Examples of different types of inaugural speeches



This is a collection of example inaugural speeches of different types. These are helpful for those who are about to take office.


Inauguration speech for the chairman of a public corporation

Dear members of the ○○ Corporation family, I am ○○○, the first chairman of the board of directors of the ○○ Corporation, who has become a member of your family from today. Standing here, I feel a heavy sense of responsibility, not for personal glory, but for taking on the responsibility of management at a difficult time, such as promoting the development of public enterprises.
I am aware that our corporation was founded in 20XX, and as a result of the concerted efforts of all executives and employees in the face of difficult internal conditions and a rapidly changing external environment, last year, we were selected as an excellent public corporation by the Ministry of ○○ for management evaluation, an excellent human resource development organization by the Ministry of ○○ and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, and an excellent labor-management culture organization by the Ministry of ○○ for the second consecutive year.
I believe that these tangible achievements are the result of the outstanding leadership of our predecessor, Chairman ○○○, and the sweat and hard work of all of you who have faithfully fulfilled your responsibilities and callings even under difficult conditions. I would like to express my gratitude and encouragement.
Dear Employees! We cannot deny the reality that the negative term “God’s workplace” has become commonplace for public corporations these days. I believe this is because citizens still believe that inefficiencies still persist in public corporations. Therefore, in order for our corporation to be recognized as a true civic public corporation that is loved and trusted by citizens, we must prove through our performance that we are not inefficient. From this perspective, I would like to make a few remarks on the management direction that I will focus on while working with you in the future.
First, public enterprise modernization and economic revitalization. As I have said before, whether we like it or not, public enterprise modernization is the talk of the town and an unavoidable task given to us. Therefore, for the survival and prosperity of our organization, we must turn the bitter cold wave of bone-crushing restructuring into an opportunity for modernization. We need to consolidate our competitive advantage through creative cost-cutting efforts to reweave even dry towels, while also contributing all our wisdom and capabilities to revitalizing the local economy through fiscal consolidation, which is being promoted by the government, to fulfill the calling of the times for our public enterprises.
Second, customer satisfaction management. We are a public corporation that has no meaning of existence apart from the citizens of ○○, and our tremendous growth has been possible only because of the trust of our customers and owners, the citizens of ○○. Therefore, we must boldly shift our management philosophy to be customer-centered. We must go beyond customer satisfaction by conducting customer satisfaction surveys at all business sites to understand exactly what customers want and what problems they have, and provide customized services to truly impress them.
Third, facility safety management. Safety cannot be emphasized enough: no matter how many good initiatives we develop and implement, no matter how much we work to the bone to improve management efficiency, all it takes is one accident. Some of the facilities managed by our industrial complexes are in good safety condition, such as ○○, while others, such as sewage treatment plants, are aging and require special attention to safety. In particular, swimming pools and underground shopping centers that are used by many people require even more careful attention and management. We are well aware of the disastrous effects of a single accident, so we must put all our energy and sincerity into the management of each facility, each blade of grass, and each tree.
Fourth, labor-management convergence management. Labor-management relations are the alpha and omega of management. As it has been and will continue to be, labor and management must work together with one mind and one heart to further strengthen the public-private relationship of coexistence and mutual benefit. In today’s economic crisis, both nationally and locally, if labor and management are only engaged in a tug-of-war, the organization will perish. Especially in the urgent situation where we are facing a fierce storm of public enterprise development, labor-management relations must be elevated beyond a relationship of harmony to a stage of convergence. From now on, I will approach labor-management relations with an open mind, and the goal will be the development of the industrial complex and the improvement of the welfare of employees. I ask for your active understanding and cooperation.
Lastly, harmonious management is the ideal we all dream of, a workplace that makes us feel good about coming to work. An organization that has mistrust between departments and conflicts between employees can never exist or develop, and such an organization will never be tolerated by the current government and people in this era. Let us all move forward on the path of harmony and stability. If there is a wall of distrust, let’s take the initiative to break it down, lower our voices a little and listen to the other side’s opinions and arguments, and make this a dream workplace that everyone is proud to work in.
Dear employees, I am ready to dedicate my new life to elevating the internal and external competitiveness of our industrial park to the next level, not just in the facility management function. I ask you to fulfill your responsibilities with a spirit of constant self-innovation and challenge.
○○From this moment on, you and I are destined to realize the dreams of the complex together. Let’s work together in unity with our firm beliefs and develop the KIC into the best blue-chip public company in the country. In closing, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr. ○○ for his hard work in leading the KIC during the vacancy of the chairman, and I would like to conclude my inaugural speech by wishing all employees and their families happiness and laughter.


