What is the controversy over the abolition of specialty schools and independent schools in South Korea?



In this blog post, we’ll discuss the controversy surrounding the abolition of specialty schools and independent private schools in South Korea.


What are specialty schools and self-supporting private schools?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about abolishing specialty schools and independent private schools. In fact, the issue of abolishing these schools has been debated for a long time. In this blog post, we’re going to take a stand on the issue of specialty schools, foreign language high schools, and independent schools. We’ll take a look at the characteristics of these schools and the issues that are currently being debated. First, let’s characterize each of these schools
Specialized high schools, short for special-purpose high schools, are high schools that aim to provide specialized education in special fields such as science, arts, and physical education. With the enactment of the Enforcement Decree of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 1998, the institutional basis for designating high schools for specialized education in several special fields as special purpose high schools was completed. Accordingly, special purpose high schools are required to provide gifted and talented education for the purpose of early identification of students with outstanding talents in specific fields such as science, foreign language, arts, and international, and to develop their creativity. In addition, the purpose of establishing special purpose high schools is to train specialized personnel to work in national key industries such as industry, agriculture, marine, and fisheries. Special purpose high schools can be divided into gifted and talented and national key industries. First, special purpose high schools for gifted and talented students are institutionally allowed to set up and operate different curricula and select students differently from general high schools. However, as science high schools and foreign language high schools have become more focused on preparing students for college entrance, as opposed to their original purpose of fostering creativity and developing talents in specialized fields, it has become necessary to restrict their autonomy. The need for new institutional support for gifted and talented education was also raised. In 2000, the Promotion of Gifted and Talented Education Act was promulgated and subsequently enforced, enabling the establishment of new gifted and talented schools, and since 2003, Busan Science High School has been designated and converted into a gifted and talented school, continuing gifted and talented education at the high school level. Special purpose high schools to provide specialized vocational education in national key industries were proposed as a way to diversify the existing system of vocational high schools along with specialized high schools aimed at fostering talents in specific fields. In particular, the 2000 Plan to Foster Practical High Schools actively encourages the state to support the development of human resources in national key industries or areas where market failures may occur, and to designate vocational education institutions in these areas as special purpose high schools. Foreign language high schools, also known as foreign language high schools, are among the special purpose high schools that focus on foreign languages. English is the main language of study, with a minor in another foreign language. Since foreign language high schools are one of the subsystems of specialty high schools, we won’t go into their characteristics, as they are described above.
Next, autonomous private high schools, also known as independent private high schools, are high schools that autonomously operate curriculum, academic affairs, etc. according to the founding philosophy of private schools. It is a school model introduced by the Lee Myung-bak administration in 2010, which expanded and developed the autonomy of schools more than the existing independent private high schools. It operates without government support and is funded by tuition and foundation donations, and tuition can be up to three times the level of regular schools. The designation of independent private schools is decided by the minister of education in consultation with the minister of education, and independent private schools are evaluated every five years to determine whether they should be re-designated or canceled. In accordance with the national task called ‘High School Diversification 300 Project’ and the amendment of related laws and regulations, including the amendment of the Enforcement Decree of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, private schools operate autonomously in terms of curriculum, academic management, etc. according to the founding philosophy of private schools, and implement a diverse and unique curriculum for each school. Autonomous private high schools, a type of school promoted by the government to foster creative talents and meet the diverse educational needs of students and parents in the era of globalization, are expected to expand students’ school choice and the autonomy of private schools. To this end, they are expected to be able to flexibly operate academic operations such as curriculum management in accordance with the founding philosophy, no-grade classes based on ability, and increasing or decreasing the number of school days, and pursue a high school model that expands the results of the six existing pilot programs of autonomous private high schools nationwide, such as expanding student choice and increasing student and parent satisfaction, while minimizing problems such as causing private education costs.


