How did I learn about health, responsibility, and integrity through my father’s teachings and example?


I explained why I chose my father as my role model. Thanks to his strict diet, exercise, and health-conscious attitude, as well as his example of responsibility and integrity, I was able to learn about healthy lifestyles and the value of living life right.


Many people name a lot of great people as role models. However, I believe that a role model should be the person who has helped you the most in your life so far and who can guide you in the direction of your life. I would like to describe my father, who has made me who I am today, because as the head of our family and a senior doctor, he always sets an example.
My father is a bit of a stern man. That’s the way it is when it comes to your profession, medicine. Since I was a kid, he didn’t allow me to eat fast food like pizza, chicken, and other junk food that most kids like to eat. Most parents try to keep their kids away from unhealthy foods as much as possible, but my dad took it to the extreme. We never ordered home delivery, and the only time I got to eat fast food was when we got together with friends. The food was so delicious to my young mind that I wondered if my friends’ mothers were telling me and my mother to feed our sons well. To be honest, at the time, I resented my father a bit and had some conflicts with him because I thought, “Why do I always have to eat what my father wants to eat while my friends get to eat delicious food when they go out with their families?
However, when I entered high school and moved away from my family, I understood and was very grateful to him. Thanks to my childhood eating habits, I learned to eat evenly and not to skimp on food, and while my friends ate whatever they wanted without thinking about it, I thought about nutritional balance and health when I ate. Thanks to this, I was never particularly sick during my three years of high school when I lived alone.
My father makes me exercise a lot. I learned many sports from a young age, including taekwondo, swimming, basketball, and soccer. In addition, in middle school, I went out with my brother to play soccer, jog, and board with him. Even during the middle school exams, my dad emphasized the importance of regular exercise. As a student who could have easily become obsessed with studying to get into a science high school, my father taught me that my health came before my studies, and he always demonstrated this through his actions. Even when he is relaxing at home, he often stretches and does calisthenics, demonstrating the importance of self-care, which is how he maintains a lean body despite being over 50 years old. Growing up with such a father, I was never particularly good at sports, but I enjoyed playing soccer, basketball, baseball, and other sports with my friends throughout my school years.
In fact, when I first entered Seoul National University of Science and Technology, I was obsessed with inferiority complexes due to the fact that I was one of the few local students in the school and came from Jeju Island, which has a particularly poor educational environment, but sports gave me the opportunity to make many friends and realize that my high school friends were no different from my middle school friends. This mental stability made me enjoy my school life, and my physical strength from sports helped me to make up for my lack of study skills. Thanks to this, I was able to graduate from Seoul Science High School with good grades.
My father always set an example not only in his profession as a surgeon, but also at home. I learned the importance of responsibility and integrity from watching him leave for work early in the morning, tired after operating until dawn. He always took pride in his profession, which was a source of great pride for our entire family. Through this example, I realized how important it is to be responsible and take pride in your work.
To be honest, my father is not as articulate as he thinks he is with our family. I think this personality and lack of communication is partly responsible for the occasional arguments between my mother and me. However, my father is a role model in my life because as a surgeon, he performs surgeries at dawn and goes to work the next morning without sleep, and as a father, he gives his son bitter advice rather than sweet words.
In addition, he has always been committed to self-improvement. Despite his busy schedule as a doctor, he never neglected to acquire new medical knowledge and research. Watching him, I realized the importance of being willing to constantly learn and grow. He also generously shared his knowledge and experience with younger doctors, which earned him the respect of many people. This aspect of my father’s behavior greatly impressed me and inspired me to never stop learning and continue to grow.
My father is more than just my father, he is my role model and the person who has given me direction in life. Thanks to his teachings and example, I have a healthy body and mind, and I have realized the importance of responsibility and integrity. I will never forget his teachings in my future life. He is my role model and will always be a great support to me.


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