3D printing is a 30-year-old technology, so why haven’t we realized its incredible potential?


Although 3D printing technology was developed more than 30 years ago, it’s still largely out of reach for the masses due to its high cost and limited uses. However, the potential of this technology is enormous, and it has the potential to revolutionize many different industries. 3D printing can revolutionize industry, medicine, space, and more, and in the future, it has the potential to revolutionize our daily lives and even the fabric of society.


While 3D printing may sound like a cutting-edge technology at first glance, it was first conceived over 30 years ago and is already deeply embedded in many industries. The first 3D printer was developed by Chuck Hull in 1984, and his invention was expected to revolutionize the manufacturing industry. However, commercialization was initially slow due to technical limitations and high costs. Nevertheless, Hull’s invention has since become the foundation of 3D printing and has begun to show promise for innovative applications in a variety of fields.
So why is it so hard for us to get our hands on this amazing technology? Industrial 3D printers cost at least a few thousand dollars. This puts them out of reach for the average person, and their use is still limited to prototyping, so it’s hard to buy one out of curiosity. In addition, most people are still focused on the complex and technical aspects of 3D printers rather than their potential applications, so it’s rare to see them in everyday life. However, as the cost of 3D printing has become increasingly affordable in recent years and the technology has become increasingly commercialized in a variety of fields, there are more and more opportunities to experience the power of this technology.
Nevertheless, the possibilities for 3D printing are endless, so it’s important to learn how the technology works and think about where it could go next. 3D printing technology is more than just a curiosity, it has the potential to actually change the future in ways we can’t imagine. For example, the era of mass production of personalized products will make it easier for consumers to get products tailored to their own personalities and tastes.
There are two main technologies for 3D printing. The first is extrusion additive manufacturing (FDM), which is the method adopted by most 3D printers and has a very simple principle. When the printer receives the information about the 3D model it needs to create, a nozzle melts a thin specialty plastic material with heat over 200 degrees. This plastic exits the nozzle as a gel, depositing a very thin layer at predetermined coordinates. As the nozzle continues to move, it deposits countless thin layers of plastic, creating a product with a specific shape. This method is relatively inexpensive and quick to produce, making it popular with small manufacturers and home users. FDM also has the advantage of being able to use a wide range of materials, so you can 3D print metal, wood, rubber, and more.
Next is SLA (stereolithography). This method uses a laser to create a smooth surface, but it’s usually used in expensive printers and has the disadvantage of being slow to build. Once the information about the product is input, a UV laser is used to irradiate the photocurable liquid resin in a water bath to create a layer on a plate called a building platform. The photocurable liquid resin used in this process is a liquid material that hardens when exposed to UV light. The water bath is then moved the height of the layer, and the laser is fired again to build up the next layer. In between these layers, a horizontal blade called a recoater blade works to ensure a smooth connection and coating between the layers. This method is particularly versatile in areas where precision is required, and is often used to manufacture medical devices and precision parts.
Other technologies include DMT, 3DT, SLS, and many more, and new technologies are still being invented to create even better quality products. What can 3D printing eventually be used for beyond just prototyping? First, 3D printing prefabricated products means that you don’t have to worry about repairing parts when they break. It’s already a complete product. In fact, it’s even possible to print bicycles and airplanes. This development is especially notable in the space industry. In space, you can’t make the parts you need on the fly, so using 3D printers to produce them could be revolutionary. It’s no longer just a dream to have a 3D printer create the parts needed on the space station on the fly.
Next, 3D printing technology can also bring great advances to the medical field. It’s possible to print a patient’s body to practice before surgery, or to create artificial teeth or artificial bones. There is even active research into 3D printing customized artificial organs. This could significantly reduce the waiting time for transplant organs and provide patients with organs that fit their bodies perfectly.
3D printing technology has already come a long way, but there’s plenty of room for future advancements. What we need to focus on is how far we can take 3D printing materials. If we can use food, we can print food, if we can use textiles, we can print clothing, and even human organs. These changes are more than just technological innovations; they could change our daily lives and social structures. For example, food could be 3D printed with customized nutrients, allowing individuals to tailor their diets to their health conditions. Clothing could also be designed to fit an individual’s body perfectly, revolutionizing the fashion industry.
This is why we should be excited about 3D printing. It won’t be long before everything is possible with 3D printing. In order to be ready for what’s to come, it’s important to start understanding the technology now and explore its possibilities.


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