Sample family thank you greeting for celebrating a child’s first birthday



This is a sample family thank you greeting for a child’s first birthday celebration. It will be very helpful for parents who are preparing for their child’s first birthday celebration.


First birthday greeting for ○○ growing up in love and blessings

Greetings. This is Grandma ○○, who celebrated her first birthday today.
Thank you so much for the many congratulations. With your blessings, I believe my baby will continue to grow up healthy and beautiful.
The birth of a life is an infinite blessing. We can’t tell you how much joy your presence has brought to our family. We are so happy to be celebrating this special day because of your support and love.
As some of you may know, he was born prematurely, so he spent some time in an incubator instead of being with his mom right away. It’s hard to describe how heartbreaking it was to see him so tiny and skinny, and how I felt at the time. I can’t imagine how his parents must have felt. Not only did I feel sorry for ○○, but also for the other children, who were living in fear of something going wrong.
At that time, I was in the hospital, and I was thinking a lot. I was constantly worried and anxious about whether my baby would grow up healthy and what his future would be. But thanks to the dedicated efforts of the medical staff and the constant prayers of our family, he grew stronger and stronger every day.
I am so grateful that she is now growing up so healthy and well. I’m so grateful that she is now an excellent child and the hospital told us to be careful not to let her become obese. I hope that she will grow up healthy and not make her mom and dad suffer.
Also, I would like to tell my daughter-in-law that it was really hard to raise ○○ for a year, especially while she was in the hospital, and I know that she must have been bigger than anyone else, but please don’t worry because she will be healthier than anyone else in the future.
My only concern is that as a parent, you’re always vulnerable in front of a sick child, and I’m afraid that you’re going to be too wrapped up in the memories of that time. I’m sure you’re well aware of this, but I’m speaking from a place of old age, so please give it some thought.
Also, I don’t want my son to neglect his family because he’s busy. Nowadays, we don’t have a large family like we used to, so the role of babysitting can’t be shared, so dads need to pay more attention and share childcare, so please keep that in mind.
As a grandmother, I’ve said a few things, but I think that my daughter-in-law, who is a good and kind person, and my son, who is a sincere and caring person, will raise ○○ well and make a beautiful and happy family, and I think that you will wish ○○ a happy first birthday with that kind of heart, and I would like to thank you again for being here, and I hope that you will spend the rest of the time eating and chatting and having a good time.
Thank you.



Thank you from the family for your child’s first birthday celebration

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the blessing of our child’s first birthday.
It is a beautiful season when the breath of life begins to rise from the frozen ground and spring color begins to spread across the living things. The spring energy is so pretty and good that I feel like something good is going to happen. It is a great blessing to have the first birthday party for our precious first daughter ○○○ in such a nice weather.
When I think back to the moment she was born, my heart is full. The day this precious life that came to us cried for the first time, the world looked new and a new chapter in our lives unfolded. Every day has been a new surprise, as we’ve felt the weight and joy of parenthood in equal measure.
We are so grateful that you took time out of your busy schedule to come and congratulate us on our little one’s first birthday, and we can’t believe how quickly time has flown. I vividly remember the day my child saw the bright lights of the world. When he knocked on the door of the world, it was a moment that opened a new world for my wife and I. We had many questions about how to raise this precious gift from heaven, but we are so happy that he has grown up healthy.
The memories of the past year came flooding back to us as we prepared for this celebration. From the first time we saw her smile, to the first steps she took, to the sleepless nights we spent taking care of her, each one has been a treasure to our family. We can’t wait to share them all with everyone here today.
I would like to say a nice greeting to those who have taken such a difficult step, but I can only say thank you. Instead, I will not forget the love you have shown my family and ○○○, and I will raise him to be a good and wise child, a gentle child who will light up the world, a child with a good mind. I will also raise him to be as bright as the sun in the sky, as green as the buds on the ground, and as strong as the waves in the sea. Above all, I will build a beautiful family full of laughter with ○○○ and develop into a family that is an example for society.
Thanks to your encouragement and love, we can gain strength and move forward. We hope that you will always encourage our family as you have done so far and watch our daughter grow up with warm eyes.
I also wish you all good health and happiness, and I sincerely hope that your wishes will spread as warmly as the sunshine on this spring day. The food we have prepared is small but sincere, so please enjoy it, and we have prepared a small gift to commemorate the Stone Feast of ○○○, which we hope you will accept.
Thank you once again, and we hope that today will leave a warm memory in your hearts. Thank you.



