How can you objectively judge and compare the basic performance and features of cars?


This article explains how to judge the basic performance and features of a car with limited knowledge of the car, and provides objective criteria to consider when choosing a car.


I don’t normally have any interest or knowledge about cars. The knowledge I had about cars from my friends was related to the price and fuel efficiency of Lamborghinis, Benzes, and other cars, and the style of the cars themselves. I could easily find information about manufacturers, prices, and fuel efficiency by googling cars or visiting car shows, but I didn’t have access to knowledge about the universal characteristics of cars.
In fact, cars are more than just transportation. It’s not only an important means of transportation in the modern world, but also an item that reflects your personal taste and lifestyle. When choosing a car, it’s not just about performance or price, but also about design, brand image, and environmental friendliness. For example, the growing trend of electric and hybrid vehicles shows how important eco-friendliness is when choosing a car.
That’s why we’ve decided to write an article about the most basic rules of thumb for choosing a car, so that you can compare the pros and cons of different types of cars. When it comes to buying a car, the most important things you look at are the people around you, the model, and the price. This can be seen by simply searching for a car on a portal. For example, on Naver, if you search for a car, the manufacturer and price range are the top categorization methods. However, these are subjective and different people have different criteria. In this article, we’ll discuss objective criteria based on the appearance of each car and its performance, such as fuel efficiency.
In this article, I will explain the criteria for judging a car based on what is mainly written on the specification sheet, which is an itemized record of the size and performance characteristics of a car. In this article, we’ll cover the following: height, wheelbase, tread, ground clearance, fuel economy, top speed, top power, and peak engine power. We’ll look at these figures from the perspective of stability.


Main specifications and technical details of a modern sedan (Source - CHAT GPT)
Main specifications and technical details of a modern sedan (Source – CHAT GPT)


The first is the height or height of the car, which is closely related to its performance. On the one hand, a taller car has the advantage of providing more space and visibility inside the cabin, but on the other hand, it also raises the car’s center of gravity, which makes it less stable when driving. That’s why sports cars, which travel at high speeds and need to be stable, are characterized by a low body. With a low body, the closer the center of gravity is to the ground, the less rotational moment it experiences and the more stable it is.
Next is the wheelbase or wheelbase. Wheelbase and wheelbase are the same thing: the distance between the front and rear wheels. In general, the longer the distance between the front and rear wheels, the better the ride of the vehicle. This is the same reason why a longer seesaw moves less. A longer seesaw moves a smaller amount than a shorter seesaw when it moves the same amount of height. This means that a longer wheelbase has the advantage of less body sway when passing over road obstacles, such as speed bumps. On the downside, it requires a lot of space to maneuver, which makes the car less agile.
Wheelbase or tread is the distance between the left and right wheels. It”s the opposite of the wheelbase or wheelbase above. The greater the distance between the left and right wheels, the safer the car is when moving. It”s the same principle as wheelbase or wheelbase, but in simpler terms, it”s like standing with your feet wider apart than standing with your feet narrower apart. Therefore, a wider tread will keep you more stable on curves with a lot of side-to-side lean.
Next, the ground clearance is the distance between the lowest part of the car, excluding the wheels, and the ground, which you can usually find by looking at the numbers on the exterior diagram. A low ground clearance lowers the vehicle’s center of gravity, which makes it more stable, but it also makes the lower part of the body more vulnerable to damage when driving on uneven roads, especially dirt roads. Therefore, jeeps and other passenger vehicles that are often driven on dirt roads have a higher ground clearance than regular passenger vehicles.
Fuel efficiency refers to how far a vehicle can go with one liter of fuel. There are two types of fuel economy: stationary fuel economy for trucks and buses, and city driving fuel economy for passenger cars. Static fuel economy is calculated as how far you can go on one liter of fuel while driving on a paved road at 60 kilometers per hour. City driving fuel economy is calculated by setting up different situations. It is the average number of miles per gallon of fuel that a car gets when it is driven through a program of stopping, starting, accelerating, decelerating, and cruising in a city. Your car will usually have an energy rating on it, just like appliances, so you can use that to your advantage.
Top speed is the maximum speed that a car can travel steadily on a flat road. As sports and leisure cars have become more and more popular, the speed of a car is something that can’t be ignored. However, it doesn’t include the transient speed that a car exhibits as it gains momentum on a downhill slope.
Peak power engine refers to the maximum power an engine can produce under the greatest load. It’s a common term for engine performance and is measured in horsepower / rpm. The larger the horsepower, the more powerful the engine.
This is how you can analyze the basic characteristics of a car based on the specifications recorded in the specification sheet. Of course, this may not be of much use to the average person when buying a car, but if you know these basic facts, you can roughly infer the advantages and disadvantages of a car when you see trains, bumpers, racing cars, etc.
Choosing a car is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your life, so having these basic knowledge will help you choose the right car for you, not just based on looks or price. It’s also important to consider environmental factors and your personal lifestyle when choosing a vehicle. For example, if you often drive long distances, it may be more economical to choose a car that gets good gas mileage, or if you have a large family, an SUV with a spacious interior may be right for you. Taking these factors into account will help you make a more satisfying car choice.


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BloggerI’m a blog writer. I want to write articles that touch people’s hearts. I love Coca-Cola, coffee, reading and traveling. I hope you find happiness through my writing.