s thinking about how the text connects to your topic and what new perspectives it offers. When you’re done reading, you compare the content, form, and author’s point of view to form your own perspective on the topic you’re exploring. Your point of view can be formed by criticizing or supporting a particular point of view in the text you’ve read, or it can be a new point of view that differs from that of the text you’ve read. You can use the texts you’ve already read as evidence to support your point of view, and you can cite passages from the texts you’ve read to do so.
Integrative reading helps you develop critical thinking skills by comparing different points of view, and reasoning skills by understanding the intentions and perspectives of different authors. It also requires you to read multiple texts without bias, so you can gain a balanced understanding of a topic and generate knowledge in various fields based on a broad understanding of the topic. Modern society has a more diverse living environment than in the past, and this has led to an increase in complex social problems. Social problems of this nature cannot be solved with the knowledge of only one discipline. We need to integrate knowledge from the humanities, natural sciences, engineering, and the arts to create new solutions that have never existed before.
In this regard, interdisciplinary reading is gaining traction as a way of reading that develops the skills we all need to live in the modern world. For example, when dealing with issues related to climate change, it takes more than just scientific knowledge. Environmental policies, economic impacts, social changes, etc. need to be taken into account, so an interdisciplinary approach is required. Interdisciplinary reading is therefore an important way to not only foster personal intellectual growth, but also to develop the synthesizing thinking skills needed to address complex contemporary societal issues.
Interdisciplinary reading allows us to go beyond the acquisition of information and seek deeper understanding by integrating different perspectives. It expands our mindsets and helps us find more creative and innovative ways to solve problems. By practicing interdisciplinary reading, we can become more flexible and insightful thinkers in a complex and diversified modern world.


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