Inaugural speech by KFTC Chairman

Dear KFTC staff, it is a great pleasure to see you again. I stand here today with the great responsibility of being the first chairman of the KFTC under the ○○○ government. For me personally, this is the place where I sweated for three years and seven months in the summer of 1982, when the KFTC was just in its infancy, when I was assigned to the Fair Trade Division of the Economic Planning Institute. It is a great feeling to be back here again. At that time, the terms “competition promotion” and “fair trade” were very unfamiliar.
Since the Fair Trade Act was first introduced and enforced in 1981, the KFTC has been leading the value-based development of our economy by promoting competition and correcting unfair practices. This is thanks to the pioneering role played by all the KFTC staff, including my predecessors.
Today, I would like to take this opportunity to analyze the current state of our economy from an antitrust perspective and discuss with you the policy issues that I and you should address in the future.
Recently, our economy has been experiencing slow growth and a lack of market order, which has led to widening polarization and hindered social integration. This will eventually lead to the spread of social conflicts and increase the cost of healing.
The rights and interests of the economically disadvantaged are being infringed upon, as seen in the case of conglomerate monopolization, where the chaebols are able to take higher rewards than in normal transactions and infiltrate areas where it is easy to make profits without taking risks.
I believe that improving this economic structure and creating an economy in which ‘legitimate activities are rewarded fairly’ is the key to economic democratization, and the KFTC, as the lead ministry in promoting economic democratization, will fulfill the calling of the times.
Going forward, we will focus on the following four issues to drive our policies.
First, we must thoroughly correct the structure and behavior of conglomerates that reap unjustified rewards through unfair activities. While it is true that Korea’s conglomerates have played a driving role in the development of the national economy, an undesirable structure with a disparity of authority and responsibility has been formed as the head of the family controls all affiliates with a small shareholding. In addition, the biggest problems facing conglomerates in terms of behavior are the pursuit of self-interest through internal transactions, penetration of SMEs in the process, and monopolization in the front and rear related markets. We, the KFTC, will continue to eradicate wrongful practices that threaten the fair compensation system, such as the self-interested behavior of the head of the family, such as funneling of work, and unfair internal transactions between affiliates.
In this regard, I would like to make a few comments on the proposed amendments to the Fair Trade Act currently being discussed in the National Assembly. First, the proposed amendments permit transactions between affiliates in principle, but exceptionally prohibit only three types of unfair transactions that confer abnormal benefits on the top family members, such as transactions with more favorable terms than normal transactions, work stealing, and misappropriation of business opportunities. Nevertheless, it is misleadingly stated that transactions between affiliates are prohibited in principle. We don’t want this misconception to overshadow the truth, so we need to be proactive in explaining it.
In addition, the presumed involvement of the total number of family members and the burden of proof for violations of the Fair Trade Act need to be clarified to eliminate the possibility of over-regulation. We will work closely with the National Assembly to come up with reasonable amendments.
In addition, we should actively promote amendments to the Commercial Code and the National Pension Act in cooperation with relevant ministries to make the ownership and governance structure of large conglomerates simpler and more transparent, and to curb arbitrary management behavior of controlling shareholders. In particular, we should prohibit new rounds of equity investment in order to prevent the acquisition of large companies without reducing the control of the controlling family and the unfair succession of management.
Second, we need to protect the rights and interests of the economically weak, such as small and medium-sized ventures, and actively support the implementation of the creative economy. Unlike the 20th century economy, which was able to generate profits by competing in existing markets, the 21st century economy needs to create new markets and jobs where there are none. This requires creative core technologies. These technologies can be developed through interdisciplinary, inter-industry, inter-academic, inter-governmental, or inter-company R&D collaborations, and it is difficult for such collaborative projects to succeed if a fair competitive order is not established among the participating parties.
