CategoryBook Review

Book Review – Never Let Me Go (In the Fate of the Clones, can we live without losing sight of what is truly important?)


This book explores love, duty, life, and death in the context of the fate of the clones, challenging readers to think deeply about what is truly important in our limited time.   Kathy, the story’s protagonist and narrator, is a 31-year-old “caregiver.” She has been a caregiver for “donors” for over 11 years, and among the donors she has cared for are her classmates Tommy and Ruth...

Will humanity be dominated by algorithms in the future and how will human autonomy and values be affected?


This article challenges Yuval Harari’s argument, questioning the notion that algorithms will rule humanity, and comparing the role of algorithms to human autonomy.   Author Yuval Harari has chosen to write his book in a structure that starts in the future, returns to the past, and ends in the future again. He begins by presenting the problems of the new humanity that are coming, traces...

How do we live a life without regrets, as seen through The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories?


This article examines the meaning of death and life through the life of Ivan Ilyich. Through the regrets and unhappiness the protagonist felt at the end of his life, it emphasizes the importance of finding meaning in our lives every day, and the need to pursue true happiness, not just success or external gratification.   We all have many regrets in our lives. “I wish I had studied harder for...

Book Review – The Geography of Thought (Differences between Eastern and Western Ways of Thinking and Their Impact on Modern Society)


In the wake of the 2017 Las Vegas massacre, this article analyzes the differences in mindsets between the West and East, how these differences have been shaped, and how they impact modern society. It explores how factors such as cultural background, climate, and topography in the East and West have shaped the mindset of each culture, and discusses the resulting social phenomena and differences in...

Book Review – Slowness (The Aesthetics of Slowness, A Call to Action for the Speed-Weary Modern World)


Milan Kundera’s novel Slowness criticizes modern society’s emphasis on speed and efficiency and emphasizes the value of slowness. Slowness is the key to reclaiming our humanity and happiness, making us reflect on the true meaning and essence of life. By practicing slowness in our busy lives, we can get in touch with our true selves and live a more humanized life.   Milan...

Book Review – Isaac Asimov, Evidence (The Ideal Robot-like Leader)


Isaac Asimov’s short story “Evidence” explores the ideal politician based on the Three Principles of Robotics and the ethical dilemmas that arise when the lines between humans and robots are blurred. It emphasizes that the virtues of robotic leaders are still important in the modern world.   Isaac Asimov is a science fiction writer who wrote the original novels for the movies I, Robot...

Book Review – The Geography of Thought (Why Are Eastern and Western Ways of Thinking Different?)


This book analyzes the differences between Eastern and Western ways of thinking, explaining their origins in the historical and social background of each culture. It explores how these differences affect behavior and thinking in modern society.   I first tried to infer the meaning of the title The Geography of Thought. Before reading the book, the word “map” in the title made me think of a...

How did the difference between Eastern and Western ways of thinking come about, and why do we need to understand and accept it?


“The Geography of Thought” compares the differences between Eastern and Western ways of thinking, exploring the philosophical, psychological, and linguistic background of each culture. The author emphasizes the importance of cultural relativism, and that understanding and accepting these differences is essential in the modern world.   I first pondered the meaning of the title...

Book Review – HOT, FLAT, AND CROWDED (Global Warming, Can We Solve It Without Revolution?)


While we recognize the seriousness of environmental issues such as global warming, we fail to realize the urgency of the situation. What is needed now is not just awareness, but fundamental measures and the development and implementation of innovative green energy technologies with strong policy support from the government.   We have recently come across issues such as the greenhouse effect...

Book Review – The Quantum Story (Why are interpretations of quantum mechanics misleading?)


This article discusses why interpretations of quantum mechanics, especially the Copenhagen interpretation, are misunderstood by the public and scientific students. The lack of understanding of the wave-particle duality and complementarity concepts, as well as the neglect of philosophical aspects in physics education, are pointed out as key factors, and the importance of education to address these...

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.