How can materials science give wings to other technological fields and change human history and the future?


Materials science has played an important role in everything from the Stone Age to modern spacecraft. Through metallurgy, ceramics, polymer compound research, and more, materials science drives technological advancements, particularly in the areas of displays, energy, and biomaterials. Advances in materials science are improving the quality of human life and are key to a sustainable future.


There is a drink called Red Bull that I sometimes see in passing. It says, “Red Bull, spread your wings.” Just like Red Bull, materials science is a discipline that spreads its wings to other fields of engineering and technology. As materials science advances, other fields of technology also spread their wings and advance. Materials have played an enormous role in the history of mankind as a whole, as humans have been developing new materials since the Stone Age, and depending on the material, we can divide the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. In modern times, as mentioned, it has become a discipline that affects everything from everyday household appliances to spacecraft in outer space.
In some ways, Materials Science and Engineering is an unfocused department. The major I originally belonged to and was studying was shipbuilding and marine engineering, but the focus of the direction of study is very different from that time when the focus of all majors was the design of an ideal ship. In shipbuilding and offshore engineering, we focus on the design of ships, the stability of marine structures, and so on, and it’s a relatively clear goal. But in materials engineering, which has already been renamed to new materials engineering in other schools, we study different fields with different focuses. So as an undergraduate, you really study materials engineering as a general education level. And then when you go to graduate school, you specialize in three areas, which are metallurgy, and then ceramics, which are semiconductors, display-related areas, and polymers, which are polymeric compounds that used to be the basis of textile engineering, and then you study those areas in depth. So the courses that you take in undergraduate are really the foundational courses, the required courses that you have in school, or the foundational courses of the discipline.
That’s why I changed my major. I wanted to major in a field where I could study a lot of different things and then choose what I really wanted to do after I learned more than I did as an undergraduate, rather than shipbuilding, which has a single focus. However, it’s difficult to define and explain each field easily because it covers so many different things. Materials engineering studies the arrangement of atoms in three broad categories of materials through approaches such as crystal structure, i.e., finding regular arrangements, and phase transformation processes, i.e., the process by which water turns into ice and then into water vapor. By studying the physical and chemical properties of the arrangement, we can find the most needed properties and utilize them.
Metallurgy, as mentioned earlier, analyzes the atomic structure of different metals to find effective ways to refine them and create the alloys we need in our daily lives. The aluminum alloy duralumin, which is used to make airplanes, is a material developed in this field of metallurgy. Secondly, ceramic engineering covers compounds containing Si (silicon), ceramics, cement, and nowadays, materials related to high-tech science such as semiconductors, display materials, and human medicine. Especially in the case of ceramics, since silicon is the largest component of the earth’s crust, the discovery of new technologies and the development of new materials generates tremendous added value. Finally, there’s polymer compounds, which I introduced in the third area. In the past, we were talking about a fragmented field called fibers, but nowadays it’s called carbon compounds. We use organic compounds to make everything from PVC, PET, and plastics, which are related to vinyl, to materials used in medicine. And because of the nature of carbon compounds, there are so many variations and so many compounds, there is so much potential for advancement.
As you can see, materials engineering is involved in every aspect of our daily lives, from the foundation of large structures such as steel and metals to microscopic materials such as semiconductors and plastics. It is a field of engineering that has had a tremendous impact on humanity and is fundamental to all fields, so it is becoming increasingly important. And as the demand for new materials increases with each passing century, it has become so important that the development of these materials can determine the development of a country.
In particular, in the field of display research, which is where I would like to pursue my career, a display called AMOLED has recently gained prominence, centered on Samsung and LG. AMOLED is a type of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) that produces its own light, and it is characterized by sharper and better colors, faster response speed, less visual fatigue, and lower power consumption than LCDs, and unlike LCDs, it does not require a backlight because it is self-luminous, so it can be realized in a thin size. In the past, LCDs and PDPs were the leading ceramics in this field, but the trend is changing as polymer compounds and organic compounds are also being utilized in various fields. Samsung and LG, the companies that developed the technologies accordingly, have been rewarded with market shares that are far beyond those of other companies.
Looking at this trend, I think the importance of materials engineering cannot be overemphasized. My dream is to make a difference in the world, even if it’s just a small one, and I think I can do that by majoring in materials science, even if it’s just for a short period of time. Isn’t it fascinating to think of materials science as the “wings that spread” behind the technology we use every day?
Furthermore, materials science also plays an important role in solving the energy challenges of the future. We need efficient energy storage and conversion technologies to solve the energy problems we face today. For example, next-generation battery technology, solar panels, and fuel cells all rely on advances in materials science. These technologies can help protect our planet by providing more efficient and environmentally friendly energy solutions.
The field of biomaterials engineering is also an important part of materials science. It is important that biomaterials, such as artificial organs and bones, are biocompatible with the human body. This enables the development of innovative medical technologies that replace or restore human body functions. For example, artificial joints, artificial blood vessels, and tissue engineering are made possible by advances in materials science.
Materials engineering is therefore more than just developing new materials; it is improving the quality of human life and is a key technology for a sustainable future. That’s why it makes sense to major in materials science. Doesn’t it excite you to think about how materials science can change the future of humanity? The possibilities are endless!


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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.