Presidential Inaugural Season’s Greetings from a variety of disciplines



This is a collection of seasonal greetings for CEO inaugurations in various industries. This is a sample text to help those who are taking over as CEO.


Inauguration greeting for CEO of a financial public company

Greetings to the esteemed ○○○○ family.
The first day of July begins with the plunging rain. It’s a relentless rush toward midsummer. I thought it would be cooler because of the rain, but the heat is still there.
I can’t imagine what the heat will be like once the rainy season is over and summer is in full swing.
It’s pouring outside your window, but do you have your umbrella, raincoat, and rain boots ready?
As if to signal the start of the summer, the rain hasn’t stopped.
It’s not important to make a prediction, it’s more important to be prepared. I hope you will be one of the ○○ employees who will prepare better than anyone else not only for the rainy season, but also for the rest of your life.
Today, I am truly pleased to join the family of ○○○○, a representative financial public corporation and the “lifelong financial friend of the common people” in our country, and to work with you.
Although we have been established for only seven years, we have been recognized for providing housing finance worth 140 trillion won, which has contributed significantly to the housing stability of the common people and the development of the financial market.
In particular, we have been widely recognized for our achievements, including achieving an A grade for two consecutive years in the government’s public institution management evaluation, as a result of our collective efforts even under difficult economic conditions such as the global financial crisis.
Dear employees, as Korea’s household debt has recently reached nearly 900 trillion won ($910 billion), there are growing concerns about the deteriorating health of households and loan delinquencies, and monthly rent prices are rising sharply even as the housing market is slumping, making our role as a representative public corporation in charge of housing finance for the common man increasingly important.
Today, having been entrusted with the enormous task of working with you to fulfill our mission at this critical time, I feel my shoulders weigh heavily with the immense responsibility to meet the expectations of the nation and the people and to further develop our organization based on the great achievements you have made so far.
First of all, I believe that all of us in the KACO family should work together as one, with one mind, and with a basic attitude to fulfill the original mission assigned to us to the best of our abilities for the sake of the happy and comfortable lives of the people, which is the reason for the existence of KACO.
As employees of a public institution that implements government policies, we must recognize that each of our thoughts and actions can have a significant impact on the lives of the people.
With the simple truth that the happiness felt by the common people, our main customers, is proportional to the sweat we shed, I ask you to think and strive together with a warm heart that compassionately supports the pain of the common people in need. Thank you.


Inaugural Address Inaugural Message from the President of the Culture Foundation

Good morning, everyone.
It’s a June morning, and the cool breeze is blowing, heralding summer.
Just a month ago, the mornings were cool and breezy, but now it’s hot even in the mornings. Fortunately, it’s not a humid breeze, but a cool breeze.
The cool breeze seems to be telling me to take a break from the heat of the day.
The trees are getting thicker and will soon be sporting lush foliage and color by the time the heat of summer hits. Summer is on its way. At the threshold of summer, I hope you will make good preparations for summer.
First of all, I would like to applaud the 400 employees of the ○○ Cultural Foundation for their achievements. You have built the organization as a model for Korea’s cultural foundation. You have launched six new museums and art galleries, and have made the organization what it is today, a place that people come to benchmark and envy. It was the combined efforts of all of you.
Based on this proud achievement, I am now dedicating myself with you to the second leap of the Foundation, a dream that will bring more citizens to visit this cluster of culture and arts, another site of our lives and values, enrich its content, and expand “culture” to the world.
The owner of ○○ Culture and Arts is the people of ○○. They are the citizens, the people as cultural consumers. Let’s squeeze wisdom together to provide better cultural services to serve them.
We are currently experiencing a period of cultural upheaval. It is a great revolution in information culture led by the Internet. In the process, the public’s thinking as a culture receiver is also changing.
Of course, this is also culture, but in this period of cultural change, how do we, the ○○ Cultural Center, bring ‘culture ○○’ to the people? Let’s find the best way together.
Let’s find ways to encourage residents to actively engage in various cultural and artistic activities, and make every effort to ensure that no region or resident is left out of the foundation’s cultural benefits.
○○Employees, let’s strengthen our cultural foundation and take a second leap forward!
Let’s gather our capabilities. Let’s go forward together with strength.
I wish you and your families good health and good fortune, and I promise to do my best with you once again. Thank you.