Season’s greetings from the family

Greetings, everyone! The streets are filled with colorful, beautiful flowers that were only seen in florists last winter. In this season, when the spirit of spring is prevalent, we are once again facing a new beginning. When I was a child, I couldn’t understand my mother, who would scold me for wasting money when I bought flowers, but as I grew older, I found myself becoming that person. When I saw myself judging flowers on the street not by their color or scent, but by their price, I thought that growing older is a process of exchanging sensitivity for a sense of reality.
I try to return to my younger days whenever I can, and I would like to tell my little ○○i, who has been born for a year, to be the same person all the time rather than following the passage of time. It’s a warm spring in May, and I wish you a refreshing May while smelling the scent of flowers.
Today marks the one-year anniversary of the birth of our beloved ○○i. From being too small to be held in our arms, we are so happy to see him grow up and celebrate his first birthday. I still remember the moment I heard his first cry and the overwhelming emotions I felt.
I would also like to thank his mom for carrying him for ten months, giving birth to him after more than 10 hours of labor, and raising him well for another year. I think seeing his mom look at his face and smile after giving birth to him after a long labor made me think again about the relationship between parents and children, and the love I have for my parents who gave birth to me and raised me until now. I realized that being a parent is a sacrifice and love that cannot be put into words.
I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to my family and friends who have watched over ○○ throughout the year. I have felt and learned so much from watching him grow up healthy, and this happy day would not have been possible without all of your help and support.
I wish you all the best in the future, and I hope that ○○ will grow up to be full of love and happiness. May you all have a refreshing May, smelling the flowers, and may you always be healthy and happy. Thank you for being here with us today.



Thank you from Dad on his child’s first birthday

How are you? Greetings from ○○’s dad.
Thank you so much for joining me and ○○ on this golden weekend. Have you had enough food to eat? I hope you’ll take your time and enjoy this time to chat.
I can still remember the moment when ○○ was born. I remember that moment when I cut the umbilical cord with my hands, and it was indescribably moving. I thank God for this blessing, and I am so grateful to my wife for giving birth to him in good health after a very difficult labor.
As he grew up, he brought me joy every day. The first time he smiled at me, the first time he started to hold his head, the first time he stood up, and every little moment he grew up brought joy to me and my family, especially my mom and dad, who are so in love with their grandchild. I didn’t want to miss the moments when he grew up, so I was eagerly pressing the shutter, and I’ve collected some of those photos and made a video. Please take a look at how ○○ has grown up.
I suddenly realize that life itself has changed while raising a child. Of course, as a mother who has given birth to and raised a child, there are many things that I feel as the head of a family. I used to be used to living outside, but I feel that I value my time at home more, and I feel more responsible for my work. I want to make sure that my kids get to spend more time with their dad as they get older, but I’m not sure if that will happen. My social life isn’t exactly the way I’d like it to be, but I’m going to try my best.
For me, my dad was a symbol of authority, and he was always strict, and it’s hard to have a casual conversation with him. There are times when you need a fatherly authority, but I want to be more of a friend. I realize that might not work out the way I want, but that’s what I’m trying to do. I’m also planning various activities that I hope will strengthen my relationship with my child. We want to make special memories every weekend, whether it’s camping, traveling, or visiting amusement parks.
Please keep an eye on us to see if we are raising a good family. I pray that your family will always be filled with happiness and love. Thank you so much for coming, and I hope you have a great time. Thank you.



