President’s Inauguration Seasonal Greetings Collection



We’ve compiled a collection of sample CEO inauguration greetings for the CEO season. We’ve compiled a variety of sample greetings. This article is helpful for CEOs who are about to take office.


CEO inauguration season greeting example 1

Hello, everyone, I’m ○○○, the newly appointed CEO of the company. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for braving the cold weather to be here today.
The reason why the management has appointed me to this position is to help us overcome the collective difficulties that our company is facing right now. How to overcome these difficulties will not be easy, as it is a problem that the previous president has not been able to solve easily even after leading the company for more than five years.
We need to be innovative and enterprising like never before. Of course, we don’t need to do away with all the old ways of doing things, but it’s clear that we need something different and innovative to regain the ground we’ve lost in the marketplace.
Before we get started, I want you all to know that we can do it. For far too many years, we have lost our place. Five years is enough time for a negative thought to settle in our minds, unbeknownst to us, that “maybe that’s not my place anymore.” This negative thought begets negative behavior, which becomes your life.
Howard Thurston, the famous American magician and circus performer, used to say to himself before every show, “I’m going to give it my all,” and he never doubted that when he gave it his all, the audience would cheer him on and love him for it. His dedication and hard work, pouring all of his talents into the circus, paid off, and he became one of America’s most beloved circus people.
The world has changed too much for us to have the naive belief that all hard work will be rewarded, but it’s an immutable truth that there is no reward for no effort. So why not just believe it? If you’re going to put in the effort anyway, why not have faith that it will pay off?
I’m not going to talk about the specifics of how we’re going to reorganize the company today, because the most important thing for you right now is to have faith that you can do it, and if you believe in yourself, it’s up to me to make it happen, and we’re going to get back to the top of the industry.
I’ve been talking a lot, standing you up in the cold. I’m going to end it here, and I wish you all the best for the rest of the year, and have a warm holiday season. Thank you.


CEO inauguration CEO seasonal greeting example 2

Hello, everyone. This is ○○○. Just last month, the weather was cold, but now that we’ve flipped another page in the calendar, the weather has warmed up a lot. Now that we’re in April, there are spring flowers everywhere and people are wearing lighter clothes. If there’s a time of year that’s more colorful than any other, it’s April, the peak of spring. On a beautiful spring day like this, it’s hard not to want to work – or so you think. But remember, the reason why breaks are sweet is because you work hard during the weekdays. For those of us who work 365 days a year, breaks can never be sweet.
I know that the main concern and expectation that people in the organization have when there is a change in leadership is what changes will be made. But before I get to that, I want to say something to you. You know what they say, sincerity speaks louder than words, and I know some of you are wondering how you can convey your heart without words unless you’re talking to a god, but sincerity is exactly what it sounds like. You can’t put your heart into a few words, and the moment you do, it’s not really heartfelt. It can only be understood by the heart.
Of course, there will be many changes after I become CEO, but I want you to know that I am sincere, that the changes will not be made to harm you, but for the betterment of all of us.
It would be great if the status quo were the most stable and progressive, but then I wouldn’t need to be here. First, I want you to know exactly what the company’s crisis and changes mean.
Our company has grown in size year after year, with more people working for us, more procedures to get things done, and more time to make and implement a single decision. But I think you’ve seen how fast the winds of change are blowing around the world these days, and if you want to change at the pace that the market wants you to change, you can’t do it at the current pace. You can’t trim down, so you have to change the structure of your company.
Stagnant water is rotten. We’re a flowing, clear, clean, first-rate company. We ask all employees to join us in making ○○ the best company by renewing the spirit of change and creation. I would like to extend my special thanks to the employees in the field who are faithfully fulfilling their duties.


