A collection of different types of teacher retirement speech examples



This is an example of a retirement speech template. These are farewell speeches for elementary school teachers, middle school teachers, and high school teachers.


High school teacher retirement speech

Good evening, I would like to thank all the students, staff, and parents for being here today. I am deeply touched and honored that you and your students have organized this retirement ceremony for me today. Today is my last day as an educator and my last day in public service. I am filled with mixed emotions, but most of all, I am sad and nostalgic.
As I look back on my years as an educator, I realize that I have left a lot to be desired, but as an educator, I reflect on the kind of teacher I have been for my students. I also ask myself what contribution I have made to society as an educator. I realize that I have not done much for society, but I have always had a heart to do right and lead my students to the true path, as all educators do. However, the most rewarding thing is when the students I taught have grown up and are now exerting themselves in great positions in society, and when they come to me to express their gratitude, I feel rewarded and delighted as a teacher. I also remember admonishing and lovingly supporting students who had wandered away from school because they could not adapt well to school life, and when they understood my words and actions and found the right path, I felt great joy that they had grown up rightly as disciples.
I am sorry that during my long and short public career, I neglected my own children in favor of my students, but I believe my children will understand my meaning, and I hope they will forgive me if my behavior has seemed harsh to them, and if they have had any resentment, misunderstanding, or disappointment in me. I pledge to myself that I have treated my students selflessly. I leave this school today, but my heart will always be here, and I know that the rest of you will continue to do the best job you can as educators and guide your students. Again, thank you for holding this farewell party for me today, and I will always hope that your students have a bright future ahead of them. Thank you.



High School Teacher Retirement Speech

Good afternoon, and thank you so much to all the students, staff, and parents who are here today. It’s an incredibly emotional day for me that you and the students are here today to honor me with a retirement ceremony. This is my last day as an educator and my last day in public service. It’s hard to put into words how I feel, but it’s both bittersweet and painful.
First of all, when I look back on my life as an educator, I feel that I have been lacking in many ways. Many things come to mind, but I reflect on what kind of teacher I have been for children as an educator, and I can’t help but ask myself what kind of development I have contributed to society as an educator. Looking back, I realize that I didn’t do much for society, but as an educator, I always had the heart to do the right thing and lead children to the true path, just as all educators do. But the most rewarding thing was when the students I taught, like my own children, became adults and were making their own way in the world, and when they came to me to say thank you, I felt rewarded and delighted as a teacher.
I also remember admonishing and lovingly supporting students who had wandered off because they were not adjusting well to school life, and when they did not misunderstand my words and actions and corrected their minds, I was filled with joy that I had set them straight. I can recall countless students I met during my teaching career, their faces and names, and the moments I shared with them. Every moment with you is a cherished memory and a proud memory for me.
In my long and perhaps short public life, I have been so concerned with my students that I have neglected my own children, and for that I am sorry, but I think my children will understand what I mean. I know that my behavior has sometimes seemed harsh to them, and I hope that any resentment, misunderstanding, or disappointment they may have had with me will be put to rest. I swear to myself that there has never been a moment when I have not treated them selflessly.
I am leaving this school today, but my heart will always be here, and I know that the rest of you, as educators, will continue to guide your students to the best of your abilities. You will always support their dreams and hopes and guide them toward their future, and I know you will fulfill that calling.
What I also ask of you is that you always understand your students and listen to their voices. They may feel lost at times, but just knowing that they have a teacher who is there for them in the moment will go a long way. And I hope you will be educators who are constantly learning and growing. In a changing world, education needs to change and innovate, and I hope that with your passion to keep improving, you will lead this school and its students into a better future.
Once again, thank you for hosting this farewell party for me today, and I will always wish you all a bright future ahead of you. May your dreams come true, and may you live a wonderful life in which you can dream another dream. I wish you all good health and happiness, and with that, I will conclude my speech. Thank you.