Thank you from a mom at her child’s first birthday party

Hello, everyone.
I’d like to thank everyone for celebrating ○○’s first birthday today. As many of you said, we will do our best to raise her as a good and beautiful daughter.
When I first gave birth to my daughter, my biological mother repeatedly told me to be a good mother. I know how much a mother means to a child, especially a daughter, so I couldn’t take her advice for granted.
There was a case in Australia where a premature baby born at 27 weeks died 20 minutes after birth. His mother held him in her arms for two hours, unable to let go, and then, two hours later, something miraculous happened. The child came back to life two hours after being dead.
Before I had my daughter, whenever I saw these miraculous events of motherhood, all I could think about was how amazing it was. Nowadays, my first thought is how desperate that mother must have been. It’s funny how people think differently when they’re in a different position, because before I became a mother myself, I couldn’t imagine that desperation.
As a mother, I strive every day to provide a better environment and a better life for my child. When he takes his first steps, when he speaks for the first time, every moment is a great joy and a responsibility for me, and I hope that this responsibility makes me a good mother. Actually, I don’t know what makes a good mom, I just hope that I can be a mom who can give a lot of love to my child.
I’ve had so many people help me through the process of having my baby and growing up, and I’m sure they all did it out of love for me, my groom, and our baby. As you can see today, my baby is growing up every day because of your care, love, and concern.
I have also benefited greatly from the advice and experiences of many other mothers around me, and I have learned many important values and lessons in raising children from their stories. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the mothers who have shared their stories with me, as they have been a great support to me and will continue to be a great help in raising my child.
Thank you for all your support and love. I will not let your concerns go unheeded, and I will continue to learn so that I can be a good mom, a good dad, and a good parent.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and visit us. I hope you enjoy the food we prepared for you, and when you go home, don’t forget to take the little gift we prepared for you. Last but not least, we hope you will continue to pay attention to our little ○○ as he grows up. Thank you.



Thank you from mom at her child’s first birthday party

Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you so much for taking the time to celebrate our little one’s first birthday. We hope you have a great time, and we hope it’s as memorable for you as it is for us.
As I’m sure all parents do, the first year of having and raising a child is a very special experience. Every day is a new challenge, and every moment is a learning experience. I’ve been living for myself until now, and I’ve had to do everything from one to ten, so I found myself pouring my life into my child, and I thought, ah~ I’ve grown up.
I never really expressed it to my mom and dad, but I want to take this opportunity to thank them. The devotion that my parents have given to me has made me as big as I am, and I will raise ○○ well with love and devotion. The dedication and love of my parents has made me who I am today.
I say such things around me. But when I actually started preparing, I realized that there were so many things to do. I wanted to do as much as everyone else, so I tried to do everything, and I don’t think there is a big event like a birthday party. I think it’s the culmination of a year of hard work and struggle. I captured ○○i’s year with small things. I hope you’ll take a look around as you go.
As some of you may know, we had a very difficult time having a child after ○ years of marriage. I know my parents on both sides of the family have been waiting so long, and I tried not to put any pressure on them. I can still remember how happy they were when we first had ○○.
I am so grateful to my mom for taking such great care of me during my pregnancy and even after I gave birth. I think it’s because of her that both ○○ and I are healthy, and I’m very grateful to my dad, who plays with my child as often as he can.
Last but not least, I would like to thank my husband, who is always there to support me and is a loving dad who tries to spend a lot of time with our child even though he is tired from work. Thanks to his dedication and love, we have been able to overcome the challenges of parenting together.
I would like to thank all of my family, friends, and colleagues who are here with me today. I hope that you will continue to watch him grow up well, and I wish you and your family peace. Your warm words of encouragement and support will help me move forward in my parenting journey.
Thank you.



