A collection of examples of different inaugural speeches



We’ve compiled a list of examples of inaugural speeches from a variety of different organizations to help you prepare for your own inauguration.


Inaugural greeting for the president of a construction workers’ association

Dear members of the ○○Constructors Association, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for trusting me once again and electing me as your president. I believe that all of this is due to the active participation and generous encouragement of the members, and I will use this as an opportunity to take a new leap forward.
Now that I have been re-nominated to serve as the second president, the past ○ years of founding and leading our association are passing by like a flashlight. It has been a precious time, neither too long nor too short, in which we have done our best and shared all the joys and sorrows together.
I’ve also tried to thank you for your choice and repay you with achievements, but it’s been a busy year without much success. I understand that you have chosen me once again as a sign that we, the ○○ Construction Professionals Association, should strengthen our foundation and move in the right direction, and I will do it one by one.
Just as a building will quickly collapse if the foundation is not strong, I will focus on the substance rather than the appearance, and I will strive to make the association a better organization that can gradually develop.
Dear members, The economic downturn is shaking the foundations of all industries, but I believe we will become a stronger and more robust organization through this adversity. As a professional association with a history of ○○ years, we, the ○○ Construction Industry Association, must stand up from this situation, so that our roots will be more firmly established and will not falter even in more difficult times.
Therefore, what we need now is unity and unity, and our future will be bright if we wisely overcome the upcoming adversity. Let us all be united and develop into an association that plays a leading role in the era of internationalization and expands globally.
As I begin my new term, I would like to take this opportunity to pledge that I will once again do my best for the development of the organization, and I would like to ask for your continued love and encouragement. Thank you very much.


Inaugural Address by the President of the Korean Institute of Architects

Good morning, we are at the threshold of summer, and the weather is heating up even faster as we enter June.
Have you ever heard the saying, “If you act on just 1% of your thoughts, you’ll be successful in life?” I stumbled across it in a book, and it resonated with me so much that I wrote it down and read it once a day to remind myself. But it doesn’t always work out as well as we think.
Every time, we make plans and get ready to start something. Of course, it takes a lot of thought and preparation to put something into action. But most of the time, we waste so much time thinking and preparing that we miss the moment of action. What are you thinking right now, and what do you think it takes to turn that thought into action? It’s called action.
The humidity and temperature are very high, it’s exhausting June weather, but I’m looking forward to seeing you take action. In 20@@, I decided to put 1% of my thoughts into action, and that was to become the president of our association of architects. I am deeply honored by the expectations and encouragement from all of you, and I feel a heavy responsibility. I pledge once again in front of you that I will be a president who works hard and practices for architects.
Those of us who have been thinking and practicing architecture for a long time know better than anyone else where the profession is right now. In the current freezing global economy, architecture and construction are facing a narrower and narrower space.
In order to survive in this situation, we need strategies to survive and strategies to be recognized. In particular, we will study the survival measures of architects, and let architects feel one thing directly. As a professional, we will solve these problems wisely with wisdom, creative, positive thinking, and reasonable judgment.
Gravel, sand, cement, and water, when combined properly, make concrete. Let’s unite and respect all the gravel architects and sand architects in the country, and let the association be the water and cement to make architecture and architects into ultra-high strength concrete. If we all work together, there is nothing we can’t do.
Please support us with faith. I will answer with passion and results, thank you.


