
Is the future of commercialization of human genetic modification really a better world?


Using the movie “Gattaca” as an example, we discuss the promise and problems of commercializing genetic engineering, including disrupting ecosystems, destroying human dignity, and increasing social inequality.   In the near future, we may be able to determine things like the color of our skin, hair, and eyes, as well as our height, face shape, and body size from birth. In the...

Can the Elimination of Methodological Coercion in Philosophy of Science Increase Individual Freedom?


This article focuses on Paul Feuerbach’s philosophy of science to discuss whether the elimination of methodological coercion in science can increase individual freedom. From an anarchist perspective, it explains how the lack of rules can lead to stagnation of science and violations of individual freedom, and emphasizes the need for scientific methodology.   There was a time when the...

Does over-packaging fulfill consumer expectations or lead to disappointment?


This article explains the problems and historical examples of over-packaging, starting with the experience of impulse buying fruit at the supermarket. Using the tactics of the great Korean general Yi Sun-sin, modern day dramas, and product packaging, we will explore the positive and negative aspects of over-packaging, and discuss the impact and importance of over-packaging on consumers.   I...

Are advances in artificial intelligence a blessing or a disaster for humanity? AlphaGo and the arrival of the singularity


AlphaGo’s victory over Lee Sedol in 2016 is an iconic moment in the development of artificial intelligence. The development of AI can bring great benefits to humanity, but it can also pose great risks if misused. To prepare for the future, we need to find ways to develop and utilize AI correctly.   In 2016, AlphaGo, a Go artificial intelligence program developed by Google DeepMind, and...

Justification for artificial abortion: When the right to life and the mother’s rights collide, where do we compromise?


Discusses the legitimacy of artificial abortion, focusing on the rights of the mother and fetus. The complexities and gray areas of artificial abortion are highlighted through the case of a patient with Down syndrome and EB. Legal permissibility and personal ethical concerns are also addressed.   To carry a life, to give birth to a child who looks like you, seems to be one of the most...

Meltdown and the Spectre bug: Security issues in modern computers, how did they happen?


This article explains how modern computers work and how the Meltdown bug exploited them. It details the process of exploiting a vulnerability in the CPU’s non-sequential execution technique to steal sensitive information from the system.   If you’re an avid follower of IT news, you may remember the security issues Meltdown and Spectre from a long time ago. These two bugs are...

How African Termite Colonies Save Energy with Naturally Cooled Architecture


African architect Mick Pierce designed an air conditioner-free building that uses the natural ventilation of termites to reduce energy costs by 90%. The termite house principle is a classic example of passive design, which utilizes the difference between day and night to regulate internal temperatures.   Mick Pearce, an environmental architect from Zimbabwe, Africa, built the East Gate...

Does falling in love really make you blind? – Brain science reveals the secrets of love


The phrase “blinded by love” from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice is supported by modern brain science. Through MRI and fMRI, we can visualize how falling in love activates certain parts of the brain and clouds our judgment. This is an example of a literary insight being confirmed by science.   The line “Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies...

How can electrical discharge machining be used to process glass?


Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is a technology that uses electrical discharges to precisely machine fragile materials such as glass. By electrifying glass with a thin coating of copper, the heat generated by the spark allows for micrometer precision machining. However, the process speed is slow and the surface precision is low, so improvements are needed.   One of the processing...

Is a society where parents can manipulate the genes of their unborn children desirable?


While CRISPR offers the hope of curing diseases, parents should not be allowed to change the physical characteristics of their unborn children. It could lead to economic inequality, homogenization, and identity issues.   One of the most talked-about scientific issues in the medical community in recent years has been CRISPR, a new form of genetic scissors at the heart of genetic recombination...

About the blog owner


BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.