Farewell from a teacher leaving the classroom

Good morning, everyone. It’s January, and the mid-winter cold seems to be more fierce. I usually like to sit by the window. If you’re like me, you’ve probably noticed that not too long ago, guests who had taken up residence on the terrace to catch the sunshine or escape the stuffy indoors have all gone indoors to escape the cold. People who enjoyed the breeze in spring and the sunshine in fall are now busy avoiding the sun in summer and the wind in winter. But if it’s winter you’re going to have to deal with anyway, don’t run away, open a window today and feel the cold breeze all over you. I hope you can enjoy winter as much as the other seasons.
It’s hard for me to say goodbye to you, and I’ve been trying to turn away from the reality because I hate to leave this stagnant school, but now I’m going to face this reality and take the beauty of the season. When I first decided to become a teacher, I promised myself that I would be a humanized teacher. I was in elementary school when I decided to become a teacher.
My elementary school teacher was leaving the school. I wanted her to stay because I liked her, but when she left, she left a note for each of her students. When I read her note, I was excited. I thought to myself, “That’s the kind of teacher I want to be!” And so I spent the rest of the day hanging on to the words of praise in her notes. That’s what a teacher was to me.
It made me think about what I must have been to my students. I wonder if I’ve shown them the same genuine interest and affection that my old teacher did, and if I’ve neglected them because I’m busy. I wonder if I’ve lived up to my initial intentions. I wonder if I’ve forgotten that initial feeling I had in elementary school.
I don’t know what to do with this dizzying feeling of leaving my favorite school, and the first thing that comes to mind is the faces of the kids who didn’t study and got into trouble. It’s like a mother’s heart that worries more about her unsuccessful children than her successful ones. I hope they’re somewhere doing their own thing and living warmly in their hearts. Thank you.



Thank you from a student representative at the principal’s retirement ceremony

Good morning, Mr. Principal, time flies. We’ve already reached the end of 2022. There’s only one calendar left, and it’s a shame that we have to go through November without doing much of anything. Time flies because, as astronomer Galileo said, the earth still turns.
As the year comes to a close, we think about the things we didn’t do, the mistakes we made, the regrets we have about why we didn’t do them well, and the many “what ifs” we find ourselves asking. But clocks only run to the right. No clock ever turns to the left. We live in the present and move towards the future. Those who walk with their backs to the wall are prone to stumble over even the smallest pebble. Look straight ahead and hopefully you won’t fall.
Someone once said that the most important thing in life is encounters, and my encounter with the principal was a precious one. He was gentle and affectionate with the children, fair in his management of the school, based on principles, and managed with love and virtue. Among the happy times we shared together, I have warm memories of the principal. I remember how she would clean the school without saying a word, how she would stroke the children’s hair with compassion, how she would write us handwritten letters to share good books and good words with us, and how she would always touch us with her beautiful words of encouragement at any occasion.
Our encounter with the principal was more than just a relationship, it was a great lesson. It was inspiring to see how much respect and love he had from not only the students but also the staff. His every action and word set us on the right path and helped us become better teachers. Through our principal, we realized what the essence of education is and what the path of a true teacher is.
He showed us how a true leader should be, strong but gentle, cold but warm, delicate but with a big border, impartial without taking sides in any case, caring about each and every one of us. It was a blessing to be with you.
Just as a child learns from his parents, we saw and learned a lot from him; we felt cool and comfortable under the big tree that is the principal, and we realized little by little what the path of a true teacher is.
Before today, the words “last” that we heard from our principal so many times were like a lonely autumn breeze that cut through our hearts. We all love and respect our principal. Your time at ○○ has been a beautiful journey for all of us – staff, students, and parents – and we will miss you dearly. Although you are leaving the school, you will remain fragrant as an everlasting flower in the world of education. We wish you good health and happiness in your new beginning. Thank you.



