How can I relate to the characteristics of mechanical engineering to reveal and apply my own personality and abilities through similarities?


I didn’t write this post, my friend majored in mechanical engineering, and he is using the simplicity, hands-on nature, connectivity, and applicability of mechanical engineering to describe his mindset, initiative, teamwork skills, and interdisciplinary thinking.


In this article, I would like to introduce myself through my major. In the main, I will reveal my characteristics by comparing myself with the characteristics of my major. In addition, I will use real-life examples that everyone can relate to to make it easier for non-majors to understand. Finally, in the conclusion, I will synthesize my characteristics and explain who I am as a person.
I am a machine science major. A machine is a tool that does work instead of a person. When most people think of “machines,” they think of drab factories running 24/7. Why did I choose to major in something that seems so laborious, difficult, and dangerous?
I became interested in machines because they and mechanical engineering have a lot in common.
First, machines are very simple. Of course, there are complex machines, but what I mean is that machines move according to very simple rules. Newton’s laws of motion are the laws that all machines follow, as well as everything else. They consist of only three laws. You might be asking yourself, “Why am I majoring in mechanics and not physics? But in order to approach machines, we need to be more concise. You may have ridden a bicycle as a child. A bicycle has a cushioning device called a suspension (or “shock absorber”). This suspension is also an important factor that determines the ride quality in a car. If I asked you to calculate how much a car would sway when going over a speed bump, it would be difficult if you tried to analyze it in terms of a car. However, if you simplify the situation and think of the car as a wooden box and the suspension as a combination of springs and dampers (syringes of liquid that resist movement), you can get an approximate but realistic value. I totally agree with the phrase ‘simple is best’. For many of the problems I face in life, I find answers by simplifying complex issues, sometimes taking my eyes off the trees to see the forest for the trees, sometimes thinking of intertwined events independently, as if an electrical wire is very complicated on the surface, but ultimately doesn’t affect each other. This mindset is a powerful weapon when I am faced with a difficult problem or complex situation.
Next, machines are experiential. I am a very driven person. I can watch a sporting event or read a book, but I need to experience it firsthand to get my head around it. Machines can actually be seen, touched, and moved. You’re not dealing with planets hundreds of millions of light years away or invisible germs. Machines like cars and scooters are everywhere, you can see them, and you can ride them. And you can feel how their performance changes with tuning. Machines are close to us, and most of the time we can control them.
Next, machines are connected. Machines are made up of many parts that connect to each other to create a single movement. The easiest example is a watch. It has a lot of teeth and hundreds of parts. But each and every one of those cogs turns against each other to move the hour, minute, and second hands to show time. The parts of the machine play different roles, but in the end, they create a single movement. The harmony and overall flow that is created by their different roles. This is not only a characteristic of the machine, but it is also consistent with the direction of my life. I like to see people working in harmony and speaking with one voice, even if their colors are different. Therefore, when I work as a team, I respect the characteristics of each individual, making use of their strengths and complementing each other’s weaknesses. This turns out to be a strength when I work in a team.
Finally, machines are easily adaptable. Machines are utilized in so many fields. Whether it’s cooking utensils, medical devices, or sound equipment, they are very versatile and flexible. I am very interested in collaborating with other majors, such as art and music, on projects. In fact, last semester I worked on a project with the medical school to create a radiation therapy aid. The idea of not just focusing purely on machines, but looking out into other fields to find needs, and the versatility of machines that can be used anywhere. These are the driving forces that attracted me to my major and made me dive deep into it.
So far, the characteristics of machines have revealed me. To summarize, I am a concise thinker. When faced with a problem, I simplify it to see the big picture and find a solution. I am also driven and proactive. I take initiative whenever I have a chance to get hands-on experience. When it comes to work, I prefer to work in a team and value harmony. I like to work in a team because I know that everyone has their own color, and when we work together, we can compensate for each other’s weaknesses and play to our strengths. Lastly, I am interested in many different fields. Therefore, I find it interesting to combine different fields.
This is how I introduced myself through my majors. It was very surprising to see that not only the format but also the content was different from when I expressed myself through my childhood or relationships. I think it was an effective way to discover my characteristics. I should further utilize my characteristics and develop them into my strengths.


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I'm a blog writer. I like to write things that touch people's hearts. I want everyone who visits my blog to find happiness through my writing.

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.