In particular, a fair competition order must be established to ensure that newly developed technologies, patents, and trade secrets are not stolen and that transactions are conducted with fair compensation. A fair trade foundation and environment must be created so that small and medium-sized ventures can freely develop technologies and receive fair compensation for their technology development.
Currently, as a small number of large companies monopolize the market, many small and medium-sized contractors and suppliers have become highly dependent on large companies, and the lock-in effect is deepening. In this situation, unfair practices such as unfair unit price reductions based on vested interests or power advantage and theft of technology and manpower have yet to be eradicated. In such a market where dependence on demand monopolies is deepened and the market is not fair, it is difficult for small and medium-sized ventures to grow or for the creative economy to take root.
We will have to think a lot about how to resolve these issues in the future. Recently, as the demand for economic democratization has grown, policy attention has been leaning heavily toward economic democratization, but when we look around us, unfair trade practices that oppress the common people are emerging as urgent issues. In particular, we should take strong measures against unfair practices by convenience store headquarters, which have become a human rights issue, by amending relevant laws.
Third, we need to redesign the cartel regulation system to eradicate cartels. Cartels are one of the biggest unfair practices that not only directly harm consumers by restricting market competition, but also eliminate incentives for technology development. In order to eradicate cartels, it is important to redesign the regulatory system to ensure that once a cartel is caught, it is difficult to break it. Since the probability of being caught is low, the expected costs of being caught should be greater than the expected benefits of violating the law, so that violations are deterred.
First of all, it is necessary to increase the cost burden of detecting cartels by activating damages lawsuits through the introduction of a class action system, while strengthening criminal sanctions by granting the right to request a complaint to the SMEs and public procurement agencies. In addition, while much emphasis has been placed on the transparency and clarity of fines imposed on cartels, this is not enough; the actual rate of fines should be increased to ensure the effectiveness of administrative sanctions. In addition, it is also very important to expand the number of investigators and strengthen their investigative capabilities to support effective cartel investigations.
Fourth, we need to create a market environment that enables consumers to play a leading role in the creative economy. We should expand the provision of comparative information to consumers and actively support the activities of consumer organizations to establish rational consumption practices. This will ultimately lead to the spread of a culture where companies serve consumers as owners.
The public’s interest in and expectations of the KFTC are greater than ever before, and the demand for economic democratization and protection of small and medium-sized businesses and consumers is stronger and more persistent than ever before. We must take this very seriously and fulfill our mission. To do so, our staff must have both a macro view of the economy as a whole and a micro view of every nook and cranny of the economy and society, and be able to speak out in a timely manner against anticompetitive policies and measures of other ministries to minimize the harm to competition. While companies make the best use of talented lawyers and researchers, KFTC is weak in this area. Going forward, we need to overhaul our research staff and organization to ensure that our market surveillance role is properly fulfilled.
In addition, since we are an organization that enforces fair trade, the trust of the public is paramount, so we need to have a much stricter sense of ethics and integrity than other organizations. If people who don’t work are rewarded, everyone in the organization will become lazy and want to take a free ride, and the organization will eventually collapse. I will actively reward employees who work hard and perform well.
I believe that if all of us at the KFTC pool our wisdom and work together, we will be able to solve even the most difficult challenges. I will fulfill my responsibilities as chairman so that you can focus on your work. As the scope of the law expands, the workload of the staff is increasing. I will pay special attention to improving your working environment, and I will always be available to talk with you as soon as I have time, so that we can share the pain and achievements of the organization together. Thank you.