Thank you from a mom on her child’s first birthday

Hello, everyone.
I’d like to thank everyone for celebrating ○○’s first birthday today.
As many of you have said, we will do our best to raise her to be a good and beautiful daughter.
From the time we first welcomed her to now, we’ve had so much help and support, and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your love and support. As we celebrate our daughter’s first birthday, we look back on the years that have passed, and we’ve learned so much.
When I first gave birth to my daughter, my birth mother repeatedly told me to be a good mother. I know how much a mother means to a child, especially a daughter, so I couldn’t take her advice for granted.
Before I had my daughter, I was always amazed and in awe whenever I heard about the miraculous events of motherhood. For example, in Australia, a premature baby born at 27 weeks died 20 minutes after birth. His mother held him in her arms for two hours, unable to let go, and then, two hours later, something miraculous happened. The child came back to life two hours after being dead.
Before I had my daughter, whenever I saw these miraculous events of motherhood, all I could think about was how amazing it was, but now my first thought is how desperate that mother must have been. It’s funny how people think differently when they’re in a different position, because before I became a mother, I couldn’t imagine the desperation.
I’m learning new things every day as I raise my child. I’m surprised and delighted by every little thing, and I’m energized by my daughter’s laughter. My mother’s call to be a good mom weighs heavily on me every day, but I hope it’s the weight that drives me to be a good mom. I don’t really know what makes a good mom, I just hope I can be a mom who can give my child a lot of love.
We’ve had so many people help us with our baby, and I’m sure they’ve all done it out of love for me, my groom, and our baby. As you can see today, our baby is growing up every day because of your care, love, and concern.
Thank you for all your care and love. I will never forget your words of concern, and I will always learn to be a good mom, a good dad, and a good parent.
Last but not least, I would like to ask you to continue to pay attention to my little ○○ as he grows up. Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for taking time out of your busy schedules to visit us. We hope you enjoy the food we prepared for you, and when you go home, please take our little gift with you. Thank you.



Thank you from the family for your child’s first birthday celebration

Thank you so much for being here today to celebrate our lovely ○○’s first birthday. The presence of all of you makes this happy day even brighter. The food is small compared to our gratitude, but we hope you enjoy it to your heart’s content.
As I was preparing for this occasion, the past year has flashed through my mind. This is my first child since I got married, and I was so clumsy at first. I didn’t know how to change a diaper, I didn’t know how hard it was to breastfeed, I didn’t know how hard it was to breastfeed, and I cried like an idiot next to my child when he got diarrhea and stayed up all night.
Now I’ve gotten better at changing diapers and making baby food, but I think my clumsiness back then actually made me grow. The whole experience was a valuable learning experience for me. It was enough to make me happy just to laugh, cry, and go through the day with my child.
On the other hand, there were days that made my heart burst. I can’t describe how I felt when she first called me “mommy” with those tiny lips. Every time she learns to speak and does something pretty, I unabashedly feel like she’s the most beautiful thing in the world. I’m sure every mom with a child does.
Another touching moment I remember is the day he took his first steps on his own, and I was so proud of every little step he took. It made me feel so moved that my child was growing up on his own. Watching him grow day by day is the greatest joy of my life.
My life is now full of him. Every day, the little touches he gives me warm my heart. But now, as he grows up, as he takes each clumsy step towards the world, as he follows my every word, I feel my responsibility grow. Because I spend the most time with him, I am the one who will have the most influence on shaping his personality and disposition in the future.
These are the things I wish for ○○i. I want him to grow up healthy and not get sick, to not take after his mom’s habit of sleeping late and his dad’s habit of nagging, to love animals and to be kind to the weak. In order for my child to grow up like that, I will have to work harder to be the sunshine and spring water for him, like a newly growing sprout, so that his life can blossom beautifully and grow into fruitfulness.
So, I hope you’ll be able to watch his growth long and happily. I hope you enjoy the rest of the talk. Thank you for joining us.


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I'm a blog writer. I like to write things that touch people's hearts. I want everyone who visits my blog to find happiness through my writing.

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.