Police Chief’s Inaugural Address

Proud police colleagues, employees, and former officers! Good morning, it’s a pleasure to be here.
I am Chief of Police ○○○, who will be in charge of the security of ○○ police station together with you. I was appointed as chief of police ○ years ago, and I am honored to be working with you again after ○ years, and I consider it a special relationship. I am filled with special emotions and resolve to do a really good job.
The past year has been a busy and tense one, with the Cheonan sinking, the G20 Summit, and North Korea’s provocation of Yeonpyeong Island. There have been many challenges, but we have been able to overcome them because all of you here have worked together in unity to fulfill your duties. Once again, I want to congratulate you on a job well done.
Personally, I am happy and honored to serve with you for the last time, but my shoulders are heavy with a sense of responsibility and mission to make ○○seo, which has a short history, a place where residents can go about their daily lives in peace as soon as possible. However, I am confident that it will be possible if we communicate, think, and sweat together with you. Let’s work together to serve our citizens.
I would also like to congratulate my predecessor, Chief ○○○, for overcoming many difficulties during the opening process and establishing ○○ Police Station, and wish him good luck and good health in the future.
I would like to make a few remarks about the direction of the ○○ Police Department and the tasks we should focus on.
First, I would like to ask you to become a police force that thinks and acts in the position of the people. Isn’t the reason for the existence of the police force to be the guardian of the people so that they can live comfortably? It is the role and duty of the police to carry out pro-people policing policies so that everyone is fair before the law and no one is disadvantaged because they are socially disadvantaged, and I believe this is the best way to enter a fair society.
Second, we need to do more to prevent human rights violations. The reason why police officers work under much worse conditions than other public servants and do not receive the love and trust from the public is that many police officers are often criticized for small mistakes that could have been avoided with a little care, such as a warm word of reassurance to a panicked citizen who has been victimized by a crime, indifference to a suspect who is desperately pleading for justice, unkind words, or harsh behavior for the sake of unreasonable performance. We need to pay more attention and consideration to ensure that the human rights of the people are not unfairly violated with a stance of reverse support.
What I didn’t get to tell you today, I will slowly convey to you as I take my time and get to know the policing situation. I may not be the most capable commander during my time here, but I will do my best to be human, reasonable, and trustworthy.
Once again, it has been an immense honor to meet with you, and I wish you and your families the best of luck and happiness.
Yours sincerely.


Sample police chief inauguration greeting

Good morning, proud police colleagues, employees, and former officers.
I am Chief of Police ○○○, who will be in charge of policing the ○○ neighborhood with you starting today. I am honored to be working with you again, as I was appointed as Chief of Police of ○○ ○ years ago, and I consider it a special connection. It is with a special feeling that I am determined to do a really good job.
What is the reason for the existence of the police? Isn’t it to be the guardian of the people so that they can live comfortably? I believe that it is the role and duty of the police to carry out pro-citizen policing policies so that everyone is fair before the law and no one is disadvantaged because they are socially disadvantaged, and that is the best way to enter a fair society.
Warm words of reassurance to citizens who are victims of crimes, indifference to suspects who plead their innocence, unkind words, and harsh behavior for the sake of unreasonable performance should be given little attention. More attention and consideration is needed to ensure that people’s human rights are not unfairly violated with a stance of reverse support.
And in every organization, we need to achieve an organizational culture of internal harmony and communication. If we are not internally harmonious and united, nothing will get done. If we make concessions to each other and think a little bit from the other person’s point of view, it will be an exciting workplace.
I will be the chief who always has an open ear to talk to you in the field, wherever you are, and I will do my best to listen to your concerns, opinions, and challenges.
I will take the time to understand the security situation and slowly deliver the things I didn’t get to today. I ask for your cooperation and hard work.
Once again, it’s an honor to meet with you, and I wish you and your families all the best. Thank you.


Inaugural Principal’s Season’s Greetings

Good morning.
It’s almost the end of winter. This winter has been unusually cold, but just one month from now, we’ll be in March, the month that heralds spring. Spring is not far away, but the weather is still chilly. The colder the winter, the warmer the spring, right?
February is a month to make sure you’re still on track with your January mindset, and it’s also a month to wrap up the season. It’s the shortest month of the year, so it’s a month that holds a lot of meaning. It’s easy to get to the end of the month without getting to the beginning. It’s a busy, short time, and we hope you make the most of it.
Next month, a new semester begins.
Before the new semester begins, I am Mr. ○○○, the new principal of ○○ School. I have been thinking, “How can I create a school where students are happy?” and “What do students really want?” while teaching.
First of all, I will strive to realize 21st-century creativity education according to students’ individual abilities so that students can experience the joy of learning and growth, and I will help students create a desirable and correct student culture autonomously.
For the many students who attend ○○ High School, I will strive for an education of hope that nurtures dreams rather than an education for the SAT exam, and for teachers, I will strive for an education administration that is communicative and caring so that they can rekindle the passion and sense of mission that they had when they first started teaching. Communication between students and teachers is necessary for a school to move forward on a desirable path. We will strive to create a school where both administration and education can communicate.
Please join me in creating a school where students can learn and grow well anytime, anywhere.
I am willing to implement changes, even if they are drastic, for the betterment of ○○ High School, and I ask that you accept these changes positively and actively deal with them.
I will also strive to be a principal who can contribute to the good tradition of the school while respecting the mission and passion of the educational family and the virtues built by the previous principals.
Thank you.