CEO’s inaugural message emphasizing change

Honored employees!
How are you? We’re racing toward the end of 2023. The chilly winds tell us that winter is on its way, and I’m wondering, if you’re sitting here, how well have you spent 2023?
Remember those resolutions you crammed into your calendars and diaries at the beginning of the year, and how many of them did you follow through on?
We love beginnings, and we hate to see them end. But what many of you don’t realize is that beginnings and endings are one and the same. When you start, there is an end, and when you end, there is a new beginning.
In this way, the beginning and the end are the same. As we come to the end of 2023, it also marks a new beginning for 2024.
Today, I’ve taken on the responsibility of building the future of ○○ that you’ve built with your blood, sweat, and tears. For me, it’s a new beginning. I will do my best to fulfill the enormous and honorable responsibility given to me. I will make a new history by using the strength of ○○, which has been running for a long ○○ years, as a valuable asset to overcome any adverse conditions.
We should proudly recall that ○○ was at the center of Korea’s historical transitions, and just as we remember these achievements with pride, we will now have to stand at the center of another transition so that we can look back on today and say with pride.
The world is changing at a very fast pace. The rapid transition from the analog to the digital age is changing the structure of industries. In order to survive in this environment, we need to be competitive and capable while adapting to the new environment.
In order to quickly adapt to the new era, new business environment, and new customer needs, and even create a new leap forward, we need to make bigger and faster changes. We have to face the fact that there is still a huge gap between the level of change we have made and what our customers demand.
And we must do everything in our power to satisfy our customers, and prepare ourselves in advance to respond to their rapidly changing needs.
Everyone, as CEO, I’ll take the lead, I’ll take the first step, and I’ll ask you to gather your talents and enthusiasm once again. I ask you to work together to ensure that the company can change and adapt to the changing market at a faster pace than the market.
Thank you.


CEO’s inaugural remarks emphasizing change

Good morning, everyone.
It seems like I can’t feel the tip of my nose or the tips of my fingers even when I go out for a short time. The wind is so bitter that it’s almost painful, and the weather is so cold that I’m afraid to go outside. I guess this is the momentum of winter.
I don’t know why I can’t seem to get used to the cold, even though it comes every year and I feel it every year. I’m going to have to arm myself to get through this winter again this year.
Our lives are like a battlefield, it’s a bit bleak, isn’t it?
It’s true that it’s hard to survive if you don’t work hard, and it’s just as brutal, if not more so, than a battlefield, and what we’re going through right now is arguably more brutal than the average winter.
But you know how they say that what comes easy is easy to lose and what comes hard is even more precious? I hope that just because it’s cold outside right now, you don’t let that stop you from playing the hard game.
For me, today is a very meaningful day.
In a life that is like a battlefield, I’m here to lead you in the middle of it with a baton in hand. I’m taking over as CEO at a challenging time, and my concerns outweigh my celebrations.
Let me start by talking about the challenges facing the company.
We have bank debt that exceeds our capitalization, inventory in excess of 2 billion, year after year of declining sales, and declining productivity as our employees are demotivated. It’s a total mess.
To solve this problem, we will sell as much inventory as possible and quickly dispose of it if it is no longer viable. We will focus on managing our debt, such as moving more than 1 billion of our bank debt to a reverse tax zone and relocating our warehouses.
In addition, we plan to realize the wages of employees who have been working hard over time, and we will gradually improve working hours, holidays, and vacations. So, please put aside your loss of motivation and work hard for the company.
I will endeavor to make changes from myself in order to create a better company, and I ask you to make a bone-crushing effort with me.
I am convinced that a company with “hopes and dreams” can be created when every culture is changed to a positive one, and when we work with passion, a company with “hopes and dreams” can surely be created. I know it will be difficult for a while, but I ask you to encourage each other and make sure that no one is left behind.
May the message of “hopes and dreams” grow in your families and in yourself from this moment on.
Thank you.