CEO inauguration ceremony CEO seasonal greeting example 3

Good morning, everyone. It’s a beautiful November morning with a nice breeze blowing through the open windows. On a windy day like today, I want to open all the windows so that even the smallest things in the room can see this nice breeze. I’m not even afraid of the upcoming winter because of the nice weather. I love November very much. December is a bit of a rush, and it’s hard to savor the end of the year with all the events, but November feels like a time to slow down. I hope your day is as pleasant as the weather.
There’s a reason I’m so excited today. Today, I’m introducing myself to the ○○ family. I’m your new CEO, ○○○. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
I am deeply honored to be inaugurated as the 15th president of ○○ today and to be a part of the ○○ family, and my shoulders are heavy with unlimited responsibility and a tremendous sense of mission for the development of the company. The world is facing unprecedented crises such as climate change and energy issues, and the global economy is facing growing uncertainty. The United States, the world’s seemingly eternal economic powerhouse, has been rocked by a financial crisis, and the Eurozone, the world’s largest economy, is struggling. Our economy, which relies heavily on foreign markets, is no exception.
In addition, the patent wars between domestic and foreign multinational companies are reaching their peak, and the race for first-mover advantage in the field of intellectual property rights has long since become a requirement for survival.
Dear colleagues, the current transitional period, in which we are facing challenges both inside and outside the company, is also an opportunity for us, and I believe that the most important key to this opportunity is our excellence in our respective fields.
The power to overcome the current crisis lies within us. We already have the skills and the passion that I wouldn’t be ashamed to put on display anywhere in the world. That’s why I’m not worried, and that’s why I believe in everyone here. I believe that even if the global economy takes a downturn, we are more than capable of surviving.
Ladies and gentlemen, I will always be with you. I will open my ears and my heart. I will listen first, and then consider all of your suggestions for management innovation and creative problem solving. I ask you once again to give it your all, with pride and conviction that every step you take is a cornerstone of our scientific powerhouse. Thank you.


Presidential Inauguration Seasonal Greetings Sample Message 4

Hello everyone, it’s already the middle of summer. It’s hard to believe it’s only June and already the weather is getting so hot and I’m starting to hate how time is flying by.
No matter what happens, we have a certain amount of time to get ready for it. When we meet someone, we have time to go over our outfits, and when we have a test coming up, we have time to take it one more time. This summer, however, has snuck up on us without giving us any time to prepare for it.
I’m sad that spring is already gone, but I’m more worried about how I’m going to deal with summer, which is already sitting in my seat. I wish you a healthy summer.
I’m here today to address you as your President. Fortunately, I’ve given you some time to prepare your minds to face me, but still, new CEO, uncomfortable and awkward, right?
I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you soon realize that this was a better choice.
I know how the company works because I’ve been in the field for a long time, and unlike other presidents, I’ve worked my way up through the ranks as an employee, deputy, and manager, so I can empathize with you more easily. Today, as president, I would like to tell you, “Say what you have to say”.
When I was a low-level employee, I wanted to make suggestions, but I was always intimidated by the coercive atmosphere. From now on, when I become the president, there will be no coercive atmosphere in the company. Of course, there is a hierarchy. But I’m going to give everyone an equal and equal opportunity to voice their opinions, and that’s how we can make fast decisions and move faster than our competitors.
A company where someone has something to say to me, I have something to say to him, and then there’s no end in sight. A company where even the things you say can be said out of love, a company where you have something to say and it’s accepted, that’s what I aspire to.
I hope you will listen to my request, and I will do my best for your future and the future of the company as the president of ○○ Company. Thank you.


CEO inauguration ceremony CEO seasonal greeting Sample sentence 5

Good morning, everyone. It’s a beautiful day today. The sun is warm and the breeze is cool enough to make my first steps into the office heavy this morning. It’s so nice that you can’t help but admire the clear sky through the window. I guess that’s the beauty of November weather. In October, it was so rainy that it even felt a little chilly, but in November, it’s actually warmer.
I want to thank and honor all of you for having the determination to resist the urge to go out for a picnic and come to work today. It’s great to see you all here today.
I’d like to introduce myself once again, the new CEO, Mr. ○○○. The new CEO. I know it’s uncomfortable and awkward, and I know you’re worried that the old system will change and make your job harder and more demanding, but I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that this choice turns out to be for the better.
As the new CEO of Company ○○, I have something I really want to say to you. I need your input to get the company back on track as soon as possible. Please don’t hesitate to tell me what’s wrong with the company. After all, your opinion will determine the future of the company.
So if you’re an employee who feels like “I need to say something,” don’t hesitate to speak up, and do so by any means necessary. The bureaucratic authority and hierarchy of a company can also be a barrier to speaking up. I’m going to share with you my internal messenger ID, and I think you all know what that means: we’re going to set up a system where you can communicate with me one-on-one. If you have something to say about the company directly, you can organize it and send it to me.
A company where someone has something to say to me, and I have something to say to them, and then there’s no back and forth, where even the things that are said can be out of love, where you have something to say and they take it, that’s what I aspire to.
I’m not that kind of person, and I’ll accept anything you say for the company, whether it’s bitter or sweet, for the betterment of the company.
I hope you will also listen to my request. As the CEO of ○○ Company, I will do everything in my power for your future and the future of the company. Thank you.


