Movie Review – The Matrix 1 (Why is the real world more important than the virtual world?)


I watched the first installment of the movie The Matrix. Let’s talk about why the real world is more important than the virtual world.


In the past, in order to send a letter from person to person, it had to be sent in person on horseback, and it would take at least a few months to reach someone in another country across the ocean. But think about the present day we live in. Sending a letter to another person takes less than a minute. You can even send a letter to someone in another country quickly. This is thanks to the development of electronic letters called e-mail. As you can see, science and technology have advanced dramatically in the modern era. As a result, our lives have begun to be organized in a much more efficient way than before, and the process of living has become easier. However, as with any good thing, there are downsides, and if you look around, the advances in technology have not always had a positive effect. Problems have arisen on many fronts, ranging from serious ones like the development of weapons of mass destruction for warfare to more mild ones like the lack of human interaction. However, there’s a much more controversial topic that could be discussed. It’s about virtual and real worlds. In fact, there are many places where you can experience virtual worlds that were once only seen in movies like The Matrix, and there is a lot of research being done on virtual worlds. This begs the question. Do we have to make a choice to go to a virtual world and remain a vegetable in the real world? Or should we choose to stay in the real world and continue to live our lives day by day? My choice is the latter. In this article, I will discuss why I choose the real world over the virtual world, what I think are the likely arguments of those who argue that we should choose the virtual world, and how I criticize those arguments.
First, let’s imagine a situation where you have to choose between a virtual world and the real world. The biggest problem that can arise here is mental confusion. If a person who lives in a virtual world is told that the world they live in is not real, but a virtual world, they will realize that their life has no meaning. There would be a tremendous sense of emptiness. And like a dream-within-a-dream structure, there is room for suspicion that the real world could also be a virtual world. In addition to this, there are many other thoughts that go through our minds when sudden changes come at once, so let’s think about the physical body first before dealing with the mind. We already know what happens to the body when it undergoes drastic changes. In small changes, such as seasons, many people suffer from colds, and in drastic changes, such as ice ages, many people die. The only thing that helps us cope with these changes is our minds, like hormones. Even with this mental help, climate change is hard on many people. What happens if we go through a drastic change in our minds before our bodies even realize the change? Will we have the mental capacity to choose between the virtual and real worlds, like Neo in the movie The Matrix? The answer is that you would never be able to do so. In fact, I believe that if this were to happen to us, we would be so distraught that we would suffer from symptoms such as schizophrenia.
On the other hand, some might argue that this is a bit of an exaggeration. Rather, it could be argued that mental confusion is impossible, just like in the movie The Matrix. But that’s only because it’s a movie. The reason for this is that in this movie, when a person had an epiphany, he had people around him who helped him. With their help, the person who chose the real world was able to overcome the mental confusion. Therefore, if you don’t have people around you, the probability of mental confusion in a virtual world is almost 100%.
The next thing to mention is the instability of the system. Just like in the movie The Matrix, a virtual world is a world created by a computer program, and the universe we live in is almost perfect. It has often been argued that the universe was created by a divine being or that it was created scientifically. On the other hand, these theories don’t apply to virtual worlds. This is because they are artificial worlds created by humans or machines. This implies that virtual worlds are not perfect and can have enough flaws, such as errors in the system itself. Therefore, a serious error is enough to cause the virtual world to explode and affect people in the real world. However, some argue that the real world is more dangerous. The argument is that the people in the real world are always ready to fight the machine civilization, as in the movie The Matrix, but the people in the virtual world are unaware of this danger. However, if you think about this in relation to free will, the virtual world isn’t necessarily safer. People who choose to live in the real world can choose to fight against the machines, flee, and take other actions of their own, whereas people who choose to live in the virtual world cannot do anything about these external dangers because they are vegetative in the real world. If the machines find another source of energy, the virtual world will be abandoned, leading to the destruction of the virtual world and the death of all the real people in the real world.
Finally, let’s look at the potential for virtual worlds to evolve. Humans have long been a part of nature, adapting and evolving to external and internal threats, which is why we have evolved from early barbarians to the modern civilized people we are today. If everyone chose to stay and live in virtual worlds, the world would be stagnant and not progress any further. If we follow the logic backwards from this result, humans would no longer be necessary. Also, without humans, the Earth would remain an ordinary planet like any other planet, and if we continue to think in this way, it boils down to the idea that the world could remain an empty world. In other words, there would be no reason for humans to exist, so there would be no need to choose between the virtual world and the real world.


Neo dodging a bullet (Source - The Matrix 1)
Neo dodging a bullet (Source – The Matrix 1)


So far, we’ve discussed why you should choose the real world over the virtual world. Mental confusion, system instability, and the possibility of advancement were the reasons. However, virtual worlds are certainly one of the most interesting concepts and have their advantages, as evidenced by the fact that many movies, such as The Matrix, feature virtual worlds. And with the development of science and technology, virtual worlds will open up. Eventually, many people will use virtual worlds and they may become important enough to be comparable to the importance of the real world. But even then, we should once again think about the arguments made in this article, because no matter what happens, the real world is the original foundation of human life. If this foundation is shaken, people will lose their nature and soon become complacent in the real world. In such a case, both the virtual and real worlds will not develop and may become stagnant. In conclusion, I believe that virtual worlds should exist as an adjunct to the real world, not as a substitute for it. Instead of feeling vicariously satisfied by dodging bullets easily in a virtual world, as in one of the famous scenes from The Matrix, wouldn’t it be more beautiful to challenge human limits by developing ways to dodge bullets in real life? I end this article with the hope that virtual worlds will become a reality we don’t need.


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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.