Why don’t we talk about death, and why do we only realize its meaning at the end of life?



Despite the fact that death is a natural part of being human, we tend to shy away from it and consider it taboo. But when we face it and embrace it, we discover the true meaning of life. In Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych, the fear and denial of death, and the process of accepting it, leads us to realize that life and death are connected.


A society that doesn’t talk about death

We all face death. It’s as natural and inevitable as getting older, but in modern society, the discussion of death is often taboo and people tend to avoid it. When someone talks about death, most people react unpleasantly, often with a “why bring up a dirty subject” reaction. This is because the subject of death is uncomfortable or evokes fear. People don’t want to face death, and the concept of death is a negative one, which is why we tend to ignore it in our daily lives and treat it as if it has nothing to do with us. But death is inevitable, and ignoring it doesn’t make it go away. On the contrary, it is important to face and accept death because it allows us to deeply reflect on our lives and find meaning in the present.
In modern society, we only begin to think seriously about our own mortality when death is imminent, but by then it’s too late. The idea of death should be prepared for in advance and accepted from a young age. Death isn’t just the end of life, it’s a mirror that reflects life itself. Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych is a great example of this perspective. The protagonist, Ivan Ilyich, has been a successful judge until one day he becomes terminally ill and is forced to face the reality of death. As he reflects on his life before his death, he is forced to reflect deeply on the true meaning of life and death. Ivan Ilyich’s story plays an important role in making readers think twice about death and, in doing so, find the meaning of life.


Denial and acceptance of death

Ivan Ilyich is initially unable to accept his own mortality, denying it and going into a rage. He rebels against the fact that he is dying, constantly asking himself the question, “Why do I have to die?” He is gripped by fear and dread of death and tries to turn away from the meaning of death, but eventually realizes that death is a reality that he cannot avoid. As he goes through the process of denial and acceptance of death, he is forced to reflect on how he has lived his life, and it is through death that he realizes the true value of life.
Similarly, many people find it difficult to accept their own mortality, and try to look away from it as something far away. Death is an inevitability that everyone will eventually experience, but people tend to think of it as something separate from their lives. When Ivan Ilyich’s fellow judges heard about his death, the first thing they thought of was personal gain, such as a promotion or a change of seat. They were relieved that he was gone, and thought that death was something that had nothing to do with them. This reaction illustrates the natural human tendency to view death as something that has nothing to do with us.
However, this attitude prevents us from truly reflecting on our lives and steering them in a desirable direction. When we ignore death, we fail to recognize the finitude of life and its value. We need to recognize the impact of death on our lives and think deeply about what it means. Like Ivan Ilyich, we can improve our lives by thinking about death in advance, rather than reflecting on them only after death.


Reflecting on life through death

When we go through life without seriously thinking about death, it’s easy to miss the true meaning of life. Ivan Ilyich is only able to reflect on his life in the face of death and realize that the life he has been living is wrong. He believed that he had lived right, that he had achieved success, but in the face of death, he realizes that his life was full of hypocrisy and pretense. Ivan Ilyich ultimately feels regret for his life, and only shortly before his death does he admit his mistakes and ask for forgiveness from his family.
In this way, death gives us the opportunity to look back and reflect on our lives. However, we can only reflect on our lives when death is near. Contemplating death is a process of reflecting on one’s own life, and it allows us to reorient our lives. Awareness of death forces us to consider how we are living now and how we should live in the future. Just as Ivan Ilyich realized his mistakes and reflected on his life as he neared death, so too can we find the true value of life and live better by being aware of death.


Life and death exist together

Life and death are often seen as opposites. But the truth is that they are not separate, they always exist together. Life includes death, and death is a natural part of life. Ivan Ilyich realizes that death is not an end, but a new beginning. He was afraid of death, but after accepting it, he finds light and joy. This shows that only by accepting death can we fully understand the meaning of life.
What is life without death? By recognizing the limitations of death, we can realize the value of life and live each day more meaningfully. When we accept that death is the end of life, we become more focused on the present moment, which can make our lives richer. Instead of trying to avoid death, we should embrace it as a natural part of life.


Living with awareness of death

Accepting death doesn’t simply mean acceptance of death itself. By recognizing and accepting death, we are motivated to examine our lives and change them for the better. The ancient philosophers’ teaching of “Memento Mori,” or “Remember that you will die one day,” is still valid today. Remembering death is an important act that makes us value our lives and make each day worth living.
We need to stop shying away from death and start creating a culture where death is a natural part of life. When we take death seriously and embrace it, we can discover the true value of life and live better in the process. Death is a part of life, and when we recognize that fact, we can live richer and more meaningful lives. Through reflection, the coexistence of death and life, and the acceptance of death, we can reflect on our lives and find answers to how we want to live in the future. In the end, death is an important key to a deeper understanding of life, which makes it more valuable.


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