Greetings from the new CEO of the bookstore

“There is nothing like fiction to make us understand the injustice of reality and the fact that reality cannot fully satisfy our longings, desires, and dreams.
I am very pleased to see you all here today.
I’m going to leave you with a quote from Mario Vargas Llosa.
It’s one of my favorite quotes, which is probably why I’m not leaving this industry just yet.
It was actually hard for me to understand this quote at first.
I was like, “What does that mean?” But as I read more and more books, one, two, ten, a hundred, I started to understand it.
I’m not a voracious reader, but my personal favorite genre is fiction.
As we go through life, we often think that the world is unfair and unjust.
But most books satisfy all of our cravings in a book.
As I get older, and read a book or two, I seem to understand this statement more and more.
It’s true.
We dream a lot of dreams through books, even if they’re fanciful dreams.
So we read books.
In fact, I feel sorry for people who don’t read a lot because they don’t seem to realize this, and I even feel bad for them, because I think, why not do something so good?
That’s why I love to give the gift of books.
I want as many people as possible to have as many dreams as possible, through books.
So I’m thrilled to be appointed as the CEO of ○○ Bunko, and to think that I’m one step closer to fulfilling my dream.
It’s really sad that so many people realize the importance of books but don’t have them as a hobby.
And nowadays, I’ve heard that people are reading less because of mp3s and smartphones.
I’m not saying that these high-tech products are bad, of course.
But I don’t think they can give us what books can.
As the CEO of ○○Bunko, and as a person who loves books, I will encourage people to read as many books as possible, and I will campaign as much as I can to share the joy of reading with as many people as possible.
Once again, I am grateful that I am in a position to fulfill this dream.
Once again, thank you all for being here and honoring me with your presence.
I will continue to be a good boss and an open ear.
Gentlemen. It’s a pleasure.


CEO’s inaugural remarks emphasizing trust and unity

Dear employees, how are you?
It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming the new year and making business plans for the new year, and now it’s already March. Time flies by like an arrow.
It seems like just a few days ago, we were experiencing a bitter cold snap, and now when I open the window, a warm breeze blows in, letting me know that spring is here.
I’ve been working with you all for a long time now, and it’s because of your support and help that I’ve been able to take on the role of CEO of the company, and it’s an honor that I’m overwhelmed with.

On the other hand, I’m also worried that I’m not up to the task and that I’m taking on too much responsibility.
First of all, as CEO, I will aim to stick to the basics and strengthen the corporate quality for the company’s vision and growth. I will build a strong company that is always changing through constant management innovation, and I will reinvent the corporate culture with trust and harmony.
In order for a company to succeed, a workplace culture where employees trust and support each other must come first. By reading and communicating with employees’ thoughts and feelings on a daily basis, we will unleash their creative potential and accept sincere and diverse opinions to create a corporate climate that is open, innovative, and change-oriented.
Such a corporate culture will naturally lead to transparency and ethical management, and ultimately, we believe that everyone in our company will enjoy an exciting workplace where they can work to their heart’s content.
Dear employees!
I ask each of you to take on the responsibility and mindset of “I am the manager of this company” in your respective tasks and to challenge everything with enthusiasm. I will be pushing you from behind and pulling you from the front, and I ask you to believe in me and be with me as a partner.
I wish you all the best of luck and progress in your work and home.
Thank you.


