CategoryBook Review

Is Science a Continuous Progression or a Revolutionary Shift? (Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and Paradigm Shifts)


In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn argues that scientific progress is driven by abrupt paradigm shifts rather than gradual accumulation. Research based on a particular paradigm is “normal science,” and when the accumulation of anomalies breaks down the existing paradigm, a new paradigm emerges and a scientific revolution occurs.   Before the invention of the automobile...

What can Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle teach us about social judgment and ethical choices?


Drawing on Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, this course explores how a mindset that distinguishes between parts and wholes affects scientific, social, and ethical judgment. Through a variety of examples and philosophical discussions, he shows how to make rational decisions in complex situations and emphasizes the importance of setting objective criteria.   When you think of...

In a modern world where humanity relies on machine civilization, is it possible to talk about sustainability without ignoring the law of entropy?


Jeremy Rifkin argues that modern mechanical civilization promotes energy waste and increased entropy, which will eventually lead to the end of humanity. He criticizes materialism and proposes a new worldview that follows the law of entropy, but lacks a discussion of the positive aspects of technology and sustainable development.   In Jeremy Rifkin’s book, entropy is defined as “in...

Will humanity overcome the entropy crisis with technological advancements or perish from resource depletion?


Drawing on Jeremy Rifkin’s Entropy, I discuss the impact of energy use and technological advancement on the future of humanity. The author argues that an increase in entropy is inevitable, but that humanity can overcome it through technological advancement, and suggests ways to solve current problems.   Entropy is the title of this book and an accurate representation of the...

Does the law of entropy mean the end of society and civilisation?


Jeremy Rifkin’s Entropy warns of energy consumption and the end of civilisation through the law of entropy, but there is a counter argument that technological advances can slow the increase in entropy by enabling energy acquisition.   In Entropy, Jeremy Rifkin applies the second law of thermodynamics, the law of entropy, not only to the scientific realm but also to society at large. As...

Are values essential to modern science and technology or an unnecessary ideological burden?


  This book explores the role of values in atomism and science and technology through the lens of Heisenberg’s Part and Whole. While Kurt’s argument denies the need for values in science and technology, I emphasise the importance of values in the relationship between humans and science and ethical issues.   Heisenberg’s book, ‘Parts and Whole,’ begins with a chapter...

In The Selfish Gene, is human nature determined by genes or shaped by environment and choice?


Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene examines the theory that explains human nature as the behaviour of genes, and discusses how the interaction of genes, environment, and autonomous choice affects human behaviour.   The term ‘selfish gene’ has been cited in many fields of life sciences in recent years. In my opinion, Richard Dawkins is a scientist who has captured the attention of the...

Is the biblical story of Jacob’s lentil stew a lesson in more than just cooking?


  In the Bible, Jacob robs his brother Esau of his birthright in exchange for a bowl of lentil stew. This simple dish was a symbol of survival and inheritance at the time, and it’s an iconic scene of greed and cunning that inspires many interpretations even today.   Jacob’s lentil stew recipe (Serves 6 to 8) Ingredients – 1/2 cup olive oil – 6 onions, diced small...

The Fable of the Ant and the Beanstalk: Is it still relevant in the modern world or does it need a new interpretation?


The fable of the ant and the beanstalk conveys a lesson about hard work and laziness, but it’s worth questioning whether its lessons are still relevant in the modern world. Sacrificing too much for the future or pursuing pleasures in the present can both cause problems, and it’s important to find balance and harmony in your life.   The Ant and the Beanstalk is a classic...

What lessons do Hester and Dimmesdale teach us about facing sin in different ways?


  In 17th-century Boston, Hester Prynne, who committed the sin of adultery, embraces the “A” label and uses it to mature and contribute to society. The Reverend Dimmesdale, on the other hand, hides his sin and lives in torment, eventually breaking down under the weight of his guilt. The contrast between the two characters teaches us an important lesson about how our lives can change...

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.