What should high school students know before choosing computer science as a major?


To help high school students understand the curriculum and content of computer science as they decide on a major before college, here are some of the major classes taught in computer science and their practical applications, emphasizing that computer science is an essential discipline in the modern world.


High school students struggle to decide on a major before entering college. This is because high school students study only basic subjects such as language arts, math, science, and English, and they lack knowledge about various fields of study. There are many different majors in universities, but in this article, we’ll focus on those interested in computer science.
When we think of computer science, we usually have a vague question: “What do you learn in computer science?” However, each class in computer science has a clear goal and role. In particular, there are a few classes that are important for newcomers to the field, which can be divided into four main categories.
First, there are theory classes, which are suitable for students who are new to computer science and learning computers for the first time. Most students entering computer science have had little or no exposure to computers in high school, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with them from the start. In this class, you will learn the history and basic structure of computers, as well as the basic theory of programming, at a beginner’s level. This will give students a good foundation in computers and lay the groundwork for more advanced coursework.
Second, there is a course on programming principles, which is the core of computer science. In this class, you will deepen your understanding of programming through a variety of programming challenges. The tasks are closely connected to real life, so you’ll get a sense of the purpose and importance of programming. For example, you’ll learn about the algorithms that Google uses to put the pages you want at the top of the page, or the programs that famous manufacturers use to verify authenticity. These challenges get students excited about programming and make it accessible.
Third, in the Data Structure class, students learn about algorithms, which abstract the data used in programming and help make computations more efficient. Algorithms are rules or procedures for solving problems, and they teach us how to manage and store large amounts of information. For example, when dealing with information related to bus maps, you learn how to effectively manage and store a large number of bus stops and bus numbers. These data structure lessons are an important learning process that can take your programming skills to the next level.
Finally, there are classes that teach you about the electrical circuits that go into electronic devices. In this class, you’ll learn how to design efficient circuits to reduce power consumption and speed up the execution time of electronics. Since computers are also composed of electrical circuits, you will learn about basic electrical circuits and logic structures in this class. By combining the basic “And, Or, Not” logic structure, you can realize a variety of electronic devices, from simple clocks to complex computers. You can also design and solder your own circuits to gain a deeper understanding of how electronic circuits work.
Computer science is a cutting-edge discipline that is essential in the modern IT age. Since the invention of the Turing machine in 1936, computer science has come a long way. From everyday technologies like smartphones and cars to cutting-edge fields like big data and supercomputing, the concepts of computer science are essential.
High school students who want to pursue a career in the sciences may not have much interest in computer science, and may even feel confused about their future career path. However, this article will help you understand what you need to know about computer science before entering college. Once you’re in the program, taking the courses mentioned above will help you understand how computer science is applied and developed in various fields. This will give you a better idea of what you want to do and make your studies easier.


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