Is multiverse theory scientific fact or fiction? What are the debates about parallel universes and multiverses, and what are the solutions?


Multiverse theory is the theory that there are many universes outside of our own, and it’s a controversial topic among scientists. I believe that multiverse theory is a model that is mathematically supported and explains cosmological phenomena well.


We’ve all come across novels and movies that involve parallel or multiverses. Parallel or multiverses are no longer just the stuff of fiction. Currently, multiverse theory is a controversial topic among physicists. There are those who see it as a betrayal of science’s eternal principle of empirical research, and those who see it as a liberation of natural science. In other words, the debate is about whether we should recognize multiverses at all. In this article, I will explain what a multiverse is and give my opinion on whether we should recognize its existence.
First, multiverse theory is the theory that there are an uncountable number of universes beyond our observational limits. Recent advances in space observation instruments have allowed cosmologists to collect vast amounts of data, and unexplained phenomena have been discovered, which are being addressed through multiverse theory. However, some physicists reject the existence of the multiverse, adhering to the principle that all knowledge must come from direct observation. Other physicists, on the other hand, adopt model-dependent realism. Model-dependent realism grants reality to a model and its constituent concepts if the model successfully explains events. In other words, the argument is that the multiverse should be accepted because it is an excellent model to explain cosmological phenomena despite the limitations of observation. My position is that we can accept the existence of the multiverse. Here is one problem that multiverse theory solves.
When we talk about the beginning of the universe, we have Gamow’s Big Bang theory. The Big Bang theory, published by Gamow in 1939, states that the energy of the universe was compressed into something very dense and hot at the beginning of time, which then expanded in an explosion and became the universe we know today. However, the Big Bang theory couldn’t explain why the universe is flat, and the rapid expansion theory solves this problem. The rapid expansion theory theorizes that the initial expansion of the universe was driven by dark energy and occurred between approximately \(10^{-36}\) and \(10^{-32}\) seconds. This dark energy continues to drive the expansion of the universe, but astronomers’ observations have encountered a problem: the theoretical predictions and measurements of dark energy are different. This means that if we look at our universe as a multiverse, there are countless universes with different amounts of dark energy, and therefore different measurements. Therefore, it is not surprising that our universe has slightly different measurements of dark energy. The multiverse solves this dilemma between the finite and infinite nature of the universe.
One theory that supports the multiverse is string theory. String theory states that everything is made up of a single element called string, which is defined in 10 dimensions. However, only four dimensions of spacetime are currently detected. The other dimensions are not detectable because they are wound very small. The problem with this is that there are an infinite number of different ways in which these tiny dimensions can be wound, and Stephen Hawking says that M-theory constrains the way they are wound, which in turn determines the visible laws of nature. These laws of M-theory allow for a wide variety of visible natural laws, the number of which is in the order of \(10^{500}\). This theory, which supports the existence of the multiverse, has now been mathematically proven.
In summary, multiverse theory is not an unproven theory due to observational limitations. It has a mathematical foundation and is an excellent model to solve various dilemmas and explain cosmological phenomena. Throughout the history of science, theories or models have evolved. From Plato’s models, to Newton’s classical theories, to modern quantum theories. The multiverse is another model that explains cosmological phenomena. We need to recognize this and develop better theories to improve them and finally find the perfect one.


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