New CEO’s inaugural message emphasizing communication

Good afternoon, everyone.
Thank you, everyone, for being here today.
This is a turning point for ○○ Corporation.
The items that were at the top of the list until two years ago are on a downward trend.
Sales are down 10% from the previous year.
As a result, we lost the top spot to a competitor.
As you can see, our position and the environment around us are slowly changing. Now is the time for bold change.
It’s a heavy burden on this person’s shoulders to take the helm at such a critical time.
I’ve always believed that real change starts from within.
As I’ve always believed, my first task and goal is to change the rigid, paternalistic culture of the company. We have a very hierarchical and rigid atmosphere, and ideas don’t flow freely in a rigid environment. Creative and out-of-the-box thinking is immediately ridiculed or dismissed.
So he’s going to make it more team-based. Instead of a huge organization, he’s going to create smaller teams that are mobile and allow for a free exchange of ideas within those teams. He’s also going to set up a mechanism where people can come directly to me with their ideas and discuss them.
I know you’re all concerned that a relatively young person has become director.
I may lack seasoning, authority, and charisma, but I have plenty of ambition and enthusiasm, which are the weapons of youth.
Authority is something you get from others.
If it comes from standing on someone else’s shoulders and shutting their mouth, it’s better to have none.
I will always be an ear and a hand for my employees, even when I’m not in authority.
I want to collect and reflect even the smallest opinions and make changes.
Above all else, I want to keep your morale high and help you realize the full potential of our talent.
They say that crisis is opportunity. Will today’s crisis be a bridge to a bigger crisis?
or a call to action to prepare for the bigger picture of ○○?
I know it’s up to you and me.
Please give me strength and believe in me.
I will do my best to make ○○ a company that you will always be proud of.
Thank you for listening.


Inaugural remarks from the new CEO

Good morning, everyone.
It’s a beautiful day today.
I’m the new CEO. I know it’s uncomfortable and awkward, but I’ll do my best not to let that deter you from thinking that this choice was for the better.
I’m the new CEO of Company ○○, and there’s something I really want to say to you.
I will support anyone who decides to say what needs to be said.
Because I know the sting of not being able to say what you need to say, and I know the sting of not being able to say what you need to say.
I’ve decided to support those who do, as a form of vicarious satisfaction.
There are many reasons why we don’t say what we need to say, but the biggest one is our own timidity.
In your mind, you know you should say it, but you don’t. The barrier of timidity is surprisingly large, and it’s not easy to speak up.
The atmosphere of the company, with its bureaucratic authority and hierarchy, can also be a barrier to speaking up.
The unspoken words that remain on the surface never go away, but linger and fester in the mind.
Supporting someone who decides to say what needs to be said should be predicated on a generosity of spirit that is willing to accept the opinions of others, even if they are unpleasant, as long as they are reasonable.
Someone has something to say to me, I have something to say to him, and then there’s no end to the company.
A company where even the words can be spoken out of love, a company where you have something to say and they accept what you have to say, that’s what I aspire to.
I’m not that kind of person.
I will accept anything you say, bitter or sweet, for the betterment of the company.
I hope you will listen to my request as well.
As the CEO of ○○ Company, I will do my best for your future and the future of the company.
Thank you.


Inaugural Message from the President of the General Company

Good morning, everyone.
We’re already halfway through the year, and according to the calendar, it’s already June.
It’s hard to look forward to the fresh spring sunshine anymore. The days are getting a little hotter, and now we feel a little empty without ice cream after meals. Nature is constantly changing, even when we don’t realize it. It must be the power of time.
I can see why the ancients likened the speed of time to an arrow.
It seems like just yesterday we were waiting for spring to arrive because it was so cold, but now the sun is warming up and it feels hot.
Just as time keeps nature constantly changing, so do we. Change can be positive or negative, but most change is positive.
Today, I stand at the center of a new wind of change.
It’s good to see you all. Today is my first time speaking to you.
I feel like I’m making an inaugural speech, but you’re responding to my words with a variety of expressions.
I’ve been in leadership training since I was a kid. But as I studied, I realized that something even more important was missing: how to handle crises, how to make the company make more money, and how to compete with the competition. It’s communication.
All the best strategies and tactics in the world don’t matter if you don’t have good teamwork. That’s why I’m a person who believes the answer to every problem lies in conversation.
Conversations make everything possible.
So I want you to have tons of conversations.
Most of the problems in our social lives are caused by a breakdown in conversation, a lack of communication. I’ve seen a lot of problems that could have been solved by just having an open conversation, but because people don’t, they get stressed, they get stuck, and they end up leaving the company.
So I encourage you to talk to your coworkers next to you, and I encourage you to talk to me. Nothing gets done without communication.
And I’m convinced that true camaraderie, fostered through conversation, is the foundation of great work. I challenge you to have a lot of conversations starting today.
And I hope you’ll use them to drive our company forward. Thank you.


