Categorysample Document

Examples of different types of inaugural speeches


  This is a collection of example inaugural speeches of different types. These are helpful for those who are about to take office.   Inauguration speech for the chairman of a public corporation Dear members of the ○○ Corporation family, I am ○○○, the first chairman of the board of directors of the ○○ Corporation, who has become a member of your family from today. Standing here, I feel a...

A collection of examples of different inaugural speeches


  We’ve compiled a list of examples of inaugural speeches from a variety of different organizations to help you prepare for your own inauguration.   Inaugural greeting for the president of a construction workers’ association Dear members of the ○○Constructors Association, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for trusting me once again and electing me as your...

Season’s greetings from the high school alumni president


  A collection of seasonal greetings for high school alumni presidents at their induction ceremony. This article is helpful for those who have just been inaugurated as alumni president.   Inauguration thank you Dear fellow alumni of ○○ High School! Let’s build a beautiful alumni association together at this crucial time of life goals. From spring to summer, all the leaves are...

Presidential Inaugural Season’s Greetings from a variety of disciplines


  This is a collection of seasonal greetings for CEO inaugurations in various industries. This is a sample text to help those who are taking over as CEO.   Inauguration greeting for CEO of a financial public company Greetings to the esteemed ○○○○ family. The first day of July begins with the plunging rain. It’s a relentless rush toward midsummer. I thought it would be cooler...

Inaugural Address by the 19th President of the Republic of Korea


This is the inaugural address of the 19th President of the Republic of Korea.   Honorable and beloved people, thank you! I bow my head and deeply thank you for your great choice. Today, as the 19th President of the Republic of Korea, I take the first step toward a new Korea. My shoulders are heavy with the immense responsibility that has been bestowed upon me by the people of Korea. My heart...

Sample Inaugural Address for the Inauguration of the Auditor General of the Republic of Korea


  Here are 5 sample inauguration speeches for the Auditor General of the Republic of Korea.   Inauguration Speech of the Auditor General (New Year’s Day Speech of the Auditor General) Dear employees of the National Audit Office, I stand here today with the great responsibility of being the first Auditor General of the Republic of Korea, as the head of the country’s supreme...

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.