President’s Inauguration President’s Season’s Greetings

Good morning, everyone. It’s April, the sun is warm, but there’s still a chill at the end of the wind. We’re past the Chinese New Year, but it’s still too early to call it spring, and it’s still too early to fully feel the warmth. However, it’s said that by the end of this week, we’ll be able to feel the first signs of spring, so it’s worth getting excited.
Spring may come from the wind, but it also comes from the heart.
And if you’re like me, your heart has been waiting for spring to come first.
If you’re not ready for the season yet, I hope you’ll take the initiative to prepare yourself and welcome spring with all your heart.
Today, I dare to speak to you about my aspirations for the future of ○○, a world-class scientific research university.
First of all, I would like to thank my predecessors for their hard work during their tenure, and I believe that in a short period of time, the university has achieved a lot of qualitative and quantitative growth, with such a beautiful headquarters building and students publishing papers in world-class journals. Thank you for your hard work.
As you all know, ○○ is a unique type of research-oriented graduate university. Although ○○ is small in size, in order to foster it as a competitive research-oriented university not only in Korea but also globally, we will have to focus on enhancing the academic competitiveness of our students and professors and enhancing the brand value of the university.
In addition, we have students and professors studying and researching hard at 10 campuses around the world. Although we are spatially separated from each other, I think it is most important to build a systematic and open network that communicates closely with each other. ○○ should be a university that interacts and communicates with the world as well as the country, and I think we have favorable conditions for globalization because we have a relatively large number of foreign students.
Based on the foundation that you have built, I would like to ask all of you to actively participate in creating a small but competitive university that is not only domestically but also globally.
The size of a school, or the number of students, does not necessarily make it competitive and good. What is more important is how much energy explodes within it, even if it is small. We ○○ may be small in size, but I am sure that no other university can match our energy and passion.
Friends, for any organization to perform well, unity is the most important thing. I believe that an organization that is in harmony with each other will surely achieve good results. I ask you to care for each other, to encourage each other, to praise each other for our strengths and quietly help each other improve on our weaknesses. Thank you.


Superintendent’s inaugural address

Greetings, honored citizens of ○○ City, and dear faculty, staff, and parents!
It is an immense honor to stand here today as the ○th Superintendent of ○○○ City Schools, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the citizens of ○○ City for giving me the opportunity to work hard for the education of ○○ City as it moves forward nationally and globally. I would also like to thank all those who took time out of their busy schedules to congratulate me on my inauguration.
Education is the hope and competitiveness of a country. All countries in the world are making every effort to strengthen the competitiveness of education and foster human resources with autonomy and creativity to secure national competitiveness. When the country is filled with well-educated people, we can look forward to a promising future. In the current 21st century, the education system is gradually changing at a rapid pace. Under these circumstances, I will put all my efforts into creating advanced education for the new era, leaving behind the outdated systems that have hindered educational progress.
I hope to repay your interest by fulfilling my mission, so I would like to take this opportunity to share with you my resolve once again.
I will do my best to keep pace with the rapidly changing world of education, but most importantly, I recognize the need to prioritize education for our children, and I promise to create an environment that will nurture their individual skills and turn them into contributing members of society. We believe that it will be better if we boldly stay away from the old education policies and accept only the necessary ones, while recognizing and combining new ones. We will apply the old saying “warm and knowledgeable” to the current education system.
First, we will nurture creative talents who can advance not only in Korea but also in the world and contribute to the development of the community. To do so, we will strengthen academic support activities based on action-oriented character education and strive to foster creativity. To realize the future of education that fosters global leaders, we will set up English-only classrooms in all schools, run various foreign language education programs, and expand the number of native teachers to create an English experiential learning environment.
Second, we will strive to create an environment where students can study with peace of mind. In particular, we will further expand the number of center schools, base schools, and excellent high schools to enhance the educational competitiveness of rural students, and support children from underprivileged families to study with peace of mind. Above all, we will establish institutions and schools to eliminate educational imbalances, laying the foundation for closing the educational gap. We will also strengthen student counseling activities for the safety of students, institutionalize school safety guards to create a school culture that is free of violence and full of fun and love. We will create a comfortable educational environment by equipping all classrooms with state-of-the-art air conditioning facilities, and provide after-school learning activities that are tailored to individual levels and aptitudes to reduce the burden of private education costs.
Third, we will create a teaching culture where teachers are rewarded and proud to work. The quality of education depends on teachers. We will create an educational culture where teachers can feel proud of their profession and earn the trust and respect of parents. To this end, we will enhance teaching expertise by respecting and supporting each teacher’s unique teaching style; reduce workload by promoting the intern teacher system; prioritize outstanding teachers at school sites; use top teachers as local scholarship agents; support faculty research activities; and expand customized training for professional development.
Finally, we will implement advanced educational welfare that inspires and trusts parents and brings satisfaction and hope to communities. Today, as interest in education grows, so do the demands. We must maximize the capacity of school education to satisfy and impress the demanders of education, actively expand the interest and participation of members of the education community, and participate in the cultivation of human resources.
I believe that if the above is achieved, the future of our students will be bright enough. Creating a school where individuality, talents, and diversity are respected, where students take ownership and enjoy learning, where teachers are respected and can express their enthusiasm for education, and where parents are involved and serve, all of these issues must be well harmonized to usher in the era of true education. However, rather than making drastic changes, we will approach this goal gradually and without neglecting each other’s efforts.
In the planning and implementation process for solving all of these education issues, I believe that we need to establish a culture of discussion that communicates with citizens. I promise to work with citizens in the planning and implementation process, and I will establish a close cooperation system with local governments. I will work together with civic organizations and the education community to resolve current issues in education in ○○. I look forward to your cooperation in the future, and I promise to repay your choice with dedication.