Sample Presidential Inauguration Remarks

Good morning, everyone.
The weather has warmed up quite a bit.
It seems like the fierce winter winds are starting to subside.
It’s February, and my mind is fresher than it was in January.
In January, I was just excited to do new things, but now that February is here, I feel like I’m calmer. I’m able to look at myself objectively.
Looking at myself objectively made me ask myself if the goals and plans I made in January were realistic.
I revised some of them to be a little more realistic, and for the ones that were quite realistic, I resolved to work harder towards them. So February is a month to take stock of what you set out to do in January.
February is a very special month for me, as I’m sure it is for you.
It’s because I’m taking on the role of CEO, which is a personal honor, but it’s also a tremendous responsibility to run our nation’s pillar industry.
The market is demanding that we continue to change and innovate, and I believe that we need the creative thinking and capabilities of all employees to continue to generate new profits.
First, we will build a strong company that is always changing through constant management innovation. Management advancement activities must be constantly promoted. If we do not keep changing, we will not be able to keep up with the market, which is changing faster than we are. I hope that we will accept necessary changes, even if they are somewhat uncomfortable, and work together to develop the company.
Second, we need to strengthen our corporate quality by sticking to the basics and improving profitability. We need to improve profitability by stabilizing the operation of existing power generation facilities and increasing facility efficiency. To do this, we need to develop a consistent evaluation tool for business sites and link performance to personnel and rewards at each site.
And last but not least. We must reinvent a new corporate culture of trust and unity.
For a company to succeed, it must have a workplace culture where employees trust and support each other. Let’s unleash our creative potential by reading and communicating with our employees’ thoughts and feelings on a daily basis, and create an open, innovative, and change-oriented corporate climate by accepting genuine and diverse opinions.
Based on these, I believe that everyone will enjoy an exciting workplace where they can work to their heart’s content.
Honored family members!
It’s time to re-tie our shoelaces.
Let’s boldly break away from the illusions of past successes and failures and the complacency of maintaining the status quo and strive with a new and broader perspective.



Greetings at the inauguration ceremony of the CEO of an asset management company

Greetings to all employees of ○○ Company.
It will be very rewarding to work with you. As the CEO of ○○, I feel a great sense of responsibility and mission.
I would like to commend you for your dedication and enthusiasm in building ○○ into the company that it is today, since its inception in March 20, 20○○, and for the important role you have played in making it an important player in its industry.
As you are well aware, our main functions can be summarized as asset management and investment psychology education for our clients. I believe that these functions have taken root and are highly recognized as a model for asset managers in Korea.
The fact that Woori ○○ has been able to establish itself as one of the best asset management firms in Korea in such a short period of time is entirely due to the efforts of our employees, who have worked tirelessly in their respective positions with a spirit of service.
During the global financial crisis that began in 2008, asset management companies faced difficulties in their operations. Everyone chose the safety of banks over stocks and funds.
That’s when my predecessor did a great job of weathering the storm.
We turned the crisis into an opportunity by reducing the profitability of our clients’ accounts, increasing their safety, and gaining their trust.
I think that’s what the word “turnaround” means.
My predecessor, the chairman, has brought ○○ to this point.
At a time when the global economy is booming, I am sitting at the helm of ○○ at a time of opportunity, not crisis. In fact, the pressure is even greater.
Unlike my predecessor, who overcame the crisis and solidified the company’s reputation, I’m worried that I won’t be able to do more than that when the situation is better. Moreover, I am now responsible not only for myself, but also for all of our employees.
In the future, I believe that there will be countless crises and difficulties in running ○○, and I will imitate the achievements of my predecessors and handle them well. I will also add my own methods to the mix to create a company with a stronger foundation.
We are in the business of rolling our customers’ money. If you know what a fierce and frightening double-edged sword money can be, you’ve probably realized that our customers don’t just appreciate when the amount in their account increases because of us, they take it for granted.
Conversely, when the amount in their account decreases, they lose trust, no matter how good you’ve been.
In order to handle the double-edged sword well, you will have to manage your assets with safety as the top priority, although profit is of course important.
In the future, please remember that I am standing in front of you as a reliable windbreak. I will do everything in my power to ensure the infinite development of ○○ Company.
Thank you.