Message from the new chairman of the KFTC

Dear FTC staff!
It seems like just yesterday that I said goodbye to you as I left the KFTC in January, and I am happy to see you again and feel as if I have returned to my own family. I am deeply honored to be appointed as the second KFTC Chairman of the ○○○ Government at such a crucial time, but I feel a heavy sense of responsibility when I think of the tasks and duties that lie ahead. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my predecessor, Chairman ○○○, for his passionate dedication to establishing a fair market economic order.
Dear Staff!
Thanks to your tireless efforts under difficult conditions, I believe that significant achievements have been made in the KFTC’s policies and law enforcement. I commend you for your hard work, but we must realize that there are still many challenges ahead of us that must be overcome. In order to address the structural problems that have accumulated in our economy, it is important to enhance innovation capacity and improve economic health, and for this, “healthy competition” in the market is the foundation. In difficult times, it is most important to stick to the basics and principles. Fixing abusive trading practices and establishing a fair market economic order to create an economy with strong foundations is the vocation entrusted to the KFTC at this time. I hope you will join me in fulfilling this vocation.
Dear beloved and honored staff!
I will focus my policy efforts in the coming years on four areas.
First, we must focus on promoting dynamic and fair market competition to enhance creativity and innovation in all sectors of the economy. To this end, we must strengthen surveillance of monopoly power and IPR abuse by market first movers in newly emerging sectors such as mobile and platforms, and enforce the law according to principle. We must also take strict action against collusion that fundamentally hinders market competition in sectors close to people’s lives, and make greater efforts to protect domestic consumers by actively responding to international cartels and global mergers and acquisitions that have a major impact on our markets. We should also focus on improving competition-restrictive regulations by ministries and local governments to boost economic vitality.
Second, we need to focus our efforts on broadening the competitive base of economically disadvantaged businesses and creating a healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem. Despite our ongoing efforts, there are still persistent unfair practices in subcontracting, franchising, distribution, and agency, including technology misappropriation and unfair unit price cuts. There are many reasons for this, but a recent survey by the Federation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (KSSE) found that many complainants are afraid of retaliation, such as being cut off from business, if they are exposed, so they “cry and eat mustard.” To address this reluctance to report and expand the surveillance network for unfair practices, we should actively promote the introduction of a reward system and activate surrogate reporting centers, and continue to consider other effective measures. In addition, we must also ensure the faithful enforcement of the new circular investment prohibition system introduced last year and the total family self-interest regulation system to actively guide the healthy development of our economy.
Third, as the undisputed control tower of consumer policy, the KFTC should strengthen its overall oversight and coordination of consumer policy by coordinating with relevant ministries, consumer resources, consumer organizations, and academia. First of all, we should review various programs and laws that ministries are promoting that focus on the supplier side from the consumer’s perspective and actively demand improvements to those that may hinder consumer rights and interests. We should also strengthen the provision of information to help consumers make rational choices, and expand surveillance of deceptive practices online, where consumer damage is on the rise. In particular, the number of ‘overseas purchases’ has increased significantly in recent years, and the damage caused to consumers is also on the rise, which requires an active response. Regarding overseas shopping mall operators, where it is difficult to apply our laws, we need to strengthen international cooperation by providing more information to consumers to help them prevent damage as much as possible, and actively reflect our position in discussions on the establishment of an international standard for online dispute resolution (ODR) for compensation for damage caused by overseas purchases. In addition, we should strive to establish the Consumer Rights Promotion Fund as soon as possible to effectively promote consumer empowerment projects such as customized education and information provision.
Fourth, the KFTC should make further efforts to gain the trust of the market in its quasi-judicial adjudication function. To this end, we should improve the quality of adjudication by strengthening the right of the respondent to rebuttal and revitalizing the expedited deliberation system, and proceed with the ongoing legislation on case handling procedures to enhance transparency and fairness in the entire case handling process from investigation to adjudication.
During my time away from public service, I have often thought that this is a time when public servants need to be more committed than ever. Our economy is at a crossroads that will determine whether or not it can rise to the occasion, and the public expects more ethics and integrity from public servants than ever before. I call on public officials to once again refine their basic attitude of valuing principles and honor not only in their work but also in matters of morality and integrity. We must listen to the voices of the National Assembly, the media, and stakeholders, and strengthen cooperation and communication, keeping in mind that there will be stinging reprimands as well as high public expectations of the KFTC. There is a saying that “true discovery is not discovering new lands, but seeing them with new eyes. I make a special call to you to work with a reverse geography mindset from the perspective of businesses and consumers. As Chairman, I will support our employees by changing our organizational culture one by one so that they can reach their full potential with pride and dignity. First of all, I will be a Chairman who seeks opinions widely and makes decisions after careful discussion, and I will be a Chairman who steps closer to you and communicates with you in a casual manner. I will also establish human resources principles that ensure that talented and hardworking people are treated fairly, and I will pay attention to recruitment management, education and training so that employees can grow professionally through their work.
Dear Employees!
It is said that a drama called “Misaeng,” which is about a “boss man,” is very popular these days, and while there are many funny episodes, I hear that many employees are moved by the camaraderie and organizational culture that grows new interns into “boss men” who do their jobs well. Turn your head now and look to the side. As a guardian of the market economy, KFTC’s path can be a lonely and difficult one, and it’s important to have colleagues who are there for you. Let’s create a wonderful KFTC where all of us at the headquarters and regional offices are united, encouraging each other and working with excitement. Let’s follow the honor and tradition established by our predecessors and take strong steps toward the calling of the times.
Finally, may health and happiness always be with you and your families. Thank you.


