Why is the internet becoming increasingly aggressive, and how are anonymity and social change contributing to it?


Stimulating social change and anonymity are key factors in the rise of aggression on the internet, and the power of information and anonymity in this environment is making people more aggressive.


What is the standard of strength? Long ago, when humans were evolving, physical strength or experience may have been the measure of strength. As villages formed and wars began, power became the new measure of strength, and as cities developed into nations and the concept of money emerged, wealth became another. And the remarkable advances in science in a very short period of human history gave birth to a new standard: information and knowledge. It’s clear that information is of immense value to people living in the modern world.
But why has it become so valuable? Information has become more than just an accumulation of knowledge; it has become the most important factor in making decisions. In every field – economic, political, cultural, and otherwise – information is directly related to power, and misinformation can have devastating consequences. For example, in the stock market, making an investment decision based on incorrect information can lead to huge losses. As such, information has become a powerful weapon in people’s hands.
Everyone has their own way of getting information. There are books, rumors, acquaintances, and so on, but the one that modern people rely on the most is the internet. With countless new articles and photos being uploaded every day, the internet is a vast ocean of information. The ease of getting the information you want with just a few clicks has made it very attractive to people. As a result, millions of people swim in this sea of information every day.
However, in recent years, it’s become clear that the internet has become increasingly aggressive. This is evidenced by the coined term “flaming,” which refers to the practice of maliciously rippling other people’s posts with profanity and slander. It can be so severe that it can sometimes lead to murder or suicide, and some celebrities and people in general have been driven to suicide by depression or unable to cope with it. The comment sections of celebrity articles are often filled with both good and bad haters, and people often take sides. The reality of violent and obscene language in the comments section of webtoons and games is a far cry from what it was just a few years ago.
Why has the internet become so violent? There are many reasons, but one of the biggest factors is the change in society. Back in the 1990s, there was a lot of interaction with neighbors, and people were close enough to know each other’s names and even the dates of their relatives’ weddings. But in the modern world, these ties have become rare. People don’t even know their neighbors’ names when they move into an apartment, let alone greet them. This shows that society has become increasingly individualistic and indifferent to others.
In addition, society has become more and more sensationalized. In the past, conservative dress was taken for granted, but now, when you turn on the TV, you’re bombarded with scantily clad celebrities. It’s become a modern-day gag code to spew vitriol that can be hurtful to others, and to take it for granted. Media headlines have also become much more sensationalized and sensationalized than in the past. These societal changes have no doubt had an impact on the aggression we see on the internet.
Changes in the Internet itself are also to blame. In the early 1990s, the concept of a computer center didn’t even exist. Today, even students living on their own have computers in their rooms, and access to the internet is very easy. The ubiquity of the Internet has made it possible for a wide range of people to go online, which has also increased the potential for disagreements and conflicts. In particular, the Internet space has become more aggressive as people who are dissatisfied with society or young people who have not yet established their values go online to express their dissatisfaction.
Anonymity also encourages violence on the internet. In the past, conversations between people took place face-to-face, but on the internet, people can hide behind nicknames. This frees people from their moral compass and allows them to say things they wouldn’t normally say without revealing themselves. The mask of the internet has made people more cruel and aggressive.
These various factors have combined to create today’s aggressive internet culture. Despite recent efforts by governments to address these issues, aggression on the internet is still rampant. This is especially true on politically oriented community sites. Many other community sites are also inundated with inflammatory and offensive posts.
How many of the tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people on the internet are people you’ll ever meet? If you do meet someone on the internet, it might be more than just a coincidence, but should you use offensive language towards them? If we paid a little more attention to the people on our screens, wouldn’t the internet be a warmer, more welcoming place?


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