Superintendent’s Inaugural Message

Good morning, everyone. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. The breeze is no longer just a cool breeze as we enter June, and I’m already looking forward to summer vacations in July and August, and I can’t wait to get away.
June is not only the beginning of summer, but it is also the midpoint of the year, which makes it even more important. There is a saying that “the beginning is half the battle,” but I think it’s more important to take stock of how well you’ve executed your plans and put them into action after you’ve started. I hope June is a time for you to take stock of your year.
Dear ○○ Education Family! Today, I am very pleased to have the opportunity to serve for the development of education in ○○, the historic home of education. In recent years, the education system has been undergoing rapid changes, such as school violence issues, infringement of teachers’ rights and crisis in public education, diversification of curriculum and school education, including the implementation of the five-day school week, and organizational reform. I feel the weight of the responsibility entrusted to me in these times, and I will contribute to the development of ○○ Education with my best efforts, facing the changing paradigm of education correctly.
I am well aware that ○○ Education has been developing into the nation’s best advanced education with the unity and harmony of more than 270,000 education families. Based on the valuable achievements of ○○ Education, I will do everything in my power to help ○○ Education grow even further.
I will always consider the first mission of education administration to be dedicated service. I will listen to the voices of education families, including school sites, with sincerity, respond quickly to difficulties on the front lines of education, actively engage in dialogue and research, and find the best ways to promote policies.
Dear education family members, I ask you to make the most of your outstanding educational capabilities and gather wisdom together so that ○○education can take a leap forward. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for entrusting me with this important responsibility, and I would like to conclude my inaugural speech. Thank you.


