Is it always the right choice to persist, or is it smarter to give up?


Based on my own experience of failure due to over-indulgence, I realized that it’s important to find a balance between persistence and giving up appropriately. I emphasize that an attitude of making wise choices and learning from failures, while being wary of regret and obsession, can lead to better results.


When I think about this aspect of my personality, I realize that not being able to let go of regrets isn’t necessarily a negative thing. Of course, as I mentioned earlier, being overly obsessive or indecisive has been detrimental to me and has led to poor results in exams, but I have also learned a lot from it. In the process of having regrets, I became more aware of my own limitations and weaknesses, and I was able to focus on finding ways to improve them. I also believe that giving up without regrets is not always the best option, because sometimes regrets can lead to better results or unexpected possibilities.
People often say that ‘failure is the mother of success’. I believe this is true to a certain extent. Looking back at my own experiences, I realize that my failures have actually motivated me more and pushed me to try harder. If I hadn’t failed the SATs, I might not have been able to clearly recognize my weaknesses and let them slide. The experience of failure allowed me to prepare more thoroughly during my retakes, which ultimately led to better results.
So regrets and failures don’t have to be viewed negatively. It’s all about how you take the experience and what you can learn from it. I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes and failures, and I think they’ve made me stronger today, and when similar situations arise in the future, I’ll be able to make smarter decisions based on my experience.
However, the challenge that still remains for me is to find the right line between regret and obsession. Too much obsession is definitely harmful, but the right amount of regret can make me grow. Finding that line is not easy, but I believe it is one of the important tasks in my life, and it takes constant self-reflection and experience to find it.
I also think it’s important to recognize and accept my tendencies. I often criticize myself for being foolish, but that’s not all I am. My persistent nature has sometimes worked in my favor, and it has also been a driving force that has brought me to this point. So rather than abandoning it completely, perhaps a better attitude would be to consider how I can use it more flexibly.
In the future, I will use this reflection to empower myself to make better choices. I want to develop the wisdom to recognize when to let go and when to stick with it. This process will not be easy, but I believe it is possible with consistent effort and discipline. And along the way, developing trust in myself will be paramount. I believe that I have the potential to grow, and in striving for that, I will come to understand and respect myself more.
In the end, life is a series of choices. Sometimes those choices can leave us with regrets, and sometimes they can leave us with regrets. But the important thing is not to dwell on them, but to learn from them so that you can make better choices in the future. The experience I’ve reflected on in this article is part of that realization, and will be an important guide for my life going forward.
Learning to find the balance between letting go and clinging is now my challenge, and I think it’s one that I will pursue for the better. In the end, getting it right will make my life richer and make me a stronger person.


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I'm a blog writer. I like to write things that touch people's hearts. I want everyone who visits my blog to find happiness through my writing.

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.