Controversy over the Abolition of Specialized High Schools and Self-Supporting Private High Schools

The abolition of specialty high schools and independent private schools is highly controversial. In 2019, the government announced that foreign language high schools, international high schools, and independent private schools will be converted to general high schools from 2025. The reforms include the following From March 2025, when the Ministry of Education fully introduces the high school credit system, 79 autonomous private high schools and special purpose high schools, foreign language high schools and international high schools, will be converted to general high schools. Among gifted schools and special purpose schools, science, arts, and physical education schools will not be converted to regular schools after 2025. Students will no longer be able to enroll in independent private, foreign language, and international schools from the fourth grade. After 2025, when independent private high schools and foreign language high schools are converted to general schools, existing foreign language high schools, such as Seoul Daewon Foreign Language High School, will be able to keep their names and continue to operate their specialized foreign language curriculum, but they will no longer have the right to select students and will be assigned to schools based on student choice, similar to other schools in Seoul. The Ministry of Education and the MOE will provide KRW 1 billion for three years for each independent private high school, foreign language high school, and specialty high school that converts to a regular high school en masse, allowing them to keep their name and specialized curriculum. In addition, the scope of student recruitment for independent private high schools nationwide and general high schools nationwide will be changed from city to province. This means that by 2025, students will be selected based on school-specific criteria, including exams, in areas that are not leveled. Science high schools and gifted and talented schools will not transition to general high schools, but will improve their selection methods, including eliminating paper-based assessments (problem-based tests) for gifted and talented schools.
The MOE explained that the decision to switch to general high schools was made to ensure fairness in entrance examinations and prepare students for future high school education, saying that independent private high schools, foreign language high schools, and international high schools have deepened private education and led to inequality in educational opportunities based on parental income. He also explained the background of the reorganization plan, saying that the current high school system is hierarchized into “first-class and second-class,” causing problems such as awkwardness, and that the government has taken seriously the public’s concern that educational disparities lead to social class differences. However, concerns have also been raised that the so-called Gangnam 8 districts could be revived if independent private schools and foreign language high schools are abolished. In response, the expert noted that recent statistics have not shown that the reorganization of the high school system has had an impact on Gangnam real estate, suggesting that the concerns may be psychological. In this regard, 51.3 percent of public opinion favorably evaluated the idea of converting self-supporting private and specialty high schools into general high schools, while 40.6 percent disapproved. More than five out of 10 people said it was a “good idea,” with positive ratings across all age groups. Despite the far greater number of favorable opinions, the public is still split.
The proponents of the reform argue that it should be abolished because it accelerates the perpetuation of privilege. To elaborate on this point, first, independent private schools are supposed to be autonomous and creative, but in reality, they operate a curriculum that reinforces the state, state-owned and state-controlled system of higher education. Therefore, they cannot contribute to the diversification of public education or stimulate public education. Second, the reason why independent private schools perform well in entrance exams is that they receive better students than general schools. Third, the tuition of independent private schools is 2.5 to 3 times higher than that of general schools. It is not easy for a poor student to survive even if he or she enters the socially-advantaged program, so the income level of the parents determines the school for their children. Self-supporting private schools hinder social integration through education. Currently, students with the best grades in middle school choose specialty schools, followed by independent private schools, and those with poor grades or financial capabilities go to general schools. Self-supporting private schools are undesirable because they lead to school hierarchy and accelerate the phenomenon of general school slums. Finally, they argue that school choice is not respected. School choice should not be limited to those who can afford it and have good grades, and if the adverse effects of independent schools are significant, they should be abolished, even if there are certain restrictions on individual freedom of choice to pursue the public good. This is the main reason why the Constitutional Court ruled that high school leveling is unconstitutional because it infringes on the right to school choice.
On the other hand, those who oppose its abolition argue that it should be retained because it complements high school equivalency policies. To elaborate on this, the first argument is that it creates a climate of acceptance. High school equalization means that students with different academic abilities and aptitudes are taught in the same classroom, so they sleep at school and study at tutoring centers after school according to their academic abilities. Self-supporting private schools make school a place to study, not a place to sleep. Students who choose their own schools and enroll in them are proud of their schools and work hard, and teachers work late into the night to teach their students well. Second, it increases the autonomy of private schools. Unlike foreign countries, Korean private schools were operated in a way that was not differentiated from public schools through the middle school examination-free system and high school leveling policy. With the introduction of self-supporting private schools, the purpose and founding philosophy of private schools have been respected, and the autonomy of private schools has been enhanced, providing parents and students with a wider range of school choices. Third, it is not an aristocratic school. Because independent private schools do not receive government support, they charge tuition fees in the range of three times the general fee to operate the school. They don’t receive support for teachers’ labor costs from the Ministry of Education, which puts them under more financial pressure. The idea that independent schools are aristocratic is a prejudice, he says. Finally, they argue that they can compensate for downward standardization. Although the high school standardization policy has the advantage of eliminating the entrance examination hell and reducing the cost of private education, it has caused the problem of downward standardization of high schools by eliminating the principle of competition through excessive uniformity. It is argued that independent private schools have allowed students to choose a school according to their various academic abilities, aptitudes, and hobbies, while maintaining the basic framework of high school standardization.


