
How do self-driving cars drive themselves, what are the technical limitations and societal changes we face?


Self-driving cars utilize advanced technologies such as cameras, radar, and GPS to drive themselves and provide features such as collision avoidance, parking, and route navigation. However, technical errors, legal issues, and concerns about hacking will limit their popularization.   People are very interested in self-driving cars. How can a car drive itself? Self-driving cars are one of the...

Will AI replace doctors as a profession and how will the role of doctors change?


After the 2016 incident in which an artificial intelligence defeated a Go champion, there has been a lot of discussion in the medical community about whether advances in artificial intelligence will replace doctors as a profession. While diagnostic systems such as IBM’s Watson are rapidly advancing, the role of the doctor is still important, and AI will serve as an auxiliary tool.   In...

Are our personalities and behaviors determined by our genes or shaped by our environment?


Drawing on Edison’s famous aphorism, we examine whether human personality and behavior are more strongly influenced by genes or the environment. While genetic determinism and environmental determinism have long been pitted against each other, epigenetics emphasizes that the two interact.   Edison’s quote “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% hard work” is a very famous aphorism...

Why do genius and imitation in Perfume symbolize trends and innovation in the modern world, and what is the role of Giuseppe Baldini?


Patrick Süskind’s novel Perfume explores issues of genius and imitation in 18th-century France, and is emblematic of how trends and innovation work in the modern world. In the story, Giuseppe Baldini is a man who fails to make creative breakthroughs and falls behind trends, and his anguish mirrors the pressures and crises that modern people feel.   Patrick Süskind’s 1985 novel...

Conscientious objection and military conscientious objection: where do we draw the line and is alternative service a solution?


Every year in South Korea, many young men are punished for conscientious objection to military service, and the debate continues. To solve the problem of blurring the distinction between conscientious objection and military service avoidance, it is suggested that an alternative service system should be introduced to reduce the national losses and create a mutually efficient solution.   In...

Statutes of Limitations for Crimes, Should They Be Abolished in the Interest of Forensic Science and Justice?


  This article explains the definition and purpose of statutes of limitations, and discusses their adverse effects, especially for serious crimes. It argues that advances in forensic science and technology have led to the need to abolish statutes of limitations, and that institutional changes are needed to heal the wounds of crime victims and ensure justice is served.   What is a...

Can neurocriminology prevent future crimes, or will it remain a dangerous endeavor that crosses the boundaries of human rights and ethics?


Neurocriminology attempts to predict criminals based on their genetic and physical characteristics, but it can lead to human rights violations and ethical issues. Since crime is more influenced by environment and free will than genetics, it is argued that the focus should be on post-mortem analysis rather than crime prevention.   In the movie Minority Report, three prophets predict future...

If a criminal gene exists and neurological tests can predict criminality, how should we respond?


This article argues against the idea that criminals are molded by their innate genes, arguing that acquired environmental factors have a greater impact. Using national crime rates, genetic modifiability, and epigenetics, this article provides evidence that acquired factors play an important role in criminogenesis and explores how society might respond to future neuroimaging technologies.  ...

How effective are body armor and bulletproof helmets at protecting us from bullets and explosives?


Body armor and bulletproof helmets are made of Kevlar, a high-strength synthetic fiber that is five times stronger than steel. However, Kevlar’s protective properties weaken at high temperatures, and it has limited protection against rifle bullets and hard impacts.   Watching war movies made me question this. How well can bulletproof vests and helmets protect us on the battlefield when...

Given the addictive nature of marijuana and its negative effects on youth, is legalization the right choice?


The addictive nature of marijuana and its negative effects, especially on young people, cannot be ignored. For the health of the country and the future of young people, the legalization of marijuana is justified, and a hasty legalization could lead to a number of social problems.   In recent years, drug crimes have become more sophisticated, and the legalization of marijuana is an ongoing...

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.