Teacher retirement farewell speech

Thank you, everyone, for being here today. Today marks the end of my 30 years. It’s a day that seemed like it would never come when I was younger, and it’s with great emotion that I welcome it. As I picked out my tie to wear here today, I was feeling a little sentimental. After years of wearing old suits, I’m wearing a more expensive suit for this retirement ceremony. When my wife saw me, she was surprised. I wore an expensive suit today, but that’s okay. The end is a big deal for everyone, especially when it’s the end of a long, long history that has taken up most of a person’s life, and today is one of those days.
As a student, I dreamed of becoming a teacher; as a young man, I struggled with it; and as a teacher in the field, I have experienced the highs and lows of dealing with students. The word “teacher” holds a special place in my heart. That’s because my entire life is summarized in that short word. I am now leaving the field that I have loved and struggled with so much.
The school was never just a job for me; it was the center of my life, the place I was most passionate about. The times I spent with my students remain some of the most cherished memories of my life. The possibilities I saw in their eyes, the excitement I felt as I watched them grow, and the pain I sometimes felt as I shared in their wanderings and setbacks – these experiences have shaped and strengthened me. They have made me a better teacher and a better person.
I’m leaving the school, leaving behind children who are growing up every day, students who bring me joy with their very existence. But I still have quite a few days left in my life. At one point, I had the weak notion that the day I left, my life would end. But leaving the field doesn’t mean leaving the children behind or losing the school forever. I promise to look back on my time in the classroom, to catch up on the writing I’ve been putting off, and to strive to live a life outside of the classroom that makes a difference to someone.
For those of you inside the school, I hope that you will be living witnesses to an education that can make a person grow, an education that can point a person in the right direction, and an education that can boldly convince students when they are on the wrong path. And if you will allow me to see and hear the name of our school from afar, and to make it the satisfaction of my old age, I will have nothing to spare. I will be busy making new history. I leave this school, entrusting it to you, the living history of Japanese education. I wish you all a bright future ahead of you, and I would like to conclude my remarks.
Finally, I would like to thank all of you for being here today. Words cannot express how much my time with you has meant to me, and I wish you all the best in your respective positions. We may take different paths, but we will always support each other no matter where those paths take us. Thank you again.



Teacher retirement farewell written by a fellow teacher

Good morning, today is one of those days when, strangely enough, we feel the warmth of spring even though it is the dead of winter. Today is the day of the retirement ceremony of Mr. ○○, our true teacher and a true educator. Like a candle that burns itself to light up the darkness, you have dedicated yourself to teaching in a harsh educational environment, and we congratulate you on your honorable retirement.
You have been in our school for ○ years and have done a lot for the development of ○○ Primary School. You always cared for your students with warmth and love, as if they were your own children, and you showed yourself to be a sincere and compassionate educator. You were always there for your junior teachers, like a father, and sometimes like an uncle, to help them with their difficulties.
Although I didn’t get to see him in person, he had a reputation as an excellent teacher who earned the respect of his students for his excellence and love for his students, which was well known beyond our ○○ Elementary School and among other elementary school teachers in the neighborhood. You can see how deep his love for his students was.
He always told us to treat our students with love. He once told me, “Although a teacher’s salary is small, teaching is more valuable than money.” He said that there is no greater reward than seeing his students grow up in the right direction. He always tried to teach us younger teachers how to treat students with love.
It’s with great regret that we let you go now. You’re still young, you have so much more to do, and you have so much more to give, and it’s so sad to see you go because you’re retiring.
Although you are leaving the world of education today, I believe that your valuable words sown in the long years of teaching will remain as a mirror of life in the hearts of countless students and junior teachers. Once again, I would like to congratulate you on your honorable retirement and wish you a healthy and happy future in the name of ○○ Elementary School. We will treat students with love as you taught us. Thank you.



