Given the addictive nature of marijuana and its negative effects on youth, is legalization the right choice?


The addictive nature of marijuana and its negative effects, especially on young people, cannot be ignored. For the health of the country and the future of young people, the legalization of marijuana is justified, and a hasty legalization could lead to a number of social problems.


In recent years, drug crimes have become more sophisticated, and the legalization of marijuana is an ongoing debate around the world. While some countries have already legalized marijuana or allow its use for medical purposes, I don’t think legalization is justified. There are many reasons and evidence to support this.
First of all, marijuana is the drying of a plant such as cannabis to obtain its psychoactive effects. In particular, marijuana contains high amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main ingredient responsible for the psychoactive chemical effects. THC affects neurotransmitters in the brain, altering mood and cognitive function. However, marijuana contains at least 66 other chemicals in addition to THC, each of which affects the body and mind in different ways. When these chemicals are absorbed by the body, they not only produce subjective psychedelic effects, but they can also cause physical illness. Marijuana can cause respiratory problems, especially chronic bronchitis, congestion, and lung disease, and long-term smoking has the potential to cause reproductive dysfunction and brain dysfunction.
Furthermore, marijuana is known to be a highly addictive substance. Once a person inhales it, they are more likely to continue to do so due to withdrawal symptoms. Marijuana addiction isn”t just about using the drug repeatedly. As the addiction progresses, physical and psychological dependence increases, causing users to gradually give up other aspects of their lives. This can end up seriously harming the individual’s health. These side effects of marijuana are not something to be taken lightly. As a country, we should never ignore the fact that marijuana use can have devastating effects on an individual’s physical and mental health.
Protecting the health of its citizens is one of the most important responsibilities of the state, and therefore, it is very appropriate to protect the safety and lives of its citizens by making the use of drugs like marijuana illegal. Legalizing marijuana is not just about banning drugs, it is an important policy measure to help people live healthy and safe lives. While the legalization of marijuana is highly debated, given the risks and side effects it can cause, the state’s legal sanctions can be considered a legitimate measure to protect its citizens.
Furthermore, marijuana use has a variety of negative effects on an individual’s mental and physical functioning. For example, long-term marijuana use is associated with loss of energy, lethargy, loss of desire, decreased efficiency, inability to plan long-term, attention deficit, and memory loss. This can lead to a significant decrease in job performance or academic achievement. This can have serious social and economic consequences, especially for students and workers. These symptoms are known as “boreout syndrome” and can lead to a loss of interest and motivation in life, and in severe cases, mental illness. In particular, it is not uncommon for people who experience these symptoms as a result of marijuana use to suffer from depression or make extreme choices such as suicide. This is more than just an individual problem, but a factor that can have serious negative effects on society as a whole.
Proponents of marijuana legalization may argue that it infringes on individual liberty rights, especially the right to privacy and freedom. However, these freedoms can be limited when there is the potential to compromise public safety and health, which is the case with marijuana legalization. The conflict of rights that may arise in the process of marijuana legalization requires finding the right balance between two important values: the right to liberty and the protection of people’s health. In fact, the legalization of same-sex marriage was initially met with much opposition and controversy, but these conflicts were resolved through a change in social attitudes and the creation of a legal framework. However, unlike same-sex marriage, marijuana is a health and safety issue, and the possible side effects and risks of legalization should not be overlooked.
Some argue that marijuana has relatively few side effects compared to other drugs. However, this is only true in certain cases. The side effects can be much more severe, especially if a person is introduced to marijuana during adolescence. When marijuana is legalized, it becomes more accessible to young people, which can have devastating effects on their physical and mental development. Studies have shown that marijuana use during adolescence is associated with higher rates of depression, schizophrenia, and suicidal behavior. This is not just a temporary problem, but a serious one that can negatively impact an individual’s life and society as a whole in the long run.
In particular, THC, the main ingredient in marijuana, has a powerful effect on the central nervous system, causing changes in human behavior, thinking, and emotions. When adolescents become addicted to marijuana, their academic performance suffers and they lose interest in activities they used to enjoy. This lethargy and burnout syndrome can persist into adulthood, negatively impacting an individual’s economic independence and social success. Above all, if young people become dependent on marijuana as they grow up, their futures are greatly jeopardized. Therefore, the legalization of marijuana is an essential step to protect their healthy development and future.
Overall, the legalization of marijuana is not simply a matter of restricting individual freedoms, but a legitimate measure taken by the state to protect the health and safety of the population as a whole. Not only does legalizing marijuana create conflicts with multiple rights, but the risks are too great to justify the social costs and side effects. Considering the negative impact on the health and future of young people in particular, legalizing marijuana is a necessary step.


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