How can you use higher order cognition to improve your reading skills?


Higher-order cognition plays an important role in improving reading skills. Reading is more than decoding text; it involves choosing reading strategies based on the purpose of the reading, and using background and contextual information to deepen understanding of the text. Good readers adapt their reading process to their reading purpose and use a variety of strategies to solve problems to read effectively.


Higher-order cognition involves the ability to use self-regulatory mechanisms to ensure achievement of a task. Using self-regulatory mechanisms means checking in with oneself about solving a problem or evaluating one’s actions. An intellectual behavior that utilizes these self-regulatory mechanisms is cognitive adjustment, one of the higher-order cognitions. Cognitive control plays an important role in a variety of areas, such as reading comprehension. People who are good at reading comprehension are good readers.
Reading process coordination is an essential component of successful reading. It involves adapting reading behavior to the purpose of reading, activating background knowledge, utilizing contextual information and logical structure, checking comprehension for accuracy, and dealing with comprehension failures. Good readers use reading behaviors that are appropriate for the purpose of reading, such as adjusting their reading speed accordingly. For example, they pay attention to details when reading for information, whereas when reading for overall comprehension, they focus on getting the big picture.
Furthermore, even if a good reader has the same level of background knowledge as a poor reader, they differ in their ability to utilize it in the reading process. It is difficult to expect sophisticated comprehension without connecting the content of the text, which is a semantic construct, to the reader’s own background knowledge. Background knowledge is an important factor in understanding the content of a text, enabling deeper comprehension by connecting new information with existing knowledge.
The use of contextual information and logical structure also affects comprehension. Good readers use contextual information during reading to infer the meaning of words or sentences and build on the logical structure of the text to gain a deeper understanding of the content. For example, when they encounter an unfamiliar word, they can infer its meaning from the context, or predict the development of events based on the flow of the text. When checking their comprehension, good readers use different criteria depending on the purpose of the reading. If their checks indicate that they have failed to understand the content, good readers use other appropriate strategies to solve the problem.
If the purpose of reading is to construct meaning about the text as a whole, then reading should be done accordingly. For example, when reading a literary work, it’s important to identify the theme of the work and the author’s intent, and when reading an academic paper, it’s important to understand the paper’s main argument and evidence. However, readers with limited reading skills may perceive reading as a process of decoding text, focusing on decoding text, and reading in ways that are unrelated to the purpose of the reading, resulting in poor cognitive coordination during the reading process.
Choosing a reading strategy that fits the purpose of the reading means being able to use higher-order cognitive skills. Higher-order cognitive reading skills go beyond simply reading and comprehending text and include the ability to analyze and critically evaluate information. Therefore, the more experience you gain in adapting your reading process to the purpose of your reading, the more you will develop higher order cognitive reading skills. These skills are important not only in academics, but also in everyday life, and will help you grow as a lifelong learner.


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