What is electricity, its development from ancient times to modern times, and its impact on human life?


This article begins with the definition and origins of electricity, the phenomenon first discovered by the ancient Greek philosopher Thales, the invention of the voltaic cell that made electricity practical, and the development of electric current, motors, and communication technology. It also discusses how the study of electricity and electronics will continue to improve our lives.


Today, our daily lives are unimaginable without electricity: it allows us to stay well-lit on dark nights, and it allows many of the devices we use to exist, such as computers, televisions, radios, air conditioners, cell phones, and more. And with each passing year, the types of electronics are becoming more diverse and their functions are rapidly evolving to meet people’s needs. As such, modern people live in close contact with electricity, but few people know exactly what it is. That’s why we’re going to cover the basic concepts and practical applications of electricity, and we’ll do so with some simple hands-on exercises.
To understand electricity, the first thing you need to know is that all matter is made up of two kinds of charges. Electricity is the basis of all electrical phenomena, and there are two kinds of charges: positive and negative. Like the poles of a magnet, different charges are attracted to each other, and like charges are repelled. The basic unit of matter is the atom. An atom is made up of a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons. In nature, atoms are electrically neutral, but when an electron moves to another atom and takes on a negative charge, it becomes positively charged. Conversely, when an electron enters, it becomes negatively charged.
The definition of electricity is “the various natural phenomena caused by positive and negative electric charges. According to records, the first person to discover electricity was the ancient Greek philosopher Thales, circa 600 B.C. He observed that after rubbing a piece of cloth and a pumpkin, the lighter object stuck to the pumpkin. This was the result of the movement of electrons between the two objects, creating positive and negative charges. This phenomenon is called triboelectricity, and was later confirmed by the English physician William Gilbert in the late 16th century, who observed the same phenomenon in many materials. The term electricity has been studied since then, and comes from the Greek word “elektron,” meaning amber.
The practical use of electricity began in 1800 when Alessandro Volta invented the battery. An electric current literally means a flow of electricity, and as electrons move through a conductor, they collide with other electrons or atoms to generate heat. Today’s electric heating appliances, such as electric kettles and stoves, utilize this process.
Motors, used in streetcars, fans, elevators, and more, are devices that convert electrical energy into rotational motion. Around 1820, French physicist André-Marie Ampère discovered that a magnet placed around a conductor through which electric current flows has the same effect as if a magnet were placed around the conductor. Based on this, electric motors use the magnetic force between the magnet and the conductor to create rotational motion.
Cell phones are a necessity for modern people. Thanks to the development of electricity, it’s now possible to talk to the other side of the world in real time. Samuel Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, developed a method of transmitting signals using changes in electric current in 1837, and thus began telecommunications. In the late 19th century, the discovery of electromagnetic waves made wireless communication practical, and communication technology became increasingly advanced to enable radio and television broadcasting. More recently, the development of integrated circuits has allowed communication devices to become even more miniaturized, making it possible to talk to more people at the same time.
Electricity has revolutionized our lives, and the demand for it continues to grow, and the possibilities for its application in so many different fields are endless. As research in electrical and electronic engineering continues, new materials and technologies will be developed that will further improve our lives.


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