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Does the right to be forgotten violate freedom of expression, the right to know, and potentially distort the historical record?


The right to be forgotten, the right of individuals to remove information about themselves left online, seems reasonable on the surface, but it raises a number of issues, including conflicts between freedom of expression and the right to know, problems with the practicality of removing information, a reduction in the openness of the internet, and a distortion of the historical record.   In...

Can AI have human-like intentionality and sentience, or is it limited to simple programming?


This article discusses the possibilities and limitations of AI, especially strong AI. Based on John Surall’s “Chinese Room Argument”, which argues that programming alone cannot embody human intentionality and sentience, it is necessary to study the physical basis of AI, such as the brain and neurons.   Artificial intelligence (AI) has been at the center of controversy for about 30...

Why do we constantly hesitate and feel fearful in the face of important life choices?


This article explores the reasons for hesitation and fear in the face of important life choices, the regrets that come along with them, and the value and power of literature as a way to support students who make the conscious choice to study the humanities.   How are you? It’s been a long time since we last saw each other. I’ve always wondered how you were doing, and I’m...

Why is propofol controversial and widely used in healthcare?


Propofol is primarily used as a sleeping anesthetic, and its rapid metabolism and ease of administration make it useful in the medical field. However, it requires strict management due to its addictive nature and potential for side effects. Although it’s controversial due to its abuse by some, it’s a drug that’s proven to be safe and useful when used in the right amounts.  ...

It is said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% hard work, but is it talent or relentless effort that is required for success?


We discuss the importance of talent and hard work through a quote from Thomas Edison. Through various examples, we illustrate that hard work is not enough to succeed, and while talent is necessary, talent alone does not guarantee success. In the end, it concludes that success is a combination of discovering your talent and building on it.   Thomas Edison, the American inventor of the light...

Why can’t we clearly distinguish between science and pseudoscience?


This article aims to understand the difference between pseudoscience and science, and to explain the distinction between scientific theories and pseudoscience, focusing on Popper’s theory of disprovability. However, in modern philosophy of science, this distinction remains ambiguous, and Popper’s theory does not provide a clear solution.   In everyday life, the term...

Why did the .406 hitter disappear after 1941, and how luck has become a bigger factor in batting average in modern baseball?


Since Ted Williams’ .406 batting average in 1941, the .406 batting average has disappeared. This isn’t because hitting skills have deteriorated, but because the overall quality of the game has improved, reducing skill differences and allowing luck to play a bigger role in batting average.   In 1941, Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox finished the season with a .406 batting...

Is the law a cold regulation or a flexible shield that protects our freedoms and rights like water?


Laws are often perceived as rigid and cold regulations, but they are actually an essential part of our lives. Like water, it is flexible and adapts to the times and circumstances, protecting civil liberties and rights while maintaining order in society.   We often use the phrase “Let the law take care of it!” to express how unwelcome the law is. Some say that this “resistance to the law”...

When hyperventilation syndrome is caused by physical and mental factors, what are the risks without proper emergency response?


Hyperventilation syndrome can be caused by physical illnesses as well as mental anxiety, and without proper first aid, it can lead to serious symptoms. Plastic bag breathing and calming your mind are the main ways to deal with it, and it can happen to anyone.   People feel great fear when they can’t breathe freely. This is because they have a strong feeling that they might die. A few...

Will future humans enjoy greater happiness than today due to increased wealth and advances in scientific understanding of happiness?


It is likely that future humans will enjoy greater happiness than we do today due to increases in the total amount of wealth and advances in the scientific study of happiness. Wealth is positively correlated with happiness to some extent, and biochemical research is uncovering ways to induce happiness. This will make future societies happier overall.   Humans have long strived to lead happy...

About the blog owner


BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.