Sample CEO Inaugural Message

Hello, everyone.
It’s almost the end of winter. The increasing cold is a sign that spring is not far away, and judging by the unusually cold winds and the thermometer running towards the bottom today, it seems that spring is near. Obviously, we still need more time for spring to arrive. But time is all we need, nothing more, nothing less, and that’s what nature is. We are living in the midst of this great natural cycle.
February is the shortest month of the year, but it’s also one of the most meaningful.
It’s easy to get caught up in the rush and arrive at the end without a process.
It’s a busy, short month, and I hope you make the most of it.
First of all, I want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here for my inauguration. It’s a pleasure to work with you.
As I take the helm, I don’t feel overwhelmed; in fact, the timing is right, and the responsibility weighs heavily on my shoulders.
Looking at the market situation of non-clinical CROs, the domestic market is not very bright due to various unstable factors inherent in the pharmaceutical industry, and the overseas market is not very optimistic due to the continuous increase in drug development costs.
However, there is hope in the midst of these challenges. The fact that domestic and multinational companies are focusing on antibody drug development should be taken as an opportunity for us to rebound through the early operation of the ○○ branch.
I believe in the power of positivity.
I am sure that when you and I are united and do our best to be passionate, good things will happen.
Let’s think about what it means to be public.
We should think about it from the point of view of the recipient of publicity, not from the point of view of me. It is publicity to make us competitive and give the benefits to the many, especially pharmaceutical companies and venture companies, and furthermore, it is publicity to take responsibility for the welfare of the future with the money we earned through competitiveness. So, to achieve publicity is not to be complacent today.
The center of any religion is to let go of the self.
Let’s open a strong future by recognizing publicness again from this time today.
I hope we can all recognize that the next three years will be an important turning point in shaping the future of ○○.
Thank you.


CEO’s inaugural greetings after receiving the shareholders’ vote of confidence

Good morning, everyone,
First of all, I would like to thank you for entrusting me with this great responsibility,
I believe that the only way to repay this grace and gratitude is to do my best to help the company leap forward and develop.
I’ve thought long and hard about what it takes for a company to make positive changes and progress, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s all about breaking down the hierarchy that’s weighing down the company’s atmosphere and hindering progress.
Hierarchy and seniority, rather than focusing on job duties and abilities, have long been pointed out as problems in Korean companies, but there hasn’t been much effort to improve them. Even in our company, we entered a meritocratic system a few years ago, but it’s only nominal, and everything is still driven by instructions and orders, and lower-level employees are not able to show their full capabilities.
The biggest problem with hierarchy is that it stifles autonomy, creativity, and muffles the voices of lower-level employees.
People with a wide range of possibilities and strengths end up becoming passive, lethargic typing machines who can only do what they’re told.
Breaking down this hierarchy will make us a younger company. It’s time to reinvent ourselves as a company with a long tradition, but a young vision and unlimited potential for change.
We’re not just talking about campaign-level change, but real change.
Water in a choked reservoir that is blocked on all sides cannot flow to the ocean.
We’re going to build a company where free discussion and dissent, where creativity and individuality are not silenced. Of course, it goes without saying that we will honor and respect those who have been with us for a long time, who have led the company, and listen to those who deserve to be mentors.
At a time when everyone is running forward, if you are looking backward alone, you will fall.
In this era of infinite competition, if you fall, you will be trampled before you can get up.
Before that happens, we need to look back and renew ourselves.
I want to make changes that will help the company develop.
Please stand by my side and help me with what I lack.
Let’s create a new culture that is different from yesterday.
I would like to thank you all once again and conclude my inaugural address.


