CategoryBook Review

Book Review – Sapiens (How can human evolution, language, and the meaning of progress be reinterpreted?)


Critiques Yuval Harari’s claims of human superiority and the uniqueness of language in Sapiens. Emphasise the need to reinterpret human evolution and our place in the ecosystem from a broader perspective.   In chapters 1 and 2 of Sapiens, Yuval Harari argues that a variety of unique human traits have played a major role in primitive humans’ current position of superiority. He...

Book Review – Professor Farnsworth’s explanations in biology (How do we set the boundaries of words? The debate over the definitions of life and non-life, life and death)


Frank Heppner’s book Professor Farnsworth’s explanations in biology demystifies complex concepts in biology and explores the ambiguity of the boundaries between life and non-life, life and death. This blog post explains how definitions and boundaries are shaped by interests and emphasizes their importance.   Professor Farnsworth’s explanations in biology is a uniquely...

Book Review – Intelligent Thought (Is Religion an Adaptive Phenomenon for Human Survival?)


This blog post reviews the book Intelligent Thought by Clinton Richard Dawkins and discusses whether religion can be viewed as an adaptive phenomenon in the sense that it fulfills human psychological and social needs to increase survival. The role and meaning of religion is explored through various views and arguments for and against the idea that religion is an adaptation.   From the origin...

Book Review – The Old Toolbox (Why is the Human Mind an Old Toolbox?)


This blog post argues against the claim that evolutionary psychology explains the human mind as a product of evolution, likening it to an old extension cord. This is because while evolutionary psychology may be useful for explaining past events, it’s not good at predicting the future.   The metaphor “the human mind is an old toolbox” is a theme throughout the book, implying...

Book Review – Full House (How Gould’s Discontinuous Equilibrium Theory Reimagines Evolutionary Theory)


Gould’s theory of discontinuous equilibrium argues that evolution does not occur gradually, but rather that new species emerge through abrupt changes, and suggests that humans are not the end goal of evolution. It emphasizes that evolution has no progressive direction and proceeds unpredictably by chance.   Throughout history, newly discovered scientific facts have surprised and...

What Determines Differences in Civilization Development? Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Iron examines the plausibility of environmental determinism


  Jared Diamond identifies three factors that he believes are responsible for the differences in the development of civilizations on different continents. These three causes are plants, animals and viruses, and topography, and let’s take a look at them to see what Jared Diamond was trying to say.   Why read the book? “Guns, Germs, and Iron was written by Jared Diamond in...

Book Review – Le Hasard et la Nécessité (Can Science Solve Human Anxiety? A Review of Jacques Monod’s The Kingdom and the Maw of Darkness)


  Jacques Monod argues that we should accept the contingency of our existence and seek a world based on scientific knowledge, and explains in his book why science cannot coexist with materialistic values. He sees the ethics of knowledge as the basis for resolving human anxiety and realizing our ideals.   Le Hasard et la Nécessité Chapter 9 The Kingdom and the Maw of Darkness In the...

Book Review – Jeremy Rifkin, Entropy (Is it true that modern medicine has not increased entropy?)


Modern medicine has contributed greatly to extending human life and reducing suffering from disease, and has promoted order rather than social disorder. Therefore, the claim that modern medicine has unnecessarily increased entropy is not valid.   Humans have long dreamed of organs that run permanently without energy input. If such an organ could be invented, it would solve humanity’s...

How Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring changed perceptions of environmental issues


Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring warned of the dangers of chemical pollution, changing public perception and contributing to policy change. Her book emphasizes the importance of protecting the environment with scientific evidence and examples, and criticizes the policies and chemical industry of the time.   In a peaceful village, rain mixed with chemicals fell. This was followed by a...

How does evolutionary psychology explain why we choose chocolate when we’re hungry and why religion arose?


How can evolutionary psychology explain why we choose chocolate when we’re hungry and why religion arose? Evolutionary psychology analyzes these behaviors in terms of survival and reproduction.   You came home after starving for two days and opened the refrigerator. Inside are chocolate and garlic. Which one would you reach for first? Most, if not all, people would reach for the...

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.