Sample superintendent inauguration speech

○○ Good evening, citizens, teachers, students, parents, and guests, thank you for taking the time to be here today.
I came to today’s superintendent inauguration with a dream.
I dreamed of happy schools that our children want to go to, exciting classrooms that our parents are happy to send them to, passionate teachers who wake up early in the morning because they miss their children, and principals who go out of their way to pet children, encourage teachers, and listen to parents.
Students, teachers, and parents, what a great job you’ve done.
The most sincere students in the world, the most competent teachers in the world, and the most dedicated parents in the world have worked together to achieve the dream of ‘entering education’. Thanks to the hard work and passion of all these people, we have improved the quality of education and produced talented people with global competitiveness.
And we have finally realized a Korea in the world. As a citizen, I am truly grateful, and as an education minister, I am proud, but we must remember that all of these achievements are not the end, but a new beginning.
But we can’t stop here; we can’t be complacent; we have a long way to go and a high mountain to climb. We need a new leap forward through reflection and renewal. It’s time to tighten our laces once again. Let’s look back together.
Our students must find what their dreams are, what really makes them happy, what they will not regret if they give their whole life to it. In the process of finding that dream, they must constantly challenge themselves and not be afraid to fail.
Teachers need to rekindle the flame of their first love for children, rekindle their mission and passion, just as they did when they first stepped into the classroom. The one constant is the love and dedication to education, and it is this truth that should drive them to give their best every day.
Parents need to create a community of love, not just for their own children, but for all children to thrive. It starts at home where children learn to cooperate and care for each other.
Education authorities must also break the old mold of corruption and inefficiency and restore their responsibilities. They must maximize transparency and efficiency through innovative education policies, and create an environment where all students can receive an equitable education.
Honorable citizens of ○○, it is time to redefine the metrics and rebuild the foundation of our ordinary education. It’s time to raise the anchor of education policy transformation in the first year of the era of educational autonomy. We need to shake off the old ways of uniformitarian ranking competition and ensure that all students can cultivate sound character through holistic education.
We need to create a school where all students, regardless of their family circumstances or local environment, can learn according to their aptitudes and talents, feel the rewards of learning and the joy of growth, and experience a community of friendship and hospitality. This requires understanding and cooperation across society.
It can only be achieved if the four main actors – students, teachers, parents, and education authorities – work together. By clarifying their roles and responsibilities and working towards a common goal, we can truly revolutionize education.
We recognize that we must now become the superintendent of every ○○ citizen. I will be a superintendent of open ears, open hearts, and open minds, a superintendent of co-creation and engagement. I will listen to all voices and work to find the best solutions.
The field is my teacher. When I go to the field, my heart beats. I will talk to teachers, talk to parents, talk to students, talk to principals, and talk to public officials. I will listen to the voices of the field, think together, and find realistic solutions.
Let us all walk together on the path of a happy education revolution to the school of our dreams. Let’s move forward hand in hand for a better future. Thank you.


Greetings from the Vice Minister of Education, Science and Technology

I am very pleased and honored to take on the important role of Vice Minister of Education, Science and Technology and to have the precious opportunity to advance higher education and science and technology. At the same time, at a time when there are many national issues to be addressed, my shoulders are heavy as I consider the enormous task of enhancing university competitiveness and national R&D capabilities and creating future growth engines. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the former Vice Minister for his outstanding leadership in launching the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and for his dedication to establishing a new science and technology administration system. I have no doubt that even greater honors will be bestowed upon you in the future.
Dear colleagues at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology! The U.S.-based financial crisis that began last year is slowing down our economic growth rate and causing job losses, and the external environment surrounding us, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is making our economic situation difficult. In addition, 2009 is the second year of the government, and it is time to accelerate reforms so that the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology can achieve the results of the major S&T policy tasks it has been working on since last year.
Based on the government’s national philosophy and the foundation laid through the establishment of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology last year, I plan to make every effort to maximize the synergy between education and science and technology. At this crucial juncture of national importance, I would like to outline some of the areas I will focus on during my tenure as Vice Minister.
First, we will strengthen the educational capacity of universities and enhance the research capabilities of universities and performing arts institutions. To this end, we will expand projects to strengthen the educational capacity of universities, continue to promote autonomy that universities can feel, including student selection, and efficiently improve the structure and operating system of performing arts institutions.
Second, to realize the national vision of low-carbon green growth, we will continue to develop convergent green technologies, increase investment in creative basic and fundamental research, establish a global basic science cooperation network, and create an international business belt.
Third, we will develop competitive nationally-led mega-technologies (space and nuclear power) through a “select and focus” strategy, while simultaneously promoting future energy research and resource exploration research, such as nuclear fusion and polar exploration.
Dear colleagues, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is the only future-oriented ministry in the executive branch. Our ministry needs to help overcome the economic crisis in the short term and expand the country’s growth potential in the long term. To do so, we need to be realistic and work with a broad view of the future. We need to create an integrated synergy between the two pillars of national development, education and science and technology, and link them efficiently to build a virtuous cycle of talent cultivation and research and development. We have a lot of work to do, and the road ahead will not be easy.
However, I am convinced that if all of us in the ministry, under the name of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and centered on the minister, put our minds together and work together, we will not only strengthen our national future competitiveness, but also achieve our national vision of building an advanced human nation. To this end, I, too, will do my best to make your working life enjoyable and rewarding. Thank you.