High school homeroom teacher’s final greeting at retirement ceremony

It’s afternoon. Although we didn’t realize it because we were still in the hot sun during the day, nature was already preparing for a new season. As it is said that it is beautiful to look back at those who know when they are leaving, it was also beautiful to see the summer slowly giving way to fall. The mountains were littered with leaves vying for space, the sky was racing up there as if in a sprint, and the air had shed its heavy, humid aura, leaving only a cool sensation in its wake. After seeing the beauty of nature’s handiwork, I suddenly realized that it was time for me to follow suit.
Ladies and gentlemen, as of today, I am stepping down from the classroom. The best part of my 38 years of teaching is that I get to spend the last time with my students, and it brings me great joy to meet them as they prepare to enter a new world. I am deeply sorry that I will not be able to see you through to your SATs, but I have decided that now is the right time to leave, and it is a personal regret that I will not be able to see you through to college. There is not one of my students who is not like my own child, just as there is not a finger that does not hurt from biting ten fingers, and that is what they are to me. Even though I am retiring, I hope that I will remain in your hearts for a long time to come.
We’re about two months away from the SATs, and as the hot summer months of August come to an end and fall begins with September, I know you’re excited, but this is the time of year when you need to be more focused than excited. There’s no doubt about how important this time of year is for you. Starting college is a major turning point in your life. In my counseling sessions in the past, I’ve found that most of you need to go through an in-depth learning process in college in order for your dreams to become a reality. That’s why you’re sitting here right now, working hard for your future. The sweet fruits are waiting for you at the end of the painful process.
There’s no such thing as giving up, and I know there have been times in my teaching career when I’ve wanted to quit – I can’t tell you how many times. However, the dreams, hopes, and rewards always outweighed the pain and suffering. At this moment, as I am leaving my job, I think, I am so glad I didn’t give up then. This is the last thing I wanted to say to you, my students, before I leave the classroom, because it will be the sweetest fruit. I love you, my high school seniors.
And there’s one more thing I want to tell you. As we go through life, the important thing is to set goals and work hard to achieve them. When we have a clear goal, we have the strength to overcome any difficulties. I’m proud of you for working so hard to achieve your goal of getting into college. The process can be exhausting and difficult at times, but it will make you stronger. The journey to achieve your dreams is never easy, but at the end of it all, the future you’ve been hoping for will be waiting for you.
I hope you cherish the time you’ve spent with me so far, and that you will always be the best you can be. I wish you a bright future. Thank you.



High School Principal Retirement Message

Good morning, it’s June, a month that seems to get hotter with each passing day. It’s one of those scorching summer days, and I wonder if you’re living happily today? The humidity is higher than usual, which makes us guess that the rainy season is about to start, but the sky is greeting us with a sunny face.
It’s hot and humid out there, but it’s important to take care of yourself and pace yourself. Drink plenty of water to avoid heat exhaustion, and do some light exercise to keep your stamina up. I’m going to check off my to-do list for the day and try not to procrastinate. I’d like to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us today.
It’s been a great day and I’m so grateful to be able to say goodbye to you all. I’m leaving with a lot of memories, both good and not-so-good, and I’m leaving with a lot of fond memories, and I’m leaving not for the last time, but for another beginning, right? It’s not the end, it’s a challenge for another beginning, so I hope you’ll bid me farewell with laughter and applause rather than tears.
Today, I am very pleased to have the opportunity to serve for the development of education at ○○ High School, a historic place of education. In recent years, changes in the education system have been occurring very rapidly, such as the problem of school violence, infringement of teaching rights and the crisis of public education, diversification of curriculum and school education, including the implementation of the five-day school week, and organizational reforms. At this time, I felt the weight of the responsibility entrusted to me and made every effort to face the changing paradigm of education correctly.
Looking back at the recent education issues, I realize that there are many directions we need to go and many challenges we need to solve. In particular, it is important to support students to develop their individual characteristics and potential without losing the essence of education. We also need to strengthen communication and cooperation between teachers, students, and parents to create an educational environment that is satisfactory for everyone.
“MS Vice President Jeff Raikes said that we need to be able to see the good news that follows bad news: “People are afraid to deliver bad news. But bad news sometimes provides the most important information to improve business performance. I’ve made it a rule to always ask for both good and bad news, and to ask for the bad news first, so that we can identify challenges and discuss what needs to be improved.” Not to mention that my departure is probably a better opportunity for the school and its students. I try to look at it in a positive way, like water that stands still rots, but only flows to keep living things alive.
I sincerely hope that our ○○ High School will emerge as a prestigious school in the region under the guidance of the principal who is coming on my behalf. I have always been grateful to the many teachers and students who have helped me along the way, and I have always considered the first mission of educational administration to be dedicated service. I will continue to listen sincerely to the voices of the educational family, including the school site, and this will not be my last time, but I will spend the rest of my life freely communicating with and educating students elsewhere, so I ask for your support in my new challenges.
After my retirement, I plan to continue my education-related volunteer work in the community. With the experience and knowledge I have gained in the field of education, I hope to create opportunities to help more people. It’s with tears in my eyes that I’m finally leaving this place, but I’d like to conclude my retirement speech. Thank you.