CEO inauguration ceremony CEO seasonal greetings Sample sentence 6

Hello everyone, I am more worried than happy to take over as president at a difficult time. After today, I and all of you will work harder to make the company a company with “hopes and dreams” for everyone.
Let me tell you about the challenges we face: bank debt of 1.5 billion, which exceeds our capitalization, inventory in excess of 2 billion, year after year of declining sales, and declining productivity due to employee demotivation.
To solve this problem, we will focus on debt management by writing off chronic bad inventory, selling the headquarters building, moving more than 1 billion of the bank debt to a reverse tax zone, and relocating warehouses.
In addition, we plan to close two of our department stores with chronic losses, strategically approach discount store sales, invest more manpower, time, and capital in our new construction business, and expand the proportion of internet sales. We are also planning a strategy to specialize in different items in our existing stores, and to do so, we will seek to change our company name. We also plan to realize the wages of our employees over time, and gradually improve working hours, holidays, and vacations.
I’ll start with myself, and I hope you’ll join me in cutting to the bone. After nearly 30 years, it is difficult to expect the existing business to increase sales or increase profits anymore. However, as it is difficult to change industries overnight, we need to gather new ideas and boldly enter new industries, but we need to put more effort into home shopping and e-commerce to organize inventory, and all employees should become company ambassadors and actively promote the company from now on.
We will also focus on reducing unnecessary expenses, introducing a corporate asset management program to manage profits and losses in real time, and introducing a structured payment system to prevent leakage of business expenses and prevent accidents. All employees will exercise wisdom to find “alternatives” instead of “hard” or “difficult” and strictly control back-stabbing for opposition.
I am convinced that a company with “hopes and dreams” can be created when every culture is changed to a positive culture, and when we work with passion, we can surely create a company with “hopes and dreams.” I ask you to encourage each other, even though it will be a little difficult for a while, and to make sure that no one is left behind.
May the message of “hopes and dreams” grow in your families and in yourself from this moment on. Thank you.


President’s Inauguration Seasonal Greeting Sample 7

Hello, everyone, it’s a great pleasure to be here. I am honored to be a part of your family from today, and I feel like I’ve really become a ○○ person after this inauguration ceremony.
Employees, when managers and executives meet, one of the topics of conversation is employees. But what do managers like about employees? They point to a number of factors, but in general, managers look for employees who are passionate, proactive, and engaged in their work.
But there’s one thing we always find that’s the most important thing managers look for in their employees. They really like and love all of their employees. While there are certainly employee favorites, the basic truth is that there isn’t a single employee who doesn’t look pretty to a manager. It’s just that they seem to love their employees in different ways, some of which are sophisticated and some of which are clumsy.
So how do I love my employees? I’m a mild-mannered guy, so I’m not very good at expressing my love, but I’m going to express my love in a way that shows my appreciation for you.
Employees, do you know the five ways to show love? The fifth way is through touch. Hugging, holding hands, and being friendly. The fourth way is gifts. It’s more effective than touching. The third way is service, helping out with this or that. The second way is giving your time, and the greatest expression of love is to say thank you, to acknowledge, and that’s something you can do at home, but it’s also true in the workplace. I want to be a leader who is always grateful for the love I receive.
As I experienced during my last tenure at ○○, when the economy is doing well, organizational systems and principles work well, but in times of economic downturn, the passion, creativity, and strong emotional bonds of employees are much more powerful, so I will make great efforts to build emotional bonds with you.
My dear employees, I have certain expectations of ○○. I want our ○○ to be filled and overflowing with new motifs of mutual respect and trust, joy and enthusiasm. And I will do my best to create an organization that is full of emotional energy for you, an organization that is a “delicious place to work.” Thank you, everyone, for congratulating me on my inauguration.


CEO Inauguration Seasonal Greeting Sample 8

It is a great pleasure to meet you for the first time on the dawn of a hopeful new year, and I wish all of you and your families a happy new year.
I would like to express my gratitude to my predecessor, who worked with passion for the development of ○○, and to all employees for their hard work, and I wish him all the glory in the future.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the government, media, and related organizations for their cooperation and support for the development of ○○, and ask for their unwavering support in the future.
Today, I stand before you as the president of ○○ Asset Management, a company with a short history and tradition of more than ○○ years.
I am filled with great responsibility for the development of ○○, but I am also filled with confidence that we can overcome any difficulties or obstacles when I see the bright, supportive and determined faces of all employees in this room.
Dear employees, you should be aware that even the slightest mistake in the moment can lead to a decline in our standing and damage the future of the organization.
In addition, because we must pursue our public mission and achieve profitability at the same time, we require the highest level of professionalism in our fields, along with a higher level of integrity than others.
It is also a reality that the reputation of the Corporation has been severely damaged due to recent events, and this has caused many people who care about and love the Corporation to feel sad.
Of course, those of us who work at ○○ have a lot to say, but blaming those who don’t understand our position won’t solve the problem.
Before we blame others for not understanding us, we should soberly reflect on our own efforts and sincerity.
I believe that only your willingness and attitude to take this crisis as an opportunity to rebound, to challenge, change, and innovate endlessly, can secure the future of our company. I believe that labor-management reconciliation and unity are the most urgent priorities for the Corporation to regain its past reputation and pioneer a solid future.
In this difficult time, I would like to present to you some of the management policies that I intend to focus on in order to make the Corporation a solid and exemplary public company with a strong emphasis on inhwa, and ask for your active participation and cooperation.
Finally, I would like to wish all of our employees a hopeful new year and wish that all of your wishes will be fulfilled and that good health and good fortune will always be with you and your families.