Inaugural message from the new CEO

Dear family!
We’re already down to the last page of this year’s calendar. We are already heading towards the end of 2023. The older I get, the more I feel the impermanence of time, and I feel lonely at the passing of time. But isn’t this loneliness because I realize the preciousness of time? Time seems to pass more quickly for those who realize its preciousness.
I know you are here today to congratulate me on my inauguration. But what you’re giving me is more than just a congratulation, it’s a commitment.
They say that the most enthusiastic time to join a company is when you’re a new employee, and that’s certainly true for me. Today, as I assume the role of CEO, I’m starting fresh, and I’m more enthusiastic than ever. You’re here with me to reignite the passion that has been lost or cooled.
I have a dream of building the ideal company. Like Google. A company where we have the best employees, where we discuss the future of the company, and where we push the company forward and reward them with the best benefits.
I realize that a company like that is not built by the CEO alone. As you know, a company like this is built by its employees. The prosperity of the company is not just the happiness of the shareholders or the managers. Imagine that, people. I think that the attitude of taking responsibility together, the attitude of challenging ourselves, these are the attitudes that we ○○ people need right now.
Dear employees, in the history of our company’s ○○ products, we have never faced such a turbulent time as today, but no matter how great the difficulties we face, if we have the strength that is fully integrated within us, we will never collapse. I have great confidence in this.
In the future, I will make the criteria for recruiting new employees even more stringent and demanding, so that the morale of existing employees will be recharged and the image of the company will have an “elite” feel. After all, the future of a company is determined by how many motivated employees it has, and how good they are.
Companies with motivated employees get better every day. I want you to generate better ideas and be more productive, because motivated people get more done.
So, to keep you motivated and energized, I will create an environment where you can come to work in the best conditions. I will announce the specifics in the near future, but my ultimate goal is to be able to say with great pride that at ○○, we don’t just make products, we make people.
Let’s ride the new winds of change together and take our company to the next level.
Thank you.


Message from the new CEO

Good morning, everyone.
First of all, I would like to thank our shareholders and employees for their unlimited trust in me. As a result of this trust and grace, I promise to make remarkable progress this year as the new CEO.
Ladies and gentlemen, as economic development accelerates, competition among companies has become a race to the bottom.
Developing new products faster and newer has become the key.
Under these circumstances, how has our company fared? We have remained defensive and stagnant, which is truly regrettable and unfortunate.
As you know, I am younger and more innovative than any president before me, and I am also ambitious and ambitious, which is why the goal I will present to you today is to strike first. Striking first not only sets the tone of the game, but also gives us the upper hand. It’s not about jumping back into a saturated industry, it’s about finding the blue ocean and making it ours first.
Companies always aspire to be ahead of their time and make history.
So do you and I, and so do our dreams.
We all want to be first, not second. To succeed, we need to quickly move away from the tired sentiment that second place is beautiful – it’s a defeatist’s excuse straight out of a public service announcement. Our industry is so callous that instead of remembering the second best, we celebrate the best. Let’s not forget that we need to be that best.
Pre-emptive strike is the answer.
I want to scrap the defensive and bring in a new vision, a new vigor.
And I want this to be the year that we take even greater leaps forward.
So, my friends, please join me in helping us soar again.
I need you to teach me, and I need your creative and innovative input to make this the year we make history. With your input, our company will shed its stigma and regain its former glory.
Hopefully, today will be a monumental day as the second chapter of our company opens.
With the heavy and honorable position of CEO, I vow to work tirelessly to live up to your great expectations and trust.
Folks, we’re back in the race.
Until the day we take the lead again, and until the day we become the best, I ask you to believe in me and help us develop the company.


About the author


I'm a blog writer. I like to write things that touch people's hearts. I want everyone who visits my blog to find happiness through my writing.

About the blog owner


BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.