Can humanity survive on sustainable energy in the face of resource depletion and environmental degradation?


The depletion of energy sources is inevitable, but alternative sources such as shale gas and biomass are emerging. However, they don’t solve the problem of environmental pollution. Sustainable sources like solar energy, along with technological advancements, will ensure humanity’s survival.


Energy is an essential part of our lives. We use energy from oil to drive our cars, gas to cook, and electrical energy is the most used in our daily lives. However, these energy sources will eventually run out. Oil, coal, and gas are finite resources on Earth, and electrical energy is also produced using oil, gas, or nuclear energy, so it will eventually run out. This is an undeniable inevitability. So, will the depletion of energy resources lead to the end of the human race? Not really.
The resources we currently use are very limited. There is a wide variety of matter on Earth, and all matter has energy. However, the resources that can be converted into usable energy are limited, and this is closely related to our technological capabilities. For example, it wasn’t until Michael Faraday invented the electric motor in 1821 that electricity could be produced industrially. The use of nuclear energy as an energy source is less than 100 years old. Oil, which has been an important energy resource since the Industrial Revolution, was also discovered more than 2000 years ago, but at the time it was only used as a plaster and not as an energy resource. However, over time, the ability to harvest resources that were not available before, or to convert new resources into energy, will allow humanity to survive a little longer.
Since the 2010s, shale gas has revolutionized the energy industry. Shale gas refers to natural gas and oil contained in sedimentary rock formations. After the discovery of shale gas extraction technology in 1998, it has only recently begun to have an impact on the energy industry. The shale gas reserves found to date are expected to last for more than 200 years. Although it is more complex to process and less economically efficient than conventional oil, it has nonetheless become an alternative resource to oil.
Another example is biomass. Biomass is the burning of wood or other organic matter to obtain energy, which can be divided into two main types: first-generation and second-generation. First-generation biofuels are food-based, such as corn, while second-generation biofuels are based on agricultural and municipal waste. Biomass can be converted into heat, gas to power internal combustion engines, or biodiesel to fuel cars.
But even these resources are finite and will eventually run out. Shale gas and oil are also polluting resources, especially when extracted by hydraulic fracturing, which can increase seismic activity and contaminate groundwater. Biomass is also a sustainable resource, but first-generation biofuels are food-based, which can exacerbate food shortages. Second-generation biofuels are not yet commercially available, and their combustion process exacerbates environmental problems. In the end, even if technology advances and new resources are found, resource limitations and environmental pollution remain. So, is humanity doomed?
Fortunately, we have an almost inexhaustible source of energy: the sun. By harnessing the sun, we can produce sustainable energy. All of the previously mentioned resources are not sustainable, except for biomass. For reference, biomass is classified as a renewable energy source by the EU and the UN because it comes from plants. After all, the resources we use will eventually run out, which can cause serious problems for the environment. However, by utilizing solar energy, we can reduce these problems.
The first thing that comes to mind is solar power. Solar power is the direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy using solar cells. When sunlight hits a solar cell, electrons are released due to the photoelectric effect, creating an electric current, which in turn generates electricity. This technology is used in many applications, from homes to satellites. You can also use the sun’s heat to heat hot water or generate steam to turn a turbine to generate electricity.
In addition to solar energy, there are other sources of energy that utilize natural phenomena, such as wind, geothermal, and tidal energy. Wind energy harnesses the wind, geothermal energy harnesses the heat in the ground, and tidal energy harnesses water drops and waves to generate energy.
However, these renewables are not yet as efficient as traditional fossil fuels. Solar energy has a very high initial installation cost and requires a large area. Another disadvantage is that solar power cannot be generated at night. Wind energy has an inconsistent power supply due to unreliable winds. Geothermal power requires volcanic areas, and tidal energy is less technologically developed and therefore less economically efficient.
But according to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 2017 Energy Outlook report, these challenges are rapidly being addressed. Renewable energy is growing steadily, thanks to falling prices and national policies. By 2024, renewable energy is expected to account for 30% of global electricity generation, and it will increasingly play a role in heat consumption.
Therefore, sustainable energy sources are growing rapidly, and we need to advance our technology before we run out of existing resources. In the meantime, we need to conserve energy to slow the depletion of resources. Saving energy is the most practical way to use less resources. At home, this means unplugging, turning off lights, and replacing appliances with more efficient ones.
Ultimately, humanity will be able to overcome this crisis and move forward if we make sustainable resources our primary source of energy, while also making efforts to reduce our energy use.


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