Example principal retirement speech

Good morning, everyone. Spring is supposed to be here, but the wind is still chilly. Despite the cold weather making me cower and lazy, I want to thank all the guests, faculty, staff and parents who have come to celebrate my retirement. I am overwhelmed with emotion to be here today.
When I first started teaching, I admired teachers who had reached retirement age and thought that retirement age was far away from me, but now that I am standing here, I feel very emotional. I realized that time is like a liquid stream, and before I knew it, I was standing here to say goodbye. I was able to reach an honorable retirement age while dedicating myself to educating students for many years. I would like to thank my junior teachers and parents for their guidance and support, for which I am grateful. I am also confident that the many experiences and lessons I have gained during my teaching career will be a great asset in my future life.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my wife, who has been very supportive of me throughout my career. I’ve been so focused on school that I’ve been neglecting my family. I will be able to approach my wife as a loving husband, enjoy leisure, travel, and spend the rest of our lives together. I plan to spend time with my family and build more memories, which I haven’t been able to do often because of work.
As I leave, I’d like to say one thing to my younger colleagues: take ownership wherever and whenever you can. This moment, where I am, is all that matters. It’s unfortunate that in today’s society and schools, there is a lot of talk about ownership, but fewer and fewer people are truly taking charge. For example, if you walk by a tap and it’s leaking, a responsible owner would turn it off and walk away. I hope these real owners are all of us, students and staff. I hope that we can teach our students these lessons so that as they grow up, they can have a real sense of ownership. I also hope that they will not look for satisfaction and happiness in the distance, but rather in the here and now. I hope that it is all of us, students and staff, who are faithful to the moment we are in and do our best.
In closing, I would like to wish ○○ Elementary School the best of luck in its future endeavors and the health and happiness of everyone present at this meeting. Thank you.



Retirement thank you message from the teacher representative

Hello, everyone. The weather is supposed to be warming up from this afternoon, but it is still very chilly. I hope everyone’s hearts are warm despite the cold weather.
I think back to the first time I met Principal ○○○. On the day I first arrived at the unfamiliar ○○ Elementary School, she handed me a cup of hot tea and said, “It’s very encouraging to see a junior from the same school.” From that moment on, she has been a great support to me.
Principal ○○○ is a person who values the depth of relationships and the time to meet. No matter how young or old you are, you look into the life of each person you meet, remember them, and take care of them when they need help. The way he always treated his students like family and strived to help them grow was an inspiration to all of us.
I believe that concern for others is affection, and we have been the recipients of that heart that remembers even the smallest details. Here, on behalf of all of you who have received that warm heart for ○ years, I would like to convey that heart to Principal ○○○ today. Perhaps the most deeply imprinted teachings of Principal ○○○ are ‘teamwork’ and ‘preparation’.
When we won the staff athletic competition not long ago, I remember what he said to us. He said, “Today’s joy is not the result of the efforts of a few people in this room; it’s the result of all the teachers who cheered us on and filled in the gaps so that our athletes could compete.” This quote reminded us all of the importance of teamwork.
He also told us to be teachers who are always prepared. Every year at the end of the school year, he always emphasized self-improvement for teachers. He advised us to always be prepared because our minds and skills will always come in handy. He encouraged us to be hardworking teachers, saying that only prepared teachers can lead education. He was always willing to have a frank conversation with anyone, and his down-to-earth personality made us feel like a part of his family.
I am saddened to say goodbye to such a wonderful principal, whose crude yet sincere words made me laugh, and whose confident yet dignified demeanor will now be just a memory of my past.
I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and I hope that you will find what you have been missing and what you want to do, and that you will paint a generous landscape of another world with a clear eye. Lastly, I would like to say goodbye to Principal ○○○, who has always walked the path of a teacher with an unwavering and obedient heart. Thank you.


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I'm a blog writer. I like to write things that touch people's hearts. I want everyone who visits my blog to find happiness through my writing.

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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.