Inaugural remarks by the Minister of Labor and Employment

Honorable citizens!
Workers and managers, job seekers who are struggling to find a job, and the family of the Ministry of Employment and Labor!
It is with great responsibility that I take on the role of Secretary of Labor at a time when we are at a new starting point. We have overcome the global economic crisis that hit us two years ago relatively quickly. I salute the remarkable resilience of the Korean people. I would also like to thank my predecessor and the entire Ministry of Employment and Labor family for their hard work in resolving the tangled employment and labor issues.
In order for all Koreans to live well together, we need more jobs, so that those who want to work can regain hope and those who work hard can feel rewarded. However, the job situation that people are experiencing is still difficult. Structural problems remain, such as growth without employment, the constant struggle to find a job, and families struggling to make ends meet. On July 5, the Ministry of Employment and Labor was launched. In line with the new name, the policy paradigm to tackle the challenges of our labor market must be elevated.
We need to move beyond a “jobs and jobs” approach to a “workers and jobs” focus. The Ministry of Employment and Labor should help people without jobs, people who want better jobs, and even people who have temporarily given up on working to become workers and work. This is the shortcut to a fair society where people can live well together.
The horizon of employment and labor policy should not only be limited to ensuring the basic labor rights of workers, but should also extend to the right of people to work.
Dear workers, job seekers, and managers!
I will focus on two things to realize people’s right to work: First, we will strive to create a fair and dynamic labor market; second, we will create customized employment measures for young people, women, the elderly, the disabled, and the working poor, and synergize them with programs in education, welfare, and childcare; third, we will work with vulnerable groups to make work more enjoyable and more productive; fourth, we will faithfully protect the basic rights and interests of people who work in different places and forms of employment; and fifth, we will ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises and non-regular workers are not subjected to unreasonable discrimination. Flexibility in the labor market must be balanced with job security for workers. Long working hours and the annualized wage system should be improved to benefit both labor and management. Safety nets for job loss and disasters should be made more employment-friendly. More people should be able to benefit from employment insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. We will do our best to ensure that those who are able to work do not settle into a “welfare trap” and that those who work hard are lifted out of poverty.
Second, we will strive to build win-win labor-management relations based on the rule of law and self-governance. The rule of law and self-governance are the two wheels of the wagon that drives win-win labor-management relations. Therefore, labor and management must resolve labor-management issues within the boundaries of the law and based on the principle of self-responsibility. Emptying is the premise of filling, and sharing is the path to growing. It is imperative to consider the other side’s position before insisting on your own rights, and to accept the next best thing rather than insisting on the best. I will help labor and management to nurture the 80% common denominator instead of focusing on the 20% differences so that the concentric circles can be reproduced. I will work hard to implement the multi-union and pre-union salary system, which was finally agreed upon after 13 years of delay. I will help labor-management relations become a driving force to increase productivity and add jobs. It is time to change the practice of some large companies and regular labor unions passing on the burden to small and medium-sized enterprises, non-regular workers, and the national economy. A win-win labor-management culture must spread beyond individual employers and unions to include social responsibility. The Ministry of Employment, Labor, and Welfare, which has established itself as the lead ministry for job policy, faces many challenges. It needs to grow the workforce on the one hand, and create and find jobs on the other, which requires teamwork with the Ministry of Economy, which creates jobs, the Ministry of Education and Science, which trains future workers, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which helps the poor. I look forward to taking on this expanded and more challenging role as soon as possible.