Advantages and disadvantages of specialty schools and independent private schools

With the announcement of the direction of high school education reform, many middle school students and parents who are preparing to enter high school are deeply worried about the future of the education system. They wonder if special purpose schools or autonomous private schools will have an advantage if the school day is expanded, and if the school life record book is simplified and university-specific tests are made easier, will general schools with easy to manage grades have an advantage? Admissions experts advise students to choose a high school that better capitalizes on their strengths and goals. This is because the amount of effort you put in after entering high school will determine your success or failure three years later. Parents who have children in middle school may be worried about the abolition of the program in 2025, which is still about five years away. In response, experts said that all types of high schools have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is not necessarily a disadvantage to go to a general high school, nor does going to a specialty school or independent private school lead to college success, and emphasized that self-understanding and goal setting are more important than admissions policies when choosing a high school. Therefore, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of each school.
First, unlike specialty schools and independent private schools, general schools recruit students by region. Because of this, the distribution of grades from the top to the bottom is generally evenly distributed, and it is easier to manage the internal grades than specialty schools and independent private schools. The main focus of the 2022 college entrance examination reform plan is to expand the number of entrance examinations based on the SAT to more than 30%. If only this part is emphasized, going to a general high school could be considered a disadvantage for college entrance. However, it is also worth remembering that the reform also states that “universities that have operated more than 30% of the curriculum for students on a rolling basis will have autonomy over the percentage of on-time students. However, due to the curriculum, the required units of study for each subject are set higher than those of independent private schools, which limits the ability to customize classes for each student and does not allow for specialized and in-depth education in specific fields like specialty schools. In addition, it can be difficult to systematically prepare for the comprehensive entrance examination because schools are limited in the number of extracurricular activities they can offer. However, compared to specialty schools and self-supporting private schools, the administrative burden is relatively low, so various activities are possible depending on the student. In addition, the reorganization of the student affairs department has simplified the list of awards and extracurricular clubs, which have been considered disadvantageous compared to other schools, and if you maintain a sincere school life, you can show your strengths in the overall student affairs department.
The following specialty high schools have more autonomy in curriculum selection than general high schools, so they run various on-campus activities and programs, and thanks to this curriculum, it is relatively easy to prepare for university-specific exams and in-depth oral exams. Since the announcement that the percentage of on-time enrollment will increase by more than 30% in the 2022 college entrance exam, interest in specialized and independent private schools has increased among junior high school students and parents. This is due to the idea that the high quality of students with defined careers and career goals can be an advantage for SAT study. However, since specialty schools select students who are in line with the school’s purpose and curriculum by checking their motivation and application plan, students who change their career path while enrolled in a specialty school may have difficulty continuing their studies. In addition, due to the fierce competition among excellent students, there are difficulties and limitations in managing the internal record, which can be very disadvantageous if you are considering applying for a curricular program.
Autonomous private high schools, especially independent private high schools, are the most liberal of the high school types, as their founding purpose stipulates that private foundations have the autonomy to control education. While it can vary from school to school, they tend to have a high concentration of units in major subjects, and a strong emphasis on discussion and presentation, as well as a self-paced learning environment. Unlike special schools, independent private schools are not restricted by career paths or programs, allowing them to customize curriculum and programs for students. Based on this curriculum autonomy, they have the advantage of being able to compare and manage courses for various careers. Because the curriculum is flexible, it is less likely that students will have problems combining their studies with additional activities even if they change their career paths midway through their studies. In addition, independent private schools are characterized by the ability to run multiple programs that can be prepared on time as well as at any time. Just like special schools, independent private schools have a more favorable environment for comprehensive entrance examinations than general schools due to their unique curriculum, excellent teachers and students, and various programs, and they can also help students prepare for the SAT.
Students should consider these advantages and disadvantages and make a choice according to their career path and goals, and I hope that by listing these advantages and disadvantages, the choice will not be life-defining.