CEO Inauguration Seasonal greetings from the CEO Sample sentences 9

Good to see you. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with us.
All architects nationwide, past presidents, presidents of architectural societies in cities and provinces across the country, and distinguished guests!
I am standing here today because of your trust and support. I feel a great sense of responsibility while deeply honoring your expectations and encouragement. I pledge once again in front of you that I will be a president who strives hard and practices for architects.
Before and after the war, architects were the main players in the creation and flowering of architectural culture in this country. In this era of culture, I believe it is time for our architectural history to be reborn once again as a leading force in the creation of culture.
The government is calling for ‘creativity’, ‘sensitivity’, ‘architecture and urban design’ in the National Assembly and local governments across the country.
However, the current reality of architecture is not in line with this social atmosphere. The unprecedented economic crisis continues to cause difficulties, and architects are worried about their very survival.
Today, I would like to ask for the cooperation of architects by explaining the strategies to overcome these difficulties and what we will do specifically.
There are three main strategies that I will be implementing.
In particular, I will thoroughly study the survival measures for architects and make sure that architects can feel every single one of them. I will set up a special committee for survival measures, take care of it personally, and do everything in my power to produce results.
First, a strategy for survival. We will expand the scope of work, promote a plan to diversify architects, activate the characterization of local architects, and develop a solidarity system for architects.
Second, a strategy to be recognized. These include strengthening publicity for the industry, expanding media exchanges with the government, promoting certification projects, encouraging member friendship and information exchange activities, and fostering professional architectural history members.
Finally, the dream strategy is to restore national licensing authority, develop a national architectural policy, promote the integration of architectural organizations, improve the architectural education system, and promote cooperation in expanding international exchanges.
As professionals, we will solve these issues wisely with creative, positive thinking and rational judgment.
Not long ago, the General Assembly declared that we should all become ultra-high-strength concrete. Gravel, sand, cement, and water, when properly combined, make concrete. Let’s all gravel architects, sand architects, and architects across the country unite and respect each other, let the association be the water and cement, and let architecture and architects be ultra-high strength concrete. If we work together, there is nothing we can’t do.
As the president of the Korean Institute of Architects, I will work with you with conviction and passion to make the Korean Institute of Architects, the architects of this era, stronger.
Please support us with faith. I will repay you with passion and dedication.
Thank you.


