Is reading a communicative act in which an author and reader interact in written language?


Reading is a communicative act in which an author and reader interact in written language, where the author writes to help the reader understand, and the reader uses it to gain knowledge, think critically, and actively engage in communication. This process adds variety and depth to reading, and stimulates the reader’s creativity and imagination.


Reading is a communicative act in which an author and reader interact through the medium of written language. Communication through reading is the reader’s independent thinking and understanding of the author’s written message. Through reading, we can explore new worlds, encounter different perspectives, and expand our own thinking.
The process of communicating through reading begins when an author writes with the reader’s reading process in mind. Before writing, authors try to predict the reader’s prior knowledge and interests, and choose the content they think will be helpful to the reader. They take this into account when writing to provide information or convey their thoughts. When writing, authors sometimes omit information that they think the reader already knows. They may also intentionally hide information in order to communicate a topic effectively, and they may provide clues in various ways to help the reader infer the hidden information. In other words, authors are constantly aware of the reader’s reading process as they write and communicate.
One important factor in the communication process of reading is the reader’s background. Readers interpret and understand the content of a text based on their own knowledge and experience, so the same text can be interpreted differently by different readers. For example, when reading a book about a historical event, a reader who is knowledgeable about history will understand and feel differently than a reader who is not. These differences add variety and depth to the reading experience.
So how does communication with an author work from the reader’s perspective? Readers communicate with authors by understanding the message the author is trying to convey and by identifying the topic of the text. As they read, they may gain new knowledge or information, or resolve questions they had. They also try to understand the text in depth by inferring the author’s intentions and hidden content. Based on this understanding, they may agree with the author’s ideas or criticize the author’s ideas. They may even extend their reading by seeking out and reading other texts to resolve questions that have arisen while reading. Through this communication process, readers reconstruct the meaning of the text based on their own background, reading comprehension skills, and reading attitudes. In other words, readers actively participate in the communication process, not just understand the message the author is trying to convey.
Another important value of reading is that it stimulates creativity and imagination. When reading an author’s work, readers imagine the world described in it, speculate on the emotions and actions of the characters, and predict how the story will unfold. This process fosters creative thinking and sparks new ideas. Creativity is not just limited to artistic endeavors; it plays an important role in many areas of life, including problem-solving, critical thinking, and the ability to see things from a new perspective.
In conclusion, reading is an important act that allows for deep communication between author and reader. It allows us to build knowledge, expand our thinking, and foster creativity. Readers don’t just passively take in information, they actively engage and interact with the author. This process adds richness and depth to reading, and has a profound impact on our lives. Reading gives us the opportunity to experience a wider world, understand different perspectives, and grow ourselves.


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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.