Inaugural Message from the President of Education

Good morning, it’s June morning. We have just crossed the threshold of summer, and the weather is already hot. It’s scary to think about midsummer when it’s already this hot. Many people are already feeling exhausted at the thought of the heat. It’s hard to commute to work, and it’s hard to navigate through crowds.
And as the weather heats up, your energy levels can easily drop. It’s never too late to start taking care of yourself to have a healthy summer. After all, your health is our health. When your body and mind are healthy, the future of our company is bright. It is a great honor for me to start a new chapter as the president of ○○ Education, following in the footsteps of a great man like the previous president.
I feel a sense of mission to build this company into a great company. Before I talk about how I plan to take ○○ Education forward, let me briefly share with you how I think about education. I believe that education is the most important and meaningful part of the process of transforming people. Our goal at ○○ Education is to help people do more valuable things. It is our mission to help people realize their dreams and make valuable contributions.
Therefore, going forward, ○○ Education needs to find ways to add more value to what we do now, and to do that, we need to find ways to maximize people’s efforts and capabilities. Through our curriculum, we must strive to develop people who can create greater value for society. In this process, your cooperation is crucial. It is my goal to listen to your various opinions and move forward together.
An important role for me as CEO is to help you feel happy in the process of working. I believe it is important to create a working environment where you can feel pride and enjoyment in addition to financial rewards. Based on trust and cooperation with each other, we will strive to make our company a better place.
I may fall short in many respects, but I will work with you to do well together. With your support and help, I will be able to become a better leader. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone in this room.


President’s inaugural speech

Greetings, honored and beloved members of the Academy Alliance.
First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the guests and member principals who have taken time out of their busy schedules to attend this event. Your warm attention and support have made it possible for me to stand here today.
Today, as I take office as the ○th President of the Association, I would like to share with you one of my views on life: I treat everyone I meet in life with the following attitude. I will cherish the value of precious relationships that I meet along my life’s path, relationships that will not change over time. I promise to be with you with this mindset.
Dear members, Korea is currently facing difficulties and challenges in many ways, and we, as academics, are being criticized as the main culprits of inflation. According to the government, our tutors should be in the top 20 percent of all wealthy people, but this is not the case, and more than half of our tutors are still teaching our children as lifelong educators who cannot even pay for their own labor.
We are faced with changing education policies from one government to the next, confusing our children and leaving even our teachers unsure of what to teach. But no matter how difficult the external environment is, I want to share with you hope. I believe that if you have dreams and hopes, they will one day come true.
I certainly stand here as a leader representing you, but I don’t want to be a leader who dictates from above, but a leader who stands shoulder to shoulder with you and grows with you. I will share the joys, be honest about the challenges, and ask for help when I need it. I will draw on the wisdom and experience of past presidents and advisors, and I will listen to your voices on the ground.
I expect you to praise us when we do well, and to call us out when we get it wrong. This is how we will continue to develop and grow as an organization.
In closing, I would like to once again express my respect and gratitude to the principals, and I sincerely wish you all the best in your endeavors this year. This concludes my inaugural address, thank you.


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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.