
Is public interest hacking a legitimate way to avoid legal regulation for social good?


While public interest hacking can be a useful means of addressing information monopolization, the inappropriate means and unforeseen side effects of hacking require legal regulation. Public interest hacking should be carefully weighed alongside other alternatives to pursue the social good.   Hacking is defined as “the unauthorized entry into another person’s computer system to...

From the past to the present, is religion an essential element of human unity?


Religion has played an important role in uniting humanity through belief in a superhuman order. Even in modern times, religion continues to influence society in various forms, acting as the glue that holds humanity together.   The compatibility of science and religion has been a matter of great debate for centuries, and there are countless famous events in history where the two forces have...

Is it right to not punish crimes committed by people with mental and physical disabilities?


The lack of punishment for crimes committed by people with mental and physical disabilities can cause problems with social safety and equity, which can lead to increased discrimination and insecurity. Therefore, it is necessary to apply legal penalties to people with mental and physical disabilities to prevent recidivism and ensure the safety of society.   Do humans control and determine...

How will genetic modification change human equality and diversity?


Genetic engineering is useful for treating and preventing genetic diseases, but if it becomes widespread, it could threaten humanity’s right to equality and diversity. To prevent this, we need to limit the scope of genetic modification and strengthen social morality.   Our right to be different must be protected. I am different from the person who lives in the room in front of me, and...

Human cloning, how long will we be afraid and turn away from the possibility?


Instinctive reactions and ethical objections to human cloning may change over time, and a logical approach is needed. The debate should be conducted in a way that takes into account the potential advances in human cloning and does not restrict the freedom and progress of science.   In February 1997, the UK’s Roslin Institute made an announcement that sent the world reeling. Dolly the...

Can educational ladders overcome social stratification?


Drawing on the experience of working with the People Sharing Learning organization to close the educational gap for underprivileged students, this article argues for the need to overcome social stratification through educational ladders. Changes in the way public education is assessed and the role of educational service organizations are presented as important ways to address these issues.  ...

What is the definition of life in the future? Where is the boundary between humans and AI?


In a future society where the lines between humans and machines are blurring due to advances in artificial intelligence, a new definition of life is needed. The movie “Ghost in the Shell” explores the side effects and potential dangers of unpredictable technology.   While the precise definition of life is still highly debated, broadly speaking, the most important characteristics...

Is the future of humanity fixed?


The belief that scientific laws can predict the future has been shaken by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, so it’s better to think of the future as something that can change based on our actions, not something that is set in stone.   Most people have thought about time travel at some point in their childhood. “I’d love to go back in time and see dinosaurs for...

Why should we live rightly by considering both the good of the community and the good of the individual?


Individual interests and community interests are closely linked, and living right can fulfill both. Situations like group activities show that working together can lead to better outcomes for everyone.   Every moment of our lives we are faced with choices, sometimes we make choices that are in our own best interest, regardless of others, and sometimes we make conscientious choices, even if...

Why has ‘hype’ become such a big problem in modern society?


In the modern world, “hype” applies not only to products, but also to people and media, and it’s caused by a superficiality and commoditized social structure. This is because the development of media and increased competition have led to an excessive emphasis on external factors.   A long time ago, three university students in South Korea made a raft out of sweets and...

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.