
I'm a blog writer. I like to write things that touch people's hearts. I want everyone who visits my blog to find happiness through my writing.

In Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari argues that technology and science can make us gods, beyond fiction!


In Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari argues that advances in technology and science can make humans divine. However, his approach to dividing the line between fiction and reality with the concept of suffering is highly subjective and calls for a deeper exploration of the relationship between fiction and reality.   In the title of Homo Deus, “Deus” is the word for God, and Yuval Noah Harari, the...

What’s more important in scientific research: the part or the whole? (Focusing on the debate between Heisenberg, Burton, and Dirac)


This article is a reflection on which is more important in scientific research: partial understanding or holistic connections, based on a discussion of Heisenberg, Burton, and Dirac’s approach to science. I support Dirac’s incremental approach and emphasize that we should aim for the correct understanding of natural phenomena.   Parts and Whole is a record of conversations...

Is science a process of accumulation or a series of innovations driven by paradigm shifts?


Thomas Kuhn argued that scientific progress is not simply the accumulation of knowledge, but rather paradigm shifts. New paradigms complement or replace existing theories, and similar shifts occur not only in science, but also in many other fields, such as society and the arts.   Science used to be understood as a process of accumulating facts, but Thomas Kuhn went beyond this traditional...

How can mechanical engineering be inspired by nature’s mechanisms to design everyday inventions and improve the quality of our lives?


  This article highlights examples of mechanical engineering inventions inspired by nature’s structures and mechanisms. It explores the work of mechanical engineers who have created new technologies by mimicking elements of nature, such as geckos and sea turtles, to demonstrate that nature imitation is an important source of creative design.   Mechanical inventions that borrow...

Advances in science and technology: enriching or endangering humanity?


The advancement of science and technology has greatly benefited human life, but it has also created side effects and risks. The ethical use of science and technology is important because it depends on human values and moral judgment.   In the movie Minority Report, there is a scene in which prophets prevent murders by predicting future murders. Not only are prophecies used, but the prophetic...

Paradigm Shifts in Scientific Revolutions, Are We Ready for a New Paradigm?


Thomas Kuhn’s concept of paradigms can be applied not only to science, but also to social sciences, economics, psychology, and many other fields, and paradigm shifts are characterized by short-lived revolutions. We must prepare for the emergence of a new paradigm by waiting for counterexamples to accumulate against the current paradigm.   Thomas Kuhn introduced the concept of paradigms...

Is rape an evolutionary survival strategy? (Sexual violence from an evolutionary biology perspective)


This essay addresses the argument that rape may be an adaptation as an evolutionary survival strategy, and the counterargument. It presents the physiological and statistical basis of rape from an evolutionary biology perspective and explores the implications of sexual violence in relation to reproductive success.   Professor Daeik Jang begins his discussion of whether rape is an adaptation...

Did Heisenberg fulfill his mission as a scientist in history, or is he not free of ethical responsibility?


Heisenberg remained in Germany to continue his research amid the chaos of World War II. He fulfilled his responsibilities as a scientist by seeking political compromise, but he was unable to avoid the ethical dilemma of indirectly contributing to the development of weapons of mass destruction.   When I first opened Heisenberg’s The Part and the Whole and looked at the table of...

Is Scientific Progress Revolutionary, Not Accumulative? (Thomas Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions and the Meaning of Paradigm Shifts)


  Thomas Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions emphasizes that scientific progress is not simply the accumulation of knowledge, but revolutionary change through paradigm shifts. This theory has influenced not only science, but also social sciences, economics, and other fields, and has led to a rethinking of the direction of modern scientific research.   New perspectives on...

Is Science a Continuous Progression or a Revolutionary Shift? (Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions and Paradigm Shifts)


In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn argues that scientific progress is driven by abrupt paradigm shifts rather than gradual accumulation. Research based on a particular paradigm is “normal science,” and when the accumulation of anomalies breaks down the existing paradigm, a new paradigm emerges and a scientific revolution occurs.   Before the invention of the automobile...

About the blog owner


BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.