Presidential Inauguration Seasonal Greetings from the President 10

When I was a child, I once watched a novel called “Treasure Island” and developed a longing, imagination, and fantasy dream of being a captain. The boy who had such a dream was given the opportunity to become a captain of a company, and now I stand here to fulfill my responsibilities, duties, and promise to fulfill my role as a captain.
The captain of “Treasure Island” was a boss who was fearless and led his men through adversity and hardship, and it was that bossiness that allowed the boy to dream the fantasy. While I was thinking a lot about whether or not I should become a boss as a captain of a company, I came across a quote that set me on the right track.
“Bosses create fear, leaders create confidence. Bosses shift blame, leaders right wrongs. Bosses know everything, leaders ask questions. Bosses make things hard, leaders make them interesting.”
As you read this, you realize that the captain of the ship is not the boss of Treasure Island, but rather an inclusive and accepting leader, someone who empathizes with employees and can work with them on the front lines.
I want to come aboard with you for a bumpy, but fun and rewarding voyage because I see the possibilities and hope that our companies will be leading the way in the near future.
The outlook for the IT industry is always a mixed bag, but it’s an undeniable reality that we move forward and get better. The ups and downs are just something we have to enjoy and overcome, but the ups and downs are our hopeful role, and the role of progress is to give ourselves a call to action.
What is it that we need to do? It is to look at the world with an open mind, to constantly strive for the best in our respective positions, and to specialize in diversity. It is to build new growth engines for companies through self-development and talent cultivation. For such conditions, we need to develop problem-solving skills and the ability to prepare for problems before they occur, to anticipate market changes rather than react to them, and to accept the diversity of customers. It is important to build up success factors gradually while reducing the risk of failure rather than success by experiencing failure, and to do so, I think it is necessary to make constant mutual efforts between the company and its members so that each of you can feel proud to be a representative of the company.
I will rely on and believe in you as I take on this important position at a critical time, and I will work hard to make sure that your dreams and hopes are realized in the company and that it becomes a driving force that can lead to the development of the company and prepare for the future. I would rather run together, solve together, think together, cry and laugh together, and live together rather than be in a high position.
This is because I have my own philosophy about positions. I believe that positions are a horizontal role structure, not a vertical control structure. I believe it is a categorization of responsibilities and authorities according to the job roles of the CEO and the staff in charge and those who hold each position. Therefore, I believe that you and I are colleagues within the company, exercising our roles, responsibilities, and authorities to fulfill the common purpose of corporate development. Therefore, I am sure that you will be given as much work as you are, sometimes more, due to various demands from inside and outside the company, and that is what I am sure I should do.
I mentioned at the beginning that I’m here to make a promise to you. As I reiterate that I will do everything in my power to fulfill my promise, I ask you to join me and make a renewed commitment to yourselves for the betterment of the company.
A promise that unites us all is a promise that must be fulfilled, and I promise to be with you, and to fulfill my role as captain of the enterprise as a leader, not a boss.
Thank you.


CEO inauguration ceremony CEO seasonal greeting sample 11

Good morning, everyone.
Fund managers, head coaches, and CEOs who help stabilize the global economy, thank you for attending my inauguration ceremony.
I wish you all much honor and progress.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for recognizing and encouraging me as the general chairman of ○○ Group today.
It has been a short time of ○○ years since the beginning of our ○○ Group.
During this time, you and I have been working hard to develop our Group, and as a result, we have grown into the global company we are today, all because you have been working together with me.
Initially, we founded ○○ Group with the slogan “Protecting the Weak, Respecting Life, and Peaceful Thought.” As a result, we have grown into a blue-chip company that can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the famous investment insurance company Berkshire Hathaway. I would like to thank you all once again for your contributions to our Group.
In taking on this role, I have been given a big challenge.
That is infighting within the company.
It’s been said that the most dangerous enemy is not an external one, but an internal one. We know this well, yet we are showing a propensity to tear each other apart.
You could look at it as ‘growing pains’ from a rapid development over a period of ○○ years, but in the current situation, division within the company means the end of the company.
I will not tolerate any such infighting while I am CEO, and even if the person causing the infighting is a senior executive, I will demote him or her for the sake of the company’s development.
We are working towards one goal: ‘Protection of the weak, respect for life, and peaceful thought’.
This slogan is a tradition that has been passed down from ○○ years ago, and it is the main value of the ○○ Group that should not disappear in the future. I hope that you and I will not forget this and will challenge ourselves to the end.
Thank you.


CEO inauguration ceremony CEO seasonal greeting example 12

Good morning, everyone.
It is a personal honor for me to take on the important role of CEO, but I have a great sense of responsibility to be in charge of a part of the power supply system, which is a key national industry.
In recent years, the electric power industry has been caught in a whirlwind of rapid and unprecedented changes in the business environment. The strengthening of environmental regulations and the current government’s green growth policy under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have become the most important factors in determining the future direction of coal-fired power plants.
On the other hand, it also requires us to continuously change and innovate, and I believe it is a time that requires the creative thinking and capabilities of all employees to continue to generate new profits.
First, we need to strengthen our corporate quality by sticking to the basics and improving profitability. We need to improve profitability by stabilizing the operation of existing power generation facilities and increasing facility efficiency. To this end, we will develop a consistent evaluation tool for business sites and link performance to personnel and compensation at each site.
Second, we will build a strong company that is always changing through continuous management innovation. We must constantly promote management improvement activities.
Third, we will reinvent our corporate culture with trust and harmony.
In order for a company to succeed, a workplace culture where employees trust and support each other must come first. We will read and communicate with employees’ thoughts and feelings on a daily basis to unleash their creative potential and accept sincere and diverse opinions to create a corporate climate that is open, innovative, and change-oriented.
Such a corporate culture will naturally lead to transparency and ethical management, and ultimately, I believe that all Westerners will enjoy an exciting workplace where they can work to their heart’s content.
My dear family!
It’s time to re-tie our shoelaces.
Let’s break free from the illusions of past successes and failures, and from the complacency of the status quo, and move forward with a new, broader perspective.
We can do it.


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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.