How can wood contribute to various industries and ecosystem protection through environmental materials science?


Wood is one of the oldest resources in human history, and it’s used for more than just building materials; it’s also used for paper, furniture, and ecosystem protection. Environmental materials science is the study of the physical and chemical properties of wood to find ways to utilize this resource more efficiently and build a sustainable future.


What are the oldest and most widely used materials in human history? Probably stone and wood. Wood, in particular, is not only important for construction and civil engineering, but it is also a very important resource for paper. In addition to this, wood is used in many other industries, and its importance is growing every day. In recent years, useful chemicals have been extracted from various species of trees and used commercially. The value of wood is not just limited to its physical resources, but also the biological resources that trees and forests provide. When you hear the name Environmental Materials Science and Engineering, you might wonder what kind of material this major is engineering with. The answer is wood, which is to say that environmental materials science is the study of the physical and chemical properties of wood and its utilization.
So, what kind of engineering can you do with wood? Aside from architecture and civil engineering and the paper industry, you might not be able to think of any. At best, you might be able to think of a few more, maybe furniture? But wood is much more versatile than you might think. Paper is made by grinding wood into pulp, a process that requires a good understanding of the physical and chemical properties of wood. Not only that, but the largest industry that utilizes wood is the paper industry. Paper engineering is one of the most emphasized areas of the curriculum, covering everything from the basic properties of wood to complex chemical treatments.
Wood construction and furniture making is also an important part of environmental materials science. Wood construction encompasses a wide range of applications, from the familiar sauna and forest bathing facilities to timber resorts in recreational forests. Wood flooring is also a popular alternative to sheetrock, and understanding wood plays an important role in this field. The manufacture of furniture, flooring, and musical instruments using wood is as large as the paper industry, and an understanding of the properties of wood is essential. But the use of wood doesn’t end there. The residues from the processing of solid wood are used to make plywood, which has a wide range of applications.
Biological utilization of forest resources is also an important area of environmental materials science. For example, the diverse microorganisms that live in trees and forests provide compounds that humans can benefit from. Examples include salicylic acid from willow, phytoncides from recreational forests, and taxol from yew. These compounds are not just used as medicines, but also have a variety of industrial applications. Methanol from wood fermentation and natural rubber from rubber trees are also important resources. Furthermore, environmental materials science can contribute to solving environmental problems with these resources. For example, the use of microorganisms to degrade hydrocarbons in crude oil in the event of an oil spill, or the development of water purification systems using microorganisms.
As such, environmental materials science not only studies the physical and chemical properties of wood and applies them to real-world applications, but also seeks to utilize the entire forest ecosystem. It covers the use of wood and its byproducts, the biological and chemical utilization of forest resources, and the management and conservation of forest resources themselves. Graduates of environmental materials science can work as architectural engineers in the design and construction of wooden buildings, as technicians in paper mills, and as technicians with specialized knowledge in the design and construction of musical instruments and furniture. You can also go on to graduate school and become a specialist in the study of the various biological and chemical resources derived from wood or forest resources.
As you can see, environmental materials science is a very important field of study, both academically and in the real world. The knowledge and skills learned through this major contribute greatly to the management and utilization of resources, which are essential in modern society. Even now, as I write this, I am sitting at a desk that has been touched by environmental materials science. Even this desk is the result of a good understanding of the physical properties of wood and its proper processing.


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