CategoryMovie Review

Movie Review – Armadillo (How do soldiers change in the daily grind of war?)


On the border of war and documentary, Armadillo captures the everyday life of soldiers in combat and shows how they change. The film’s mix of tension and humanity on the battlefield raises moral questions for the audience.   I thought a lot while watching Armadillo, which tells the story of soldiers who spent six months fighting the Taliban at the frontline base Armadillo. Armadillo is...

Why are we so obsessed with zombie films and how did they go from B-movie to mainstream culture?


  Zombie films combine elements of horror and thriller, and have become hugely popular with many people. In recent years, the zombie genre has evolved into a diverse hybrid of genres, moving from B-movie culture to mainstream culture.   Why are zombie films so popular? When you think of zombie films, you probably think of monsters, soulless creatures that are infected with something and...

What is the true meaning of human imperfection and love in Christopher Nolan’s films?


Christopher Nolan’s films are about human mental imperfection and a sceptical view of reason. Nolan’s films emphasise love over reason, and in doing so, convey a message of overcoming human limitations.   There are many different tastes and perspectives in the world. When it comes to cinema, I like films that leave the audience with a heavy head. The ones where you have to watch...

Can science and religion really seek the same truth? (Focusing on the message of the movie Contact and its limitations)


The movie Contact emphasizes the commonality of science and religion in their search for truth, but it makes the mistake of equating two inherently different positions. It is necessary to clarify the difference between scientific hypotheses and philosophical views.   The main character, Dr. Ally Arroway (Jodie Foster), is an astrophysicist searching for extraterrestrial intelligent life. One...

Movie Review – iRobot (Can AI and humans live together without problems?)


With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the limits of coexistence with humans have become important. The movie “iRobot” teaches us that artificial intelligence should not have more abilities than necessary, and that important decisions should be made by humans.   Our current society is called a “highly developed society”. The reason is simple. Humans...

Movie Review – The Cove (The Sad Truth About Dolphins)


  A horrific dolphin hunt takes place off the coast of the small Japanese town of Taiji. Every year, an estimated 23,000 wild dolphins are killed here due to reckless hunting. This movie follows Rick Aubrey and the OPS team as they go undercover to stop the slaughter.   Why we chose the film Before choosing this documentary, I was impressed by Luc Besson’s film Grand Bleu. I...

Equal love and agency: reappropriating myths in Portrait of a Lady in Flames


Portrait of a Lady in Flames breaks with the tradition of unequal love through the equal love and agency of Marianne and Eloise, and reinterprets the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in a new light. The film uses portraiture and mythology to emphasize the agency of love and separation, and the process of actively choosing memories and recollections.   In this paper, I will analyze the film...

A review of the sci-fi movie District 9 using fake documentary techniques


  I watched District 9, a sci-fi movie that utilizes the fake documentary technique, and wrote a review.   A science fiction movie utilizing the fake documentary technique The official name of science fiction movie is Science Fiction Film, which refers to a movie with a science fiction theme. Some of the most famous science fiction movies we know are E.T., Jurassic Park, Star Wars, and...

The movie ‘Chronicle’: unrealistic or realistic?


  I watched the movie Chronicle and wrote my thoughts on it.   Chronicle’s plot Andrew lives with his ailing mother and his father, who unexpectedly quit his job as a firefighter to take care of her, and his only friend is his cousin Matt. One day, Andrew accompanies Matt to a party, and along the way, he and Steve are drawn into a cave by a strange noise. After touching a strange...

Movie Review – The Avengers (What is Justice?)


  I watched the movie The Avengers, which was released in 2012. Let’s think about what justice is through the movie.   Iron Man’s identity! The first time the members of the ‘Avengers’ meet face to face. Captain America, who doesn’t like Tony Stark because he’s egotistical and arrogant, aggressively asks him, “What’s left of you when you...

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.