How will marine resource development change the future of the shipbuilding industry?


The future of the shipbuilding and offshore industry depends on the development of marine resources, which requires the development of high-value-added ship technology and offshore plants. Innovative technologies such as FPSOs will enable efficient and sustainable development of marine resources, which will provide new growth engines for Korea’s shipbuilding industry.


If someone asks me about the future of the shipbuilding and offshore industry, my answer as a shipbuilding engineering student would be ‘marine resources’. In light of the current situation of depleting terrestrial resources and the need for alternative resources, human activities will inevitably be based in the unexplored field of the sea. With the advancement of technology, we are now entering an era where we can explore and mine various resources from the ocean. Power generation utilizing marine energy, mining of deep-sea mineral resources, and research of marine biological resources all fall under the category of marine resources. This multifaceted approach makes the future of the shipbuilding and offshore industry brighter.
If we look at the current status of Korea’s shipbuilding industry in the context of these pan-human needs, we can be more confident in the answer. Currently, Korea’s shipbuilding industry is losing market share to the rapid growth of China’s shipbuilding industry. South Korea’s shipbuilding industry held the top spot in market share until the mid-2000s, but has since lost the top spot to China in the race for low-cost orders. This situation created a new challenge for Korea’s shipbuilding industry, and as a result, it focused on developing high-value-added ship technologies. Feeling the crisis, Korea’s shipbuilding industry recognized the need for new high-value-added ship technologies. In response, Korea’s shipyards are gradually turning to the development of marine resources.
In a broad sense, marine energy facilities, observation facilities, and offshore facilities are also classified under the category of offshore plants, but in the shipbuilding and offshore industry, structures related to the development of marine resources are commonly referred to as offshore plants. The main function of an offshore plant is to drill for offshore resources. In the past, offshore drilling operations have involved drilling and refining on a fixed plant before sending it to an onshore storage facility. This approach increases the size of the plant because the plant is responsible for both drilling and refining, and requires long pipelines to connect to onshore facilities. Being stationary, it was difficult to install in water depths of 200 meters or more, and the plant had to be dismantled when the well was depleted. FPSOs emerged to solve these problems.


Offshore oil platforms and offshore plants with advanced technology (FPSO) (Source - chat gpt)
Offshore oil platforms and offshore plants with advanced technology (FPSO) (Source – chat gpt)


FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) is a floating plant that is responsible for the production, refining, storage, and offloading of crude oil. In other words, it is responsible for all processes except drilling. After the drillship drills the well, the FPSO brings the crude oil up from the well. The FPSO then refines it to get only the oil we want. Since the plant is only responsible for drilling, the size of the plant can be dramatically reduced by using an FPSO. The process is streamlined because the FPSO does everything except drilling, and the FPSO can replace onshore storage and long pipelines, making oil drilling more reliable and profitable. And FPSOs are well suited to developing smaller wells. Fixed platforms, which must be decommissioned when a well is depleted, can be a costly and difficult process, while FPSOs do not need to be dismantled once drilling is complete and can be moved. In addition, FPSOs have large decks, which allow for more space and are easier to design than other plants, and many FPSOs can be converted from existing, older ships that are less valuable, and in fact, many FPSOs have been designed from existing ships.
The main function of an FPSO is to obtain only pure oil from crude oil. So, what process systems are used in the process? Let’s take a look at each step in turn. First, the mixture that is withdrawn from the well through a vertical pipe is sent to a heater for primary heating. The reason for the heat is to reduce the viscosity, which allows for smoother flow and more efficient fluid classification. The fluid then enters the Production Separator, where it is separated into oil, gas, and water using hydrodynamic principles. The oil is stored in tanks after undergoing a compound removal process, and the stored oil is then unloaded onto shuttle tankers for transportation to the source. Gas goes through a degassing process to remove the liquid component and is either sent to a generator or to a flare tower system, which collects and burns the residual excess gas from the process. The water is filtered through a water treatment system and some of it is used to regulate the pressure in the well.
In order for an FPSO to fulfill its role as a floating plant with these processes going on inside, it needs to be fixed and not swayed by any external forces. There are two main types of equipment that allow an FPSO to remain stationary, the first of which is the turret. The turret utilizes a swivel to keep the FPSO stationary when the vessel is rocked by external forces, such as waves or wind, so that the oil production line is not affected. The turret also acts as a conduit for cables, called umbilicals, to carry power and signals to the subsea wellhead. Another piece of equipment is the mooring system. Two basic mooring systems are used: spread mooring, which involves driving a mooring line into the seabed and connecting it to the hull to secure it, and turret mooring, which incorporates the mooring function into a turret rig. The appropriate mooring method is chosen based on the surrounding environment, including wind, current, and terrain, with spread mooring being used in stable environments and turret mooring being used in more unstable areas. In more extreme environments, such as the polar regions, disconnectable internal turret moorings are used. This is designed to prevent damage or destruction of the FPSO due to external forces (waves, glaciers, etc.) beyond design conditions in the harsh environment of the polar regions. The system can be disconnected and reconnected to the hull in case of emergency.
Korea’s shipbuilding industry is making various efforts to secure unique technology in the offshore plant market. For example, research is underway to develop eco-friendly offshore plants. This is a step in the direction of protecting the marine environment and pursuing sustainable development. The introduction of such eco-friendly technologies will play an important role in increasing competitiveness in the international community.
Currently, Korea’s shipbuilding industry is positioning FPSOs as its main ship type and has made notable achievements in the field of FPSOs. One of the representative examples of Korea’s FPSO technology achievements is the self-propelled FPSO. Normally, FPSOs do not have engines and are moved by tugs, but in polar regions, it is necessary for FPSOs to be able to move on their own due to the possibility of ice or drift ice hitting the hull and causing damage. For this reason, the need for self-propulsion arose, and in February 2004, Samsung Heavy Industries & Construction built the world’s first self-propelled FPSO, the Neungara. In 2010, Hyundai Heavy Industries & Construction won an order for the largest cylindrical FPSO and obtained a new certification. Compared to conventional FPSOs, cylindrical FPSOs are resistant to harsh marine environments such as wind, currents, and waves, enabling them to operate efficiently in polar regions. In the same year, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering won an order for a large offshore drilling rig, making the company stand out in the drilling field. These achievements demonstrate the innovative technology and challenging spirit of Korea’s shipbuilding industry. We will continue to build on these successes and achieve more in the future.
In addition to technology, human resource development and education also play an important role in the development of the shipbuilding and offshore industry. Human resources with specialized knowledge are needed for the future development of marine resources and sustainable growth of the shipbuilding and offshore industry. To this end, various universities and research institutes are conducting various programs and research related to marine engineering. Young talents are being given the opportunity to contribute to the development of the maritime industry through such education and research.


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