Dear Ministry of Employment and Labor family!
What is the most important part of a car? Many people say the engine. They’re wrong. No matter how good the engine is, if the headlights are out, you can’t drive in the dark. If the window wipers don’t work, you can’t drive in the rain. Tail lights, brakes, and storage batteries are also indispensable. There is a TV commercial that compares Park Tae-hwan without water and Kim Yeon-ah without ice. In the history of warfare, the performance of the unsung heroes has been the difference between victory and defeat. It is said that there are no weak soldiers under a brave general, but there can be no general who wins victory with undisciplined soldiers. Just as there are no ranks in a job, there are no lowly positions in the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and there are no unimportant positions, because each and every one of you is entrusted with a sacred mission by the Republic of Korea. There is no job that is not noble. The structural challenges of our labor market cannot be solved by conventional thinking and conventional efforts. Solutions may come only if we let go of what we’ve learned, what we’ve experienced, and what we’ve inherited. Let’s clear our minds, reflect, listen, and think hard. Let’s stoop lower, be more open-minded, be eye-to-eye with the people, and row with a “hot heart” that sometimes paddles against the current. The hearts of job seekers are already hot. Let’s make sure our hearts are hot too, so that we can demand “hot hearts” from our companies, universities, and even our unions. I will lead the way, thank you.


Inaugural speech of the sponsor chairman

Good evening, members of the ○○○ Supporters Association.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for pushing me forward to become the president of our ○○○ Patronage Association. Personally, I am very happy that you have trusted me, but on the other hand, I am also worried about whether I can fulfill my duties as president. However, I promise you that I will do my best to run the ○○○ Supporters Association as much as you have trusted me. I will listen to all of you, not just my own opinions, and I will run our organization in a way that everyone can relate to.
Over the years, our organization has done remarkable things for the disadvantaged, including the children in our community. From our annual fundraisers, to our scholarship events for children who cannot go to school because of their disadvantaged circumstances, to other events, we have worked tirelessly to create a brighter society. Above all, I think it is thanks to the efforts of the previous chairman and all of you that our organization has not forgotten its purpose and meaning and has gradually improved over the years.
It is also thanks to the generous encouragement and advice of the previous chairman that I have been able to reach this position. They have paved the way for our organization to move forward and built a strong foundation, so we have been able to come to this point without wavering in our ideology. I will follow their lead to further clarify the path of our organization and make our organization more visible so that more members can join us.
There are many people in our society who do good deeds in secret, but it is also very rewarding to do good deeds together. Even if you don’t have much yourself, if you share with others, you will feel your heart gradually become richer, and if it becomes a habit and routine, you will enjoy living and feel your heart gradually become more generous and full. I, too, have been enriched in my monotonous life by meeting our ○○○ sponsors, and I have come to where I am today.
I would like to take this opportunity to share with you my resolve: I will strive to bring smiles back to the faces of the less fortunate in society, and I promise to brighten the future of our organization.
Thank you for listening to me so far, and I wish you and your families all the happiness in the world.


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I'm a blog writer. I like to write things that touch people's hearts. I want everyone who visits my blog to find happiness through my writing.

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.