One of the most hotly debated issues in Korean society is the abolition of independent and specialized high schools. In order to understand the current situation, we’ve outlined the concepts of independent private schools and specialty schools, as well as the opinions of those in favor and against. Both sides of the debate have valid points. However, if I had to choose a side, I’d have to say that I’m in favor of the latter, and here’s why.
It’s ironic that middle schools, which were once a cost-free zone for private education about 20 years ago, are now the highest spending schools among elementary, middle, and high schools. The burden of entrance examination competition seems to have taken over the lives of middle school students, as the unfair entrance examination system, which selects gifted high schools, specialty schools, independent private schools, autonomous schools, science schools, and general schools in that order, has been firmly established, and the perception that entering a privileged school is an advantageous base for university entrance examination has taken over the lives of middle school students. Although privileged schools were established under the guise of diversity in education, the public knows that they are nothing more than prestigious schools with an advantage in entrance examination competition. The real essence of independent private schools and foreign language high schools is that students with similar grades and similar economic backgrounds want to be favored in the college admissions competition. Not only has the introduction of educationally natural systems such as the absolute evaluation of intrinsic value been postponed for 10 years, but even systems that help normalize high school education, such as the comprehensive examination for students, have come to be distrusted by the public and students, and the burden of competition threatens the necks of elementary school students. It has already been concluded by the international community that a country cannot compete by segregating and educating children from well-off families who have no experience of coexisting with others. Therefore, if the country wants to gather some gifted people to pursue excellence education, it must be based on a solid foundation that allows the results to be shared among various members. The problem of privileged schools starts from the infant and toddler market, where children are swept up in the private education craze in middle school to go to a privileged school, and early education is given to infants and toddlers to prevent them from being left behind in middle school and elementary school. It is questionable whether this is really beneficial to students.
I also looked at the issue from the other side of the spectrum, and looked at what they claim to be the standard of judgment, both in terms of the privileging of special education for the children of well-to-do families and the risk of community disintegration through policies that create social dysphoria and fail to take care of students who are left behind. The standard is foreign languages, math, science, physics, art, and physical education. But I thought about whether the humanities and philosophy are missing from the criteria. Whether it’s because they’re not practical or because they don’t make money, it’s obvious that you need to be good at Korean, English, and math to go to university. But I don’t think that’s the most important thing for human beings. It seems to me that the most difficult thing in the world is to create and maintain relationships between people. What makes this possible is the ability to persuade, to unite, to lead, to guide others, to encourage those who are behind, and to help them become self-reliant. As a member of a social community, each person must respect his or her own territory and treat the other with respect, so that mutual law and order can be maintained and mutually beneficial changes can be made. As the times change, children are growing up in an environment of excessive competition where manners and consideration are ignored. In such a situation, the country must constantly consider education in order to determine whether the children who grow up will be helpful or harmful to Korea.
The government has announced that foreign language high schools, international high schools, and self-supporting private high schools will be converted to general high schools from 2025. There are still opponents. However, it is hoped that the proponents and opponents can be reconciled so that children can be educated in a fair society.


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