How does mechanical engineering use the principles of mechanics to make our daily lives more convenient and efficient?


Mechanical engineering is based on a variety of mechanics, including thermodynamics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and dynamics, and has a profound impact on the machines and technologies we use in our daily lives. From the design of cars to various advanced technologies, mechanical engineering makes our lives easier by increasing efficiency and safety.


‘You only sound as good as you know’ and ‘you only look as good as you know’ – two phrases we’ve all heard at one time or another. Many people experience these phrases without realising it, and the depth of their learning broadens their view of the world. This is exactly what happened to me when I was studying my major. Studying a subject has given me a new way of looking at the world, and in the process, I’ve been able to experience the joy of understanding something. In this article, I will try to explain in simple terms the subject that gave me this insight: mechanical engineering.
If I had to describe mechanical engineering in one word, the most appropriate word would be ‘mechanics’. The dictionary definition of ‘mechanics’ is the study of the relationship between forces and motion between objects. Based on this definition, we can say that mechanical engineering is a discipline that is deeply concerned with moving objects and the principles of the forces that make them move. To understand the foundations of mechanics, we can think of Newton. ‘Newton’ – the man who realised the law of universal gravitation by watching an apple fall from an apple tree. Newton’s anecdote contains a fundamental principle of mechanics. In this anecdote, the object in motion is an apple, and the question of why it falls leads to the discovery of a force called universal gravitation. Universal gravitation is the force that attracts all objects to each other, which can be easily understood as gravity. From this discovery, Newton developed fundamental laws about the forces and motions that act on objects, which became the basis of mechanics. This is how mechanics came to be known as ‘Newtonian mechanics’ after Newton.
Mechanical engineering is based on mechanics, which can be divided into four main branches: thermodynamics, solid mechanics, dynamics, and fluid mechanics. These classifications help us to understand the overall structure of mechanical engineering, and they can be easily illustrated through the objects we use in our daily lives, especially cars.
Let’s start with thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is the study of thermal phenomena, that is, the movement and change of heat. The easiest place to see this in a car is the air conditioner and heater: seemingly simple devices that blow cold air and release warm heat, but there are complex thermodynamic principles behind them. Furthermore, with fuel efficiency becoming an increasingly important factor in the current era of high oil prices, thermodynamics is closely related to how a car efficiently utilises the heat energy it gets from fuel.
Next, solid mechanics is closely related to body design. In modern vehicle design, it is important to make the body lightweight to increase fuel efficiency. However, a body that is too light can be vulnerable to impact, which can compromise safety. Therefore, solid mechanics enables designs that use lightweight yet strong materials to support loads and ensure occupant safety in the event of a collision.
Fluid dynamics also plays an important role in car design. If you look at the design of a car body, it’s usually streamlined to reduce drag. More air resistance means more energy is required for the car to move forward, which adversely affects fuel efficiency. Fluid dynamics analyses this interaction between air and the vehicle, contributing to minimising air resistance and increasing the stability of the vehicle.
Dynamics is the study of moving objects and the forces that act on them. When a car turns a corner, some vehicles move steadily, while others do not. This difference comes from differences in dynamics design. Understanding the complex physical forces that occur when a vehicle turns and incorporating them into the design is an important role of dynamics.
As you can see, mechanical engineering is centred around four mechanics: thermodynamics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and dynamics. However, the field of mechanical engineering does not stop there. Its applications span a wide range of fields, including bio-robotics in conjunction with biological systems, biomechanics in conjunction with medical technology, and acoustics in conjunction with dynamics. Mechanical engineering is not just about mechanical problems, but it is an important discipline that is closely connected to our daily lives through its integration with various advanced technologies.


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