
I'm a blog writer. I like to write things that touch people's hearts. I want everyone who visits my blog to find happiness through my writing.

The Positive Effects of the Device Distribution Structure Improvement Act on Consumers, Controversies, and Who is it for?


The Device Distribution Structure Improvement Act aims to establish a fair and transparent distribution order to protect consumer rights and interests, prevent overconsumption of resources, and solve the problem of phone takers. However, there is a negative public reaction, and I argue that it actually has a positive impact on consumers.   In South Korea, with 40 million smartphone...

What can we learn from the Ice Bucket Challenge, the line between charity and self-promotion?


In the summer of 2014, the Ice Bucket Challenge spread around the world and attracted many high-profile participants. The challenge raised awareness of ALS and spurred donations, but it was also used as a means of personal promotion and product marketing. This makes us think about the nature of philanthropy and our role in it.   The rules of the Ice Bucket Challenge, which has spread like...

How are social networks changing the way we manage our connections and share information in the modern world?


This article explains the definition, characteristics, different types, main services, advantages, disadvantages, and usage in Korea, and points out that while social media plays an important role in strengthening connections and sharing information, it also comes with the risk of privacy leakage.   A friend and I went to a nice restaurant and ordered food. When the food was served, she took...

The future of human cloning: What are the ethical dilemmas of advances in genetic engineering?


This article addresses the ethical and social dilemmas that advances in genetic engineering and human cloning technology will bring. It weighs the benefits and risks of the technology, warns of the negative effects of human cloning, and emphasizes the need for regulation and oversight.   In 1997, Ian Wilmut and his colleagues announced that they had successfully cloned a sheep named Dolly...

How will advances in genetic engineering impact future society and human life?


We explore the social implications of advances in genetic engineering, analyze the ethical issues and discrimination potential of preimplantation genetic diagnostic technologies, and discuss how social prejudice is more of a root cause of discrimination than technology.   No human being is perfect. All human beings inherit a variety of traits at birth through our genetic traits called DNA...

Why pseudoscience needs to go away and how can we recognize it?


In the information age, misinformation spreads and pseudoscience is often mistaken for science. We’ll explain what pseudoscience is, what the problem is, and why we need to recognize and eliminate it.   We live in the information age. There is an endless amount of information available on the internet, and everyone has access to it. However, the sheer volume of information can be both...

Can bioenergy really be a sustainable alternative?


Bioenergy is gaining traction as an alternative to fossil fuels, but its production process still causes environmental problems and food resource shortages. We need to find a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way.   Modern industrial civilization has its roots in the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century. One of the driving forces of the Industrial Revolution was the use of...

Gene editing, beyond curing diseases and solving food challenges?


Gene editing has the potential to benefit humanity in many areas, including curing diseases, producing high-value crops and livestock, and eradicating pests. However, there are also ethical issues and the risk of ecosystem change that need to be carefully discussed and regulated.   With the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, all the sequences of the human genome have been...

Genetic manipulation: customized humans or natural humans?


The movie “Gattaca” discusses the ethical issues of genetic manipulation and the efficiency of customized humans, and explains the advancement of gene therapy technology and the social and ethical controversies it has caused.   The movie “Kataka” depicts a world in the future where technological advances have divided people into two groups: those born naturally (in...

Is South Korea’s THAAD deployment a real security benefit?


South Korea’s THAAD deployment is not appropriate given its geographical and technological inadequacies, diplomatic issues with its neighbors, and defense sovereignty concerns. Instead, other defense systems should be considered.   Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) is a “terminal high-altitude area defense system” that would directly shoot down incoming missiles...

About the blog owner


BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.