Are multiverses real or just imaginary? (Possibilities and limitations of quantum mechanics and the concept of infinity)


The multiverse theory claims that there could be an infinite number of universes besides our own, and is based on quantum mechanics and the concept of infinity. However, it is still a subject of debate due to difficulties in theoretical evidence and observation, and more logical complements and experimental verification are needed to complete the theory.


We’ve all seen fantasy novels, sci-fi movies, or cartoons about the existence of other selves or parallel worlds. These stories capture our imagination and create fascinating worlds where things that are considered impossible in reality happen. For example, you might imagine a character with the same appearance and personality as yourself living in another dimension, or you might imagine discovering another version of yourself living a completely different life in another world. But what if these things don’t just exist in our imagination, but actually happen in the universe we live in?
In fact, a large number of physicists believe that there could be worlds that coexist with ours that are either the same as ours or completely different. They call this the “multiverse” in physics, and there are a variety of theories that predict the existence of multiple universes. In particular, the multiverse theory raises fundamental questions about the nature of human existence, the concept of free will, and the role of fate, offering new perspectives beyond existing scientific paradigms.
However, the multiverse theory has been controversial since it was first proposed. The multiverse theory is far from perfect, and there are still many gaps in the evidence that need to be filled. It offers some very interesting possibilities, but it still lacks concrete evidence or experimental validation. Because of this, multiverse theories are still controversial among some scholars and are at the center of debate in the scientific community. In this article, we’ll talk about the problems with these theories and discuss whether or not there really is a multiverse.
Physicists argue for the existence of multiple universes on the following grounds. First, from the perspective of quantum mechanics, which is based on probability, the concept of multiple universes is necessary to explain why there is always only one outcome among many possible outcomes. For example, imagine flipping a coin. We all know that there is a 50% chance of getting heads and a 50% chance of getting tails. The problem starts here. If flipping a coin produces only one outcome, either heads or tails, what happened to the probability of the other outcome? In quantum mechanics, the probability of this one case cannot be ignored. Therefore, the multiverse theory suggests that the remaining probabilities bifurcate like a fork in the road in the multiverse, and that there are an infinite number of other cases that follow the remaining probabilities. In this sense, the indeterminacy principle of quantum mechanics is an important basis for multiverse theory, suggesting that any event in the universe can lead to a variety of outcomes in the multiverse.
Second, the probability that there are beings like us in the universe has already been proven by our existence alone. Therefore, if we assume that the space of the entire universe is infinite, the number of all cases is infinite, so the product of infinity and the probability of our existence is infinite. Similarly, for example, if you shuffle 52 number cards with the numbers 1 through 52 written on them, the probability that they will be arranged in the order 1 through 52 is extremely low. However, if you shuffle the cards an infinite number of times, you will eventually get an infinite number of cards with the numbers 1 through 52 in order, which means that there are an infinite number of beings like us in the universe, leading to the conclusion that there are multiple universes. Theoretically, all possible universes could be real, and this concept provides deep insight into the nature of the universe and our place in it.
To think about this multiverse theory, we need to revisit the definition of infinity. Infinity is a state of ever-increasing size, a state without end. In the multiverse, we assume that the universe is infinite in size and then multiply the probability of our existence by the number of beings like us. But what if the probability of our existence is infinitesimal in the first place? In the universe, life like ours might exist if the probability of the right arrangement of molecules occurring is infinite. But it would take an even more infinite probability for us to come into existence, and it would have to be multiplied by an infinite number of times every hour, or even every second, to accommodate our behavior, which varies from moment to moment. So the probability of our existence is an infinitesimal probability multiplied by an infinite number of times, and so on, until it becomes an infinitesimal probability. This discussion raises serious questions about the credibility of the multiverse theory and calls for a reexamination of the physical interpretation of the concept of infinity.
Multiplying an infinite fraction by infinity is problematic because it is not guaranteed to be infinite by the extreme concept of negativity. The multiverse is also based on the premise that the entire universe is infinite in size. However, according to Hubble’s law, the observable universe is about the size of a circle with a radius of 2 million light-years, and we can’t observe anything else. Therefore, even if the multiverse theory is established, it is unlikely to be accepted because there is no way to actually prove the theory through observation. Multiverse theory is an interesting theory, but it is controversial in the scientific community due to the difficulty of experimental verification, which is a major obstacle to its development and application.
So far, we’ve discussed the perspectives of the multiverse and its problems. There is no doubt that the multiverse theory – the idea that there are countless other universes besides our own – offers a new paradigm for the interpretation of the universe. However, experimental evidence and logical consistency are essential for this paradigm to be recognized as a truly scientific theory. It is likely that solutions to these logical problems, and many others, will need to be addressed if the multiverse is to become a formalized theory. Advances in science have always come with new challenges, and the multiverse is an example of such a challenge. Through a process of theoretical discussion and experimental verification, we will be able to take another step towards